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Books: All Magic Books

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Inner Circle by Paul Harris*

60% OFF
Was $15.00   Now $6.00

A card is selected from a borrowed deck, returned and the cards are shuffled. A rubber band is stretched around the deck, and the band visibly melts away! One card then emerges from the deck, it's the selected card with the rubber band around it! There is no preparation, no gimmicks and no forces.


A Question of Memory, David Berglas*

50% OFF
Was $30.00   Now $15.00

A Question of Memory Hardcover � January 1, 1991

This is a guide to improving the memory's capacity and efficiency for young and old by using techniques developed by David Berglas. He claims that by using these techniques, details such as names, faces, numbers and complex information can be recalled whenever needed. David...


Hard-Bolied Mysteries - Cervon*

50% OFF
Was $40.00   Now $20.00

By Bruce Cervon. 52 prized effects straight form a top performer's routine. Lots and lots of explosive card routines with clear, crisp, black and white photos. Hard bound 178 pages and an absolute must for the close up or parlour performer. Also features pressure fan switches, one card coin matrix, two card controls.


Dai Vernons Tribute to Nate Leipzig*

38% OFF
Was $40.00   Now $25.00

Dai Vernon's Tribute to Nate Leipzig Over 200 pages on the finest paper, beautifully bound in cloth with a four-color dust jacket. A real classic for the discerning magical enthusiast. PLUS--a newly added biographical chapter by David Goodsell. A skillful combination of fascinating biographical detail and carefully described magical...



67% OFF
Was $150.00   Now $50.00

This book is a collection of 12 different UF Grant/Don Tanner publications from the 1930's through the 1970's. It includes:

Grant's Thirteen Mysteries (1934), 25 Methods for Switching Decks by Floyd G. Brown. Six Modern Levitations, Grant's Brilliant Card Magic by Robert J. Smith, Challenge Magic...


Frank Chapman Elegant Phantom*

63% OFF
Was $27.00   Now $10.00

Frank Chapman: The Elegant Phantom CD
by Frank Chapman

  • Over 300 pages of material!
  • More than 200 effects
  • The complete 24 issues of Chap’s Scrapbook
  • Nine Chapman booklets including his nail-writer work and stellar close-up routines
  • Fifty Chapman articles from Genii magazine
  • Fifteen Chapman routines...


Carter Beats The Devil*

48% OFF
Was $24.95   Now $12.95

Carter Beats the Devil Hardbound

A hypnotizing work of historical fiction that stars 1920s magician Charles the Great, a young master performer whose skill as an illusionist exceeds even that of the great Houdini.

Nothing in his career has prepared Charles Carter for the greatest stunt of all, which stars none...



54% OFF
Was $27.00   Now $12.50

The first book of Angelo Stagnaro's Psi-Books Series is aptly named "Conspiracy". It is a textbook on practical mentalism and concentrates on partnered codes and other secret arrangements between a mentalist and his confederate.

"Conspiracy" contains nearly one hundred effects and as many photographs in a glossy paper-back edition....


Three Card Monte Booklet Book by Leo Behnke*

30% OFF
Was $9.95   Now $6.95

Here's everything you ever need to know on how to perform the famous Three Card Monte.

It's a challenge to learn and a challenge to do it without getting caught. Its fundamentals are simple to learn and its performance is difficult to perfect. Everyone knows what it is, but very few can do it really well.



Son Of Simon Says*

44% OFF
Was $45.00   Now $25.00

Well, here we all are again, chaps and chapesses! Just when you thought it was safe to sneak back into your local magic emporium, another Lovell tome appears to shake the shelves and throw a bit of dust around! Within the pages here, you'll find some more thoughts on the performance of magic along with forty routines, bits and more....


Pi Revelations by David Penn*

45% OFF
Was $55.00   Now $30.00


iThump/Toxic+ (From V2.4.19)

An incredible revelation of a spectator's PIN Number, Passcode, Date Of Birth or a Random Time, in a 'Dictionary Test Style' within the first fifty thousand decimals of Pi.

Perfect for solo performers, double acts, live performances, or on zoom.



Secrets of Gambling by Hugh Miller*

33% OFF
Was $14.95   Now $9.95

This all-encompassing book contains everything you need to learn the secret methods of con-men and gambles.

Some of the secret card methods taught: mechanical methods: marking cards, sorts, deck switches, edge marking, daub, punch/nail marks, crimps, shorts, holdouts, shiners, strippers, false shuffling, seconds, bottoms, locaters,...


Distilled by Ryan Matney*

60% OFF
Was $25.00   Now $10.00

Ryan Matney has taken some modern subtleties, concepts, and principles, put them on the boil and simmered them down to their essence.

What's left is pure magic.

It's all new, previously unpublished. This is highly-evolved, professional, self-working card magic from the mind of Ryan Matney.




Confidential Day Care Booking*

50% OFF
Was $25.00   Now $12.50

This exciting manual could unlock a new career for you!

Learn "insider secrets" of selling and marketing shows to child care centers, kindergartens, pre-schools, and after-school programs. The Confidential Day Care Booking Manual will teach you exactly how to get started in the fun and profitable business of booking and performing...


Blister Book by Jack Kent Tillar*

67% OFF
Was $45.00   Now $15.00

by Jack Kent Tillar

Once or twice every century, a new principle is discovered in our mystery field. In 1972, Jack Kent Tillar's Blister Effect was first published in Tarbell Volume 7. Harry Lorayne wrote, "As far as I know, this principle is new to magic." The effect is that a performer mysteriously makes a blister appear...


Cyber Sessions by Jason Alford*

50% OFF
Was $29.95   Now $14.95

56 Tricks · 160 Pages · 150 Illustrations · Comb Bound

Contributors Included:
Tomas Blomberg, Paul Cummins, Aaron Goldberg, Tom Gagnon, Michael Sibbernsen, R. Paul Wilson, Jason Alford, Doug Conn, Darryl V. Harris, Tom Stone, Jason Tang, Earl Nelson, Ed Andres, Peter Duffie, Ken Simmons, Christian Ehret, Daryl,...


Hugards Annuals Of Magic*

38% OFF
Was $40.00   Now $25.00

Hugards Annuals Of Magic (1937-1939)

Here are Jean Hugard's recordings of magic from 1937-39, from illusions to close-up: tricks with coins, cards, silks, cigarettes, cigars, billiard balls, matches, newspapers, thimbles, paper, the Egg Bag and Linking Rings. Hugard clearly explains tricks such as Paul Curry's "Touch",...


The Quick and the Dead by Mark Strivings*

48% OFF
Was $125.00   Now $65.00

"Holy sh*t! I'm completely blown away. I thought this was going to be a small little manuscript. There is so much information here!

"While this is not meant to be a complete encyclopedia of "living and dead tests"'s very close!

"Dozens and dozens of routines and ideas are taught. To me many of the little...


Selling With Magic -Jeffrey's*

52% OFF
Was $24.95   Now $11.95

Turn your presentation into dollars! Would you like to increase your sales or promote your product or service?

Magic is a powerful tool that can be used to make you stand out and be remembered. Learn 30 complete routines with 190 illustrations on how to make your presentation dynamic and profitable.


False Anchors Set (Book and Gimmick) by Ryan Schlutz*

47% OFF
Was $75.00   Now $40.00

Ryan Schlutz has become a master of creating incredibly deceptive effects that require almost no sleight of hand. In this book, he teaches a concept he has honed for over 20 years called False Anchors.

Within these pages you will grasp how to create a False Anchor, to change a person's perception so it becomes their...


Black Moon - Docc Hilford*

56% OFF
Was $45.00   Now $20.00

by Docc Hilford

"Yang is the male. It is white and the sun. But Yin is the woman. It is BLACK and the MOON." - Lao Tse 660 B.C.

For the mentalist, PREDICTING THE FUTURE is where reputations are made. And BEING CONTEMPORARY is where the higher fees are found. The current craze in the New Age world is the Chinese...


Crib! the Art of Hidden Info by Richard Osterlind*

38% OFF
Was $40.00   Now $25.00

A book you cannot afford to be without!

There are many principles used in mentalism that are ageless. One cannot be a serious mentalist without a thorough knowledge of these subjects. One of these is the use of the crib. Cribs are often an integral part of book tests, expanding anagrams, card effects and a vast amount of mentalism...


Billion Dollar Bunko - Simon Lovell*

40% OFF
Was $75.00   Now $45.00

15 years in writing, rewriting, updating and more, this huge book describes hundreds of cons, scams and cheats that infest our world today. Join Simon, Freddy the Fox and his nefarious gang of chums as they take you by the hand and lead you towards enlightenment. This is not a book of magic tricks but a collection of the exact techniques...


Magic Treasures - Fedko*

50% OFF
Was $40.00   Now $20.00

In short, Magic Treasures is full of Magic Treasures! Most of what is described is easy to do, and requires little or no complicated sleight of hand to perform. Indeed, this is a book that will delight both beginners and seasoned professionals!

• 54 magic effects
• Hardbound

Effects using Coins; Cards;...


Conjuror`s Wisdom Vol 2 by Joe Hernandez*

40% OFF
Was $24.95   Now $14.95

"Joe's wit and wisdom will delight and inspire you."
- Jeff McBride, International Star Magician, and creator of the Magic & Mystery School in Las Vegas.

"Joe has done it again and magically filled a book with thousands of unique insights on conjuring. If you love our art, you will undoubtedly have years of...


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