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Sandwich Card By Kenneth Costa & Andre Previato video DOWNLOAD


An instant and visual color change. 

Color changes are always a hit and you need to have oner ready at all times.

Here's a quick and easy, visual sandwich Card. 

Easy to build. 

Easy to do. 

Download now!


The Vault - Spring Moist by Ian Wong video DOWNLOAD


From Ian Wong, creator of Puzzlement Deck, comes FOUR amazing new effects that will surprise and delight every audience.

Spring Moist is a tricky system showcasing how one of the most familiar principles in card magic can be used to make some of the legendary card tricks cleaner and more fooling than ever!



Tin Vanish by Agustin video DOWNLOAD


Display the torn corner of a playing card at your finger tips, then instantly make it vanish with just one finger. A visual and stunning moment of magic!

You don't even need to have a complete routine, this vanish effect will amaze your viewers all by itself. 

Fun and easy to do!

Download it...


Frame Change By Alex Soza video DOWNLOAD


Frame Change is a very ingenious tool that will enable you to perform miracles! 

  • Color change any chosen card without forcing.
  • Vanishes
  • Multiple variations possible eg. change a playing card into a ticket.
It is organically produced. It is very easy to do, to use, instant reset and very visual....




Easily discover and reveal the deepest thoughts of your spectators!

Brought to you by ESYA G MAGIC PRESENT. Using ESP card symbols allows you to easily find out whatever the spectators chooses in their mind.



Ink Permeation by Dingding video DOWNLOAD


With a Sharpie, you draw a line on a selected playing card. You then borrow a coin and it magically passes through the ink line that they just saw you draw on the card! Just like a coin-slot! You then remove the ink line from the card, and the card is shown to be whole, with no slot in it at all!

Easy to do.

Easy to...


Cola x Sprite by Radja Syailendra video DOWNLOAD


Cola x Sprite is visual change that uses a soda bottle.
Change the brand logo on a bottle in a half second!

This method is very clever, EASY TO DO, EASY TO MAKE, and the bottle is fully EXAMINABLE.

You can perform this on MEDIA SOCIAL or LIVE PERFORMANCE....


For U by Maluanas video DOWNLOAD


For U is a card trick that is suitable for Valentine's Day and can be played anytime, anywhere.

  • No Magnet
  • Visual
  • Multiple Application
  • Includes 2 Routines
  • Great for social media and live


Telepathic Jokers by Ali Asfour video DOWNLOAD


"The most powerful magic a magician can do"
- Bennie Chickering

"A beautiful piece of collaborative magic"
- Jeremy Griffith

"I did not expect that! Super powerful effect. I haven't been delightfully fooled in years. So dope!"
- Chris Brown



The Vault - Pilot by Jiho video DOWNLOAD


Five blue decks of cards are stacked together. They instantly change to red!

The gimmick is easy to make and it is even easier to perform.

The same principle can be applied to small candy boxes as well.

You could also show a stack of all different card decks and change them into your favourite brand.



Coins by Robby Constantine video DOWNLOAD


The spectator's signed coin penetrates the cellophane of a card box!

No Magnet
No Blackart
Fully Examinable
Easy to do


Mars and Venus by Rendyz Virgiawan video DOWNLOAD


A brand new version of oil and water!

You have a 3 red and 3 black cards.

Place them one by one, red, black, red, black and now without any funny moves, they colors separate. 
When you do again, now it's back into red black position.

It's completely self working.

No math methods,...


Piercing by Big Rabbit & Mario Tarasini video DOWNLOAD


The best opener for any coin routine!
It's simple, visual, and outstanding without any black art.
It also allows you to turn the ink into the real thing.
You can adjust and make it in many different ways if you want.
Just a minute of DIY, then FUN with this new and ideal gimmick.

Both card and coin...


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