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R.O.A.M - The Reality of All Matter by Jonathan Royle - eBook DOWNLOAD


R.O.A.M is perhaps the most controversial, educational and enlightening book you will ever read during this lifetime.

Indeed Royce Holloman of Paranormal Palace Radio (USA) admitted that he was amazed by this book's revelations during a recent feature interview with the two authors on his Radio Show.

He actually accused...


Royle`s Fourteenth Step To Mentalism & Mind Miracles by Jonathan Royle - eBook DOWNLOAD


If your new to Mentalism and Mind Magic then at only $77 this comprehensive video training package is well worth your serious consideration as the contents can help even the complete Novice to add a whole range of Miracles, Skills, Strategies and techniques to their Mentalism and Mind Magic Arsenal, whilst also teaching established Professionals...


Street Hypnosis for Magicians & Mentalists by Jonathan Royle - eBook DOWNLOAD


This intensive training set of One Hour & 46 Minutes is made up of a total of 14 Unique Video Training Files to which you will gain instant access.

This is direct to the point, no filler, no BS and reveals exactly what you need to know to perform Street Hypnosis both Legally and Lawfully in all manners and above all else in a SAFE...


Tarot Reading Made Easy & The Fast Phobia Cure by Jonathan Royle - Audio DOWNLOAD


This is a Audio MP3 Recording of over an Hours Duration during which Jonathan Royle teaches an easy to learn System for Reading Tarot Cards.

As amazing as it may sound, you will learn how to easily remember the meanings of all 78 Tarot Cards in less than one hour, thus enabling you to give accurate and professional standard Tarot...


The Secret Gypsy Guide to Cold Reading by Jonathan Royle - eBook DOWNLOAD


The Secret Gipsy Guide To Cold Reading - How To Appear Psychic & Do Fortune Telling With Ease.

NOTE = This Manual is just One of the Chapters Taken from "Cold Reading & Mentalism for The Psychic Entertainer" The full book (from which this is just one Chapter) is a complete guide of all things Cold Reading, Psychic etc and is available...


The Talking Tarot - Profit from Card Readings by Jonathan Royle - eBook DOWNLOAD


The Talking Tarot How To Read The Rider Waite Tarot Deck and Give Professional Psychic Fortune Telling Readings

NOTE = This Manual is just One of the Chapters Taken from "Cold Reading & Mentalism for The Psychic Entertainer". The full book (from which this is just one Chapter) is a complete guide of all things Cold Reading, Psychic...


The Transparency Template by Jonathan Royle - eBook DOWNLOAD


Purchasing this item will give you Instant Online Viewing Access to all of the 12 Hours of Video Footage that makes up "The Transparency Template" package as advertised in Physical DVD format at a slightly higher price here upon this website.

You will also find links to 14 hours of Bonus Stage and Street Hypnosis training videos...


The Working Psychics Secret Methods by Jonathan Royle - eBook DOWNLOAD


The Working Psychics Secret Cold Reading Methods - How To Read Someone Like A Book and Tell Them Their Past, Present and Future

NOTE = This Manual is just One of the Chapters Taken from "Cold Reading & Mentalism for the Psychic Entertainer"

This guide reveals a super powerful advanced trickery cold reading and mentalism method...


Clear Perception by Scott Creasey eBook DOWNLOAD


The clear force bag has been around for a long time and should be part of any mentalist's arsenal. They come in many shapes and sizes and range in style from the cheap and tacky to the over complex and expensive.

For the first time Scott explains how with basic tools you have at home, you can in about fifteen minutes, easily...


Escape by Scott Creasey - eBook DOWNLOAD


The real work on the underwater handcuff escape.

Known for his work in the field of mentalism, it may come as a surprise (unless you attended his first lecture tour), to know that Scott Creasey performed his first underwater handcuff escape in 1976 at just twelve years of age and that during the early part of his career he...


Mental(Magic)ism by Scott Creasey - eBook DOWNLOAD


Taken from the notes from Scott's 2008 European lecture tour. If you are looking for mental magic, serious mentalism or psychic theatre in this book Scott has taken some of his favourite mental flavoured routines and put them into print including.

  • Playing cards in Mentalism (a discussion)
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Sealed...


Number 5 by Scott Creasey - eBook DOWNLOAD


Number 5 is the culmination of many years spent searching for a simple to remember, impromptu routine which delivers not only an impossible magical/psychic climax, but also a personal reading which people will remember and talk about.

This routine isn't restricted to close up use. Scott has performed it many times on stage, in...


Tarot In Your Pocket by Scott Creasey eBook DOWNLOAD


For the first time outside of his lectures, Scott reveals one of his pet effects, Tarot in your Pocket perfect for one to one or large groups.

A twenty minute (or more) piece of psychic theatre you can carry in your pocket.

Scott explains in detail how to prepare your own props using just some blank cards and...


The Corporate Mentalist by Scott Creasey - eBook DOWNLOAD


A full corporate presentation in your pocket.

This lecture (or teach in if your prefer) is a change from the usual show a trick then explain it format Scott has used up until now, it is in fact his corporate lecture, performed, explained and laid down in print. In the introduction Scott writes:

This presentation is...


UNO-IT by Scott Creasey - eBook DOWNLOAD


In his guise as mentalist, mind reader and psychic entertainer, Scott is always on the lookout for routines that use innocent looking, common and recognizable props, which can be adapted for use in stage and close up environments.

In the following pages you will find a number of real world routines using UNO cards. Available from...


My Q & A by Scott Creasey - eBook DOWNLOAD


A full 30 minute act that you can carry in your pocket and perform in almost any stand-up situation, My Q & A the ultimate mentalism routine.

"It doesn't matter how you obtain the information, it is how you answer the questions that is important."
The statement above is one I have read again and again in published...


Blind Man's Out of This World by Jonathan Royle - Video/eBook DOWNLOAD


Paul Curry's "Out of This World" is a truly wonderful Card Routine, and one which it is said fooled Sir Winston Churchill.

Within this PDF you will learn my variation/s on this powerful Card Mentalism "Psychic Style" routine including ones that go beyond what you can see demonstrated in the short performance video...


Royal's ACAAN (Berglas Style) by Jonathan Royle - eBook DOWNLOAD


Perfect for both Close-Up, Cabaret, Stage and Television Performances, this is Jonathan Royle's Commercial and Audience Tested Variation on the Legendary David Berglas Effect "Any Card At Any Number"

And boy what a variation it is, with Three Unique Killer Endings that draw maximum applause from any audience that witness it performed....


Impromptu Book Test (IBT) by Josh Zandman - eBook DOWNLOAD


  • Any Two Books
  • Any Place, Any Time
  • No Pre-Show work, Sleights, Tears or Gimmicks
  • Completely 100% Truly Impromptu Book Test
    Participant keeps one of the books. You've never seen or handled it. You take the second book and flip through the pages until the participant says "STOP." This is an absolutely free choice...

    The Blackjack Room by Josh Zandman - eBook DOWNLOAD


    This is a true miracle. The description below is true to the last word. It reads like a miracle - because it is one.

    With contributions from: Greg Arce, Neil Tobin and Richard Osterlind

    The Prediction:
    A prediction is sealed in an envelope and held by an audience member the entire presentation.
    No switches.



    Time Travel Manual by Josh Zandman - eBook DOWNLOAD


    Some of the greatest minds in mentalism will take you on a journey through time and teach you how to bend reality, change the past and alter the future. Contained on the pages within, are the secrets to creating some of the most incredible time traveling presentations you could imagine.

    15 routines on 100 pages.

    Tour Guides:...


    Belief by Dee Christopher - ebook DOWNLOAD


    A collection of thoughts.

    Belief is the new ebook on mentalism by Dee Christopher. In this ebook, not only will you find some versatile techniques and a devestating full close up mind reading act, you will also find several essays on creating the most powerful demonstrations possible and making the demonstrations that you already...


    Cronos by Dee Christopher - ebook DOWNLOAD


    "Dee is not only giving you an effect here. He is giving you a full routine that packs so small but plays so big, hits hard and leaves them with no where to go. An astouding little routine which lets you seem like a true time lord."
    - Alan Rorrison

    You hand a small box to an audience member at the start of your show....


    Vanity by Dee Christopher - ebook DOWNLOAD


    Some random letters are chosen to make up the initials of a fictional character out of the performer's sight. A name could be thought of from these letters, this will never be written down; it's in the mind of the spectator.

    The spectator is asked to grip the performer's wrist and scream the initials in their mind....


    How to Tell Anybody's Personality by the way they Laugh and Speak by Paul Romhany - eBook DOWNLOAD


    "Finally somebody has updated cold-reading to something that is ultra-modern and a lot of fun..."
    - Chris Cox UK Mentalist

    "Being able to tell a person's personality by the way they laugh and speak opens up new doors for mentalism presentations as well as an amazing new way to give cold-readings."



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