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Books: All Magic Books

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Performing the Q&A by Gerry McCambridge


"This book is your future, a textbook that could give you a successful lifetime career in mentalism."
- Banachek

"Gerry McCambridge is one of the world's most successful mystery performers. His unique Q&A eminently qualifies him to author a definitive guide."
- Ross Johnson



STAND UP MAGIC by Paul Romhany


HARD COVER BOOK - 480 pages

BONUS - links to video performances and other bonus material

Hundreds of photos and diagrams

"What makes STAND UP MAGIC stand out as a publishing coup is that the routines were not assembled merely to fill out the pages, these are routines that have been created for the sole purpose...


GEHEIMNISSE (Hardcover) Book and Gimmicks by Andreu


Andreu's new mentalism release, GEHEIMNISSE ("Secrets") is finally here!

In this beautiful hardcover book of 144 pages, you will find new concepts and methods which will allow you to portray several abilities ranging from expert body language reading skills to real telepathy.

This is 100% practical and working material,...


Interpreting Magic by David Regal



"David Regal understands more than magic - he understands the moment."
- David Copperfield

"Interpreting Magic is OUSTANDING, and I look forward to returning to it again and again."
- Joshua Jay

Ten years after Approaching Magic, his top-selling...


Second Thoughts by Ramon Rioboo and Hermetic Press


"His effects fool me, and his ingenious methods amaze me."
- R. Paul Wilson

"Ramon Rioboo constructs card tricks with so many devious and interlocking layers of deception you just can't crack the code."
- Steve Beam

"Wow! This new book is an incredible compendium of some genius-level...


CARDBOARD The Book by Patrick G. Redford



As a follow up to Patrick G. Redford's best-selling magic book, Applesauce, comes Cardboard.

Patrick explores over a dozen effects and techniques with a shuffled deck to create powerful and memorable magic. Featuring "Double Thought," in which two cards are thought of and...


2018 Madison Edition of The Expert at the Card Table by S.W. Erdnase and Neema Atri


This is a very special 2018 Madison Edition of The Expert at the Card Table by S.W. Erdnase...

Artist Neema Atri has taken every one of M.D. Smith's original drawings of Erdnase's hands and modified them by giving Erdnase the tattooed hands of Daniel Madison! It is the perfect addition to any Madison or Erdnase...


Tarot Psychometry (Book and Online Instructions) by Luke Jermay


"Jermay's Tarot Psychometry is more than just a really good trick. It's a full routine, that could become a complete act, that could become an entire career. In other words, it's a really good trick. But Luke includes details and touches, and provides insight and options, such that this set adds up to a priceless...


Studio52 presents The Shift Vol 2 by Ben Earl


Studio52 has done it again! The Shift #2 is here! This is the second volume in the series and believe it or not, they have stepped up their game-with even more content and attention to detail than before.

The Shift #2 builds on the work in #1 with material to be used entirely 'in-the-hands', with no table in...


The Color Change by Crispin Sartwell


"This is the best compilation of Color Changes to date. I know this because I've been collecting color changes for the last ten years myself. I applaud his research and thoroughness. It is well organized and coherent."
- Jon Racherbaumer

"Crispin Sartwell has produced a well-written treatment of color changes that is...


Passport to Gaff Decks by Phill Smith and DMC


The Passport to ELITES Pro Gaffs is a compact book covering 6 original, exciting effects using the incredible DMC ELITES Pro Gaffs deck, from the repertoire of creators Drummond Money-Coutts and Phill Smith. Pocket sized, in a unique Passport format, the book details the presentation and handling for each effect. It combines usage...


Subtle Card Creations of Nick Trost, Vol. 7


Nick Trost's Subtle Card Creations series of easy-to-do card effects continues with Volume 7. As in the other volumes in the series these routines rely on subtle moves and principles rather than difficult sleight of hand. Once again there are over 100 tricks, this time collected in 11 chapters covering Gambling Tricks, Poker Puzzles,...


SYZYGY 1-6 Hardbound by Lee Earle


There are very few publications that can legitimately claim they have altered the way Mentalism is presented; SYZYGY is one of them. Editor Lee Earle accepted contributions to the newsletter on matchbooks, cocktail napkins, telephone calls, and scribbled legal paper and then rewrote them all, supplying his wordsmithing expertise...


Pure Imagination by Scott Robinson


For over 20 years, Scott Robinson has been sharing fantastic magic in hard-to-find publications such as The Trapdoor and in booklets only available at his lectures. At last, all his work has been made available in one place. And you can get it today.

His work is an unusual mixture: deceptive, fun and fantastically visual....


MIND WISE: Subtitle is Entertaining & Creative Mentalism by Richard Mark with commentary by Marc Salem


Mind Wise is creative and entertaining Mind-bending Mentalism from psychic entertainer and award winner, Richard Mark, author of Mind Warp, Mind Work and co-author of Maurice Fogel, In Search of the Sensational. Marc Salem's comments enrich the material. 35 audience-tested methods, presentations and much more....


Card Magic For The Enthusiast by Paul Hallas


Enthusiastic yet?

Welcome back to another compelling compilation of clever card conjuring for the card magic enthusiast. This book is not intended for beginners, as some knowledge of card magic is already expected. But there is nothing contained to bust your knuckles.

It's guaranteed that the card enthusiast will find...


Eugene Burger: From Beyond by Lawrence Hass and Eugene Burger


New from Theory and Art of Magic Press:

In 2010, Eugene Burger asked Larry Hass to write and oversee two books that would share all of his unpublished material - books that would appear only after his death.

EUGENE BURGER: FROM BEYOND is the first of these two extraordinary books. It includes:



Studio52 presents The Shift by Ben Earl



Studio52 is proud to present the first in a series of special books by Ben Earl.

The Shift is an ambitious undertaking: presenting powerful magic effects, technique and theory in brand-new ways-creating a unique literary magic resource and a great cover-to-cover read.

Not only...


The Zombie Book by Twister Magic


From the Creative Twister Team comes an innovative Children's Magic Routine! Luis Zavaleta, Professor Otto and George Iglesias teamed up to develop a new magic trick. Indeed, it is much more that a single trick, it is a solid children's magic routine that will entertain kids and adults as well! This is a trick you can do anytime...


Body Mentalism by Juan Pablo Ibanez


From the fertile mind of Juan Pablo Ib�nez: "Body Mentalism"

"Body Mentalism" is an in depth study of an ingenious principle. You'll find more than 16 extraordinary mentalism routines, using only spectators and almost no elements.

  • These routines are powerful, practical and extremely versatile.
  • You can...


100% Sankey by Richard Kaufman


After many requests, Kaufman and Company is reprinting one of its most famous books Written and illustrated by Richard Kaufman, in hardcovers with dustjackets, and almost 100 pages. Printed on acid-free paper guaranteed to last a lifetime and beyond.

has never been reprinted since its original appearance in 1990. This treasure...


Swami Mantra


The Complete Collection of Sam Dalal's Classic Swami and Mantra Publications

Bizarrists around the world once again finally have access to the complete collection of Sam Dalal's classic magazines Swami and Mantra, originally published between 1972 and 1974. Contained in this tome of knowledge are such secrets as how...


Maximum Entertainment 2.0: Expanded & Revised by Ken Weber



Invest in yourself.
Read Maximum Entertainment 2.0, the MOST beloved and practical book for the magician and mentalist who wants to rise above the crowd.

Revised. Expanded.

Now more than 75 pages longer, with tons of amplifications, clarifications, and additions, all...


Quintet by Jack Kent Tillar


5 Predictions For All Occasions - The Complete Collection

Jack Kent Tillar continues his acclaimed series covering more than five decades in the world of mentalism. This collection includes all of his classic prediction effects for television, stage, parlor, and close-up

-- and for those important promotion or publicity...


Secrets by Anthony Owen


Magician, mentalist, producer - Anthony Owen is a creative force to be reckoned with. Whether in television, mentalism, or the repertoires of his fellow magicians, his influence can be felt far and wide. Now he brings together a collection of his favorite "Secrets" from a lifetime of magic just for you.

This superlative compilation...


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