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The Remastered Assortment by Emma Wooding eBook DOWNLOAD


The Remastered Assortment is a brand new eBook holding six of my favorite effects from The Remastered Series with a bonus NEVER BEFORE SEEN effect. For the first time ever, you can learn these new tools in an inexpensive booklet. You'll learn new Prop less routines, billet peeks, card forces and more. If you want a small taste...


Trident by Scott Creasy eBook DOWNLOAD


Three phases
Three Spectators
Three Business Cards

Mind reading, Prediction and Psychometry.

Trident is a tried and tested mentalism/psychic entertainment routine I've worked to death for years, using nothing more than three business cards and a pen.

In this 31-page manuscript, I teach...


Prime Prediction by Kevin Cunliffe eBook DOWNLOAD



The performer begins by displaying a colouring sheet image that has not been completed. The performer then offers a spectator several pens/pencils/crayons (Red, Blue & Yellow). The spectator is instructed to mix these colours, then to take them one at a time and begin to colour certain parts of the colouring sheet image....


Occulus by Fraser Parker eBook DOWNLOAD


Occlus is a childishly simple, prop-less date of birth revelation. Yet, it's another break-through method taken from Fraser's notebooks. It has only been shared with a few of his close friends, up until now.

What makes this different from his previously released solution is that it is an entirely verbal method. There...


Streamlined Newspaper Prediction by Devin Knight eBook DOWNLOAD


The HOLY GRAIL of all newspaper tear predictions. Even Al Koran would have been amazed, if he knew of this version!

Are you one of the thousands of magicians who have tried to learn one of the newspaper tear predictions and threw up your hands in frustration trying to learn complex tearing systems and trying to memorize confusing...


THE PROPHECY by Devin Knight and W. G. Magnuson eBook DOWNLOAD


An impromptu mental effect that was first advertised by W. G. Magnuson in The Sphinx magazine in 1924. It is as good today as it was then. This is great when someone comes up to you and says, "Read my mind."

You are ready to perform at any time, with no preparation and no gimmicks of any kind. That means you need no impression...


Leviathan by Francis Girola eBook DOWNLOAD


A great technique to know a spectator's randomly selected word!

Picture this:

  • A spectator is asked to come up with a random word on the spot. No preshow, nothing is written down. And yet that word can either be revealed instantly or even predicted in advance.
  • Through a game of word...


2017 Christmas Lecture Notes by Sam Wooding eBook DOWNLOAD


Welcome to the 2017 Christmas Lecture Notes. You'll learn propless mentalism, modern billet routines, new ways to use classic gimmicks, card mentalism and so much more.

Want to know the exact details of what you are purchasing? They are listed here!

The Perambulate. This is a principle that is so insane, you can...


Victorian Seance & the Birth of Mentalism by Paul Voodini eBook DOWNLOAD


Paul Voodini presents Victorian Seance & the Birth of Mentalism, a 17,000-word, 60-page PDF. It recounts the rise of spiritualism in the 1800s, the antics, tricks, and techniques of the fraudulent mediums. It also explores how this led directly to the birth of that branch of the magical arts known as 'mentalism.'



Never Bet the Devil Your Head by Francis Girola eBook DOWNLOAD


"Never Bet the Devil Your Head is a very clever and compelling bizarre mental act to suit the more intimate occasion. Francis has taken some already incredible influences and masked them with a diabolical method that the spectator will never see coming as the storyline performance has been honed to mask it so well. Highly recommended!"...


21 by Paul Voodini eBook DOWNLOAD


21 is a fascinating reading and character analysis system for mentalists, mind-readers and magicians based around the card game, Blackjack. It is a mesmerizing game of fate and fortune that combines the cool world of the casino with the intriguing feats of the psychics. With the 21 system, you will decipher the character, understand...


Cold Reading Lecture by Paul Voodini eBook DOWNLOAD


In March of 2012, Paul Voodini was employed to give a 2-hour lecture on cold reading to the drama department of one of England's finest universities. The head of the drama department was perhaps hoping for an explanation of cold reading followed by the usual debunking of psychics as frauds who employ nothing but 'cold reading.'...


Mythos by Sam Wooding eBook DOWNLOAD


Mythos is a book dedicated to a principle that is becoming forgotten in mentalism: the Centre Tear.

In this book, you will learn two exciting CT's -- one is called "Typhon," and another is called "Typhon 2.0". (Typhon was originally called "The Icy Tear").

You will learn many fascinating effects from this book:...


Pure Q & A by Paul Voodini eBook DOWNLOAD


"Paul Voodini is my kind or mind-reader and Pure Q & A is my kind of manuscript! I love this book, I love the material in this book, and I love what this book will do for YOUR performance! Pure Q & A launches Paul Voodini into the realm of the 'greats' instantly!"
- Luke Jermay

"This book is pure...


Reader of Minds! by Paul Voodini eBook DOWNLOAD


Paul Voodini works professionally as a mind-reader, psychic, and mentalist. Having worked for many years alongside the UK's most popular "shut eye" mediums and clairvoyants, he has studied their performance techniques and is now able to present to you the subtle art of ungimmicked mind-reading - as practiced by mediums, clairvoyants,...


The Art: Midnight Side of the Mind II by Paul Voodini eBook DOWNLOAD


Paul Voodini presents The Art: Midnight Side of the Mind II. This is the follow up work to 2011's groundbreaking Midnight Side of the Mind, and as such should not be purchased unless you have a copy of Midnight Side of the Mind.

The Art: Midnight Side of the Mind II covers many new routines and ideas...


The Paranormal Entertainer by Paul Voodini eBook DOWNLOAD


Perfect for Halloween or any time of year when the presence of spooks is required!

This was Paul Voodini's first-ever manuscript and has been a jealously guarded secret until now! Available to the mainstream for the first time!

This detailed manuscript teaches the mentalist and bizarre magician how to run completely ungimmicked...


The Voodini Steps to Mentalism by Paul Voodini eBook DOWNLOAD


Paul Voodini presents The Voodini Steps to Mentalism, his own very personal take on the classic 13 Steps to Mentalism. Taking the original 13 Steps to Mentalism's chapter headings as his starting point, Paul takes us on a journey through his unique approach to mentalism and mind-magic. Packed full of routines and presentational...


Karma Kosmic Kalender by Unknown Mentalist eBook download


A great way to combine mentalism with cards - yet using no cards!

A pocket diary with random playing cards written next to each date is tossed out to 8 participants in the audience, one after the other. Four of those participants declare their dates of birth but either tell a complete lie or complete truth or half-truth or half-lie...


A Complete Psychic Workshop Style Show by Jonathan Royle eBook DOWNLOAD


This amazingly informative PDF will teach you how to present a Unique Psychic Development Work Shop or "Develop Your Psychic Powers" type of show. It has 23 information-packed pages, in large format (A4), and is photo illustrated.

It contains the name of a paperback book (available to the general public) that works perfectly as a...


The Vortex by Sam Wooding eBook DOWNLOAD


Hello, I am Sam Wooding and this is The Vortex.

The Vortex is a method that allows you to walk up to a spectator, and ask them to think of a word from a poem. (The method taught utilizes a poem. However, you can use a code or a list instead.)

The performer immediately starts to get a jumble of letters in their...


Sam Wooding 2017 Winter Lecture Notes by Sam Wooding eBook DOWNLOAD


Hello, I am Sam Wooding. In my set of lecture notes, you will learn:

The Watcher: The spectator takes a watch, decides on a time (no force). The performer then divines the thought.

The Petal: A fantastic new routine that revolves around love.

Extinguish: A new force (never before seen) that is...


Intelligent Design by Jason Messina eBook DOWNLOAD


Tired of doing tricks? Bored of drawing duplications that only involve one person while the rest of the group merely watches?

Do you want a dynamic framework that involves everyone? Do you want methods that rank amateurs wouldn't dream of doing? Do you want a killer performance piece for your next party?

Welcome to Intelligent...


UBT (Underground Bottom Tear) by Dustin Dean eBook DOWNLOAD


One of the easiest and most natural tears you will ever learn!

For more than two years, Dustin Dean has been using this practical tear to perform powerful and direct mentalism. For a long time, he has kept this completely to himself, but now he's ready to share this with all of you!

Imagine a tear where, in just...


Propless Mentalism (Vol 12) by Peter Turner eBook DOWNLOAD


This is the 12th Volume of Peter Turner's Mentalism Masterclass.
The master of Propless Mentalism Peter Turner now offers a full series in this topic.

The definition of which is at best arguable (this is discussed in lengths inside this volume). The definition which Peter has stuck closely to is - the participant...

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