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Clever Sponge Ball Magic by Duane Laflin - video DOWNLOAD


Begins with a complete sponge ball stage act. Following the routine you learn basic sleights such as the thumb palm, mash move, and retention vanish. After that is a series of individual routines including perpetual balls, balls to pocket in color, big ball ending, sponge balls close up and in color, hop skip and jump, and double growing...


2 Rope Trick by Oscar Munoz (Excerpt from Oscar Munoz Live) video DOWNLOAD


This is a practical multi-phased rope routine based on the original "Sand-Sational" from George Sands. It begins with an amazing production of "ends" of the rope, and then transitions into a beautiful two-rope sequence. As ever, Oscar takes you through the routine step by step, giving all the nuances and touches on how to present this to...


3 Rope Across by Oscar Munoz (Excerpt from Oscar Munoz Live) video DOWNLOAD


This is an exceedingly clever way of dressing up Professor's Nightmare. Rather than doing the classic trick in the same old way, Munoz shows two sets of ropes: one set has three ropes of equal length and the other set has three ropes of different lengths. Under test conditions and as visibly as possible, Munoz causes the sizes of the...


A Taste of Chaos by Loki Kross - video DOWNLOAD


The TNR Debate Is Over!

Two TNRs that range from beginner to expert.

Legacy: A Hyper-Visual, 4-Piece, Signed TNR.

  • No Prefold
  • No Gimmicks
  • No Sticky
With restorations that happen with no cover, and it can be shown on both sides, hands empty, after each phase.



Linking Rings by Oscar Munoz (Excerpt from Oscar Munoz Live) video DOWNLOAD


Learn this elegant version of the Linking Rings from a master of the classics: Oscar Munoz. Oscar's routine uses just three rings and it showcases several original, visual penetration sequences. The routine is best suited to music or light patter, and it's the perfect length for a family audience.


Box Clever by James Brown video DOWNLOAD


A freely chosen card, which can be signed, vanishes from the deck multiple times, appearing under the card case, inside the card case and finally the entire deck jumps into the case! ALL DONE WHILST THE SPECTATOR IS HOLDING THE CARD CASE!


Cerebral Steal by James Brown video DOWNLOAD


The spectator choses a card and is then made to lose all memory of it! This is then followed by an impossible mind read by the magician. Strong and reputation making magic!


Decompression by Daniel Chard video DOWNLOAD


The four aces compress into two deuces, then to a four before completely vanishing. Then we turn back time and go in reverse....This is killer!


Handpicked Astonishments (Card Forces) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay - video DOWNLOAD


A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Card Forces and more!

All hand picked by Paul Harris Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and astonishing.



Handpicked Astonishments (Invisible Deck) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay - video DOWNLOAD


A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Card Forces and more!

All hand picked by Paul Harris Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and astonishing.



Handpicked Astonishments (Thumb Tips) by Paul Harris and Joshua Jay - video DOWNLOAD


A Paul Harris Presents series of new twists on classic must-have magic secrets like the Invisible Deck, Thumb Tips, Card Forces and more!

All hand picked by Paul Harris Tim Trono, and Joshua Jay. Expert coaching by Joshua Jay to help your first performance experience be comfortable, solid, safe and astonishing.



Kickback TicTac by Lee Smith video DOWNLOAD


A prediction is written on a Tic Tac box changes to match a chosen card, then the selection changes to the original prediction, everything can be examined!


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