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Close-Up Magic

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Bruce Cervon Castle Notebook, Vol. 5


They have been called legendary.
That is incorrect.
A Legend is based only partly in fact.

Bruce Cervon's Castle Notebooks are the real deal.

When Bruce Cervon moved to Los Angeles to study with Dai Vernon, he began keeping detailed notes on all the inside magic the Professor and others tipped to him....


Bewildering Impuzzibilities by Jim Steinmeyer


Our unassuming Impuzzibilities booklets have earned their devoted fans around the world. Each volume offers amazing tricks that delight the performer and then amaze the audience - fascinating effects, mysterious systems and rich presentations. When virtual magic became a necessity, these little manuals offered the battle plans for magicians,...


The Impossible Ball in Jar by Regardt Laubscher eBook DOWNLOAD


Imagine a ball magically appearing inside a jar.

Well...this is now possible!

The Impossible Ball in Jar is what you need in your act.

No angle problems! No threads! No magnets! Just a little bit of magic that you can learn in 5 minutes


Cyanotypes by Elisha Ott eBook DOWNLOAD


Lapping is one of the most useful, versatile, and deceptive techniques in coin magic, and yet it is also the most neglected concept in coin magic.

There are very few places to learn lapping, and the foundational resources are all very difficult to find, or prohibitively expensive. This book changes that.



ORBIT MYSTERIES by Dibya Guha mixed media DOWNLOAD


ORBIT MYSTERIES is a pdf consisting of 2 fun effects with ORBIT gums. The effects included in the PDF are:

ORBITEAR: The performer shows his hands empty & brings forth a pack of Orbit chewing gum. He removes one of the gums, unwraps it & places the gum in his mouth. As an afterthought the performer tears the wrapper...


Al Schneider Magic by L&L Publishing eBook DOWNLOAD


In the world of magic literature, where there's an overabundance of the ordinary, every so often, a book comes along that clearly stands out from the rehashed and recycled norm. A book that, even on casual perusal, demands to be studied for a lifetime. A book that represents the life's work of one of magic's most gifted artists....


Magic of Michael Ammar eBook DOWNLOAD


This large 328-page book has become a classic of magic literature. Contemporary entertainers will find concise explanations of prized secrets from multi-award winning magician and lecturer, Michael Ammar. This book is the absolute best of Michael Ammar all in one volume. You'll learn:

  • 6 commercial stand-up routines
  • ...


The Annotated Magic of Slydini eBook DOWNLOAD


Long unavailable, Lewis Ganson's The Magic of Slydini is, perhaps, one of the most influential magic books ever. Many of its routines have now become classics in magic, including Flight of the Paper Balls, Helicopter Card, Coins Through The Table, Slydini's Knotted Silks, The Paper Balls In The Hat and others. In many ways,...


Annotated Magic of Slydini eBook DOWNLOAD


Long unavailable, Lewis Ganson's The Magic of Slydini is, perhaps, one of the most influential magic books ever. Many of its routines have now become classics in magic, including Flight of the Paper Balls, Helicopter Card, Coins Through The Table, Slydini's Knotted Silks, The Paper Balls In The Hat and others. In many ways,...


Award Winning by John Cornelius - eBook DOWNLOAD


Thomas Edison, who knew a thing or two about the subject, said that genius was "one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration." In The Award-Winning Magic of John Cornelius, genius is apparent at every turn of the page. John Cornelius is one of magic's most innovative performers and inspired inventors...


Classic Magic of Larry Jennings eBook DOWNLOAD


Dai Vernon called The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings, "An absolute must for all lovers of the poetry of magic."

Within this beautifully produced volume you'll find all of the Larry Jennings classics, expertly described and meticulously illustrated. Open Travellers,The Homing Card, Peripatetic Coins, The Visitor, Visual...


Come a Little Closer by John Denis - eBook DOWNLOAD


This is a book that spans forty years of a unique friendship and a shared love of magic that take you from the halcyon days when eight young London magicians haunted the Magic Dealers, the Variety Theatres and street-corner cafes every Saturday, right up to the present day.

This youthful coterie of Cagliostros was the spawning...


Commercial Magic of JC Wagner eBook DOWNLOAD


Thirty-seven magical, audience-tested routines from one of America's outstanding bar magicians.

Highlights include:

J.C.'s Infamous Card Under the Drink - One of J.C.'s closely guarded secrets for many years; Entertainment Tacks - The bread on the ceiling will put the bread on the tablel Jumbo Torn and Restored...


Flashpoints by Ed Marlo - eBook DOWNLOAD


Combining two influential works from the annals of card magic; "Full Tilt" is a comprehensive treatise on one of the most powerful subtleties in card magic. Introduced by Dai Vernon and finessed by Ed Marlo, it has dozens of uses and applications. Anyone can understand and perform it in minutes - yet it deceives everyone. Forget...


LINT by John Luka eBook DOWNLOAD


This effort was kicked off in his "Thoughts On..." column which ran in The New Tops magazine from October 1993 to December 1994. John's column was for the majority of magicians who tend to do a lot of pocket and parlor tricks for small audiences and few shows. He knew that most magic shows are informal, sometimes spontaneous...


MINT #1 Edward Marlo eBook DOWNLOAD


Compiled and Edited By Mike Maxwell.

M.I.N.T. Volume 1 by Edward Marlo is the first in a series recounting nearly a quarter century of outstanding contributions by Edward Marlo to The New TOPS Magazine. Completely reillustrated and organized; here is a reference source of sleights and tricks that have become legendary....


Miracle Material M. Kaminskas eBook DOWNLOAD



...extracting a two-inch contact lens from your eye and changing it into a pair of glasses.

...causing a spectator's card to rise completely out of the deck and then hover in mid-air with a life of its own.

...having the spectator's selected card develop right before their eyes like a...


Roger Klause In Concert - eBook DOWNLOAD


Written by Lance Pierce.

This book presents the routines and concepts of Roger Klause, noted performer and teacher, with clarity and detail. With special attention paid to the construction and principles of magic, Roger can show you how to raise your level of performance and further your craft.

Within these pages...


Vernon Chronicles ( MORE LOST VOL. 2 ) - eBook DOWNLOAD


An 18 page Vernoniana Portfolio by professional photographers Young & Robin opens this volume. You'll discover rare and interesting Vernon memorabilia photographed so you can enjoy it over the years. Over 50 Vernon routines, 27 historical photographs, 177 illustrations, 280 pages.






Impossibilia - The Close-Up Magic of John Bannon eBook DOWNLOAD


Close-up magic of a different kind...the kind you'll not only enjoy reading and thinking about, but wonderfully commercial routines you'll actually perform.

John Bannon's Impossibilia contains over 33 fresh routines that will delight audiences and perplex other magicians. Best of all, all of the routines are...


Magic Menu 2 Years 6-10 eBook DOWNLOAD


Compiled and edited by Jim Sisti. Now you can own the second five years of The Magic Menu, the world's only journal specifically for the walk-around magic specialties, in one volume. Whether you perform close-up magic in restaurants, bars, hospitality suites, corporate events, cocktail parties or other strolling venues, you'll find...


Magic Menu: Years 1 through 5 eBook DOWNLOAD


Compiled and edited by Jim Sisti and now in its third printing, The Magic Menu - Years 1 through 5 (previously titled The Magic Menu -The First Five Years) contains everything you need to know about performing walk-around magic in real-world venues.

This best seller features contributions from Eugene Burger, Michael Ammar, Michael...


The Cardwright by Larry Jennings eBook DOWNLOAD


The Cardwright is a large compilation of 48 exceptional Larry Jennings creations. The contents have been drawn from a lifetime of intense concern with excellence in card magic. Included are some of Larry's prized productions.

There are locations, reverses, revelations, sandwich effects, predictions, assemblies,...


Best Of British eBook DOWNLOAD


Right from its first issue, Magicseen Magazine has sought to showcase talent from the UK, talent that sometimes can be a little swamped by high profile personalities from other parts of the world. To put this right, Magicseen approached a list of the UK's top performers and creators and invited them to contribute to a book...


Roulette by Chris Rawlins eBook DOWNLOAD


Author Chris Rawlins is a young, inventive mentalist who just loves to share his work and ideas with fellow performers. In this, his second book, Chris offers a combination of full routines, moves, additions and essays, all of which come with his own personal stamp and twist.

Credit Guard is a clever idea using a borrowed...

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