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Rope with Hole by Dingding video DOWNLOAD


 A card is punched with a hole and the magician runs a rope through the hole. The hole suddenly jumps to the other side of the card and now you can clearly pull out the rope and display!

Download now!


The Transit by Kenneth Costa and Andre Previato video DOWNLOAD


The Transit is a perfect effect for your social media, but it can also be done in live performances.

  • Very visual
  • Easy to run
  • Instant reboot
  • 180 degree angle
Download the video and learn it now!


The Vault - Babel by Chris Philpott mixed media DOWNLOAD


Three effects using the 100th Monkey principle!

You give a spectator the ability to read a foreign language!

One Monkey Ahead
A diabolical twist on a classic method!

Person, Place and Thing. And Monkey
Astral projection and incredibly clean mind-reading!



Haunt Change by Mario Tarasini video DOWNLOAD


Mario Tarasini presents an effect based on the classic Haunted Bill trick.


The magician shows the deck and the dollar, puts it on the deck and the dollar, affected by spirits, fold!

The magician shakes the deck and the dollar turns into a different banknote!

The trick can be done with money...


Little Game by Dingding video DOWNLOAD


This is a little game using two decks of cards, one is blue, one is red.

Two spectators each choose a card from their decks . The two chosen cards switch places. The red card is in the blue deck and the blue card is in the red deck.

Download now!


Moving Head by Dingding video DOWNLOAD


This is a close-up rendition of a classic stage trick! A painted up magician, you can move their head, and then instantly restore it!

You can do this effect with any card that spectator chooses.

Download now!


Pocket Mystery by Indra Wijaya video DOWNLOAD


A playing card magically rises out of your pocket!

  • No invisible thread
  • Instant reset
  • Easy to do
  • No black art
  • Visual for social media
  • Easy to make
  • No Magnet
Download NOW!


Slapstick by Agustin video DOWNLOAD


Take a deck seal and put it on top of a playing card. You slowly split the seal into two parts and then make it restore.

Hand out the seal for examination.

It's fun, visual, and can use a borrowed seal.

Download now!


Straw Through The Card by Dingding video DOWNLOAD


A straw penetrates directly through the chosen card. Clearly shows both sides of the card. It's very clean and visual! Very easy to make this gimmick!

Download now!


The Bye Bye Dice by Mario Tarasini video DOWNLOAD



The magician shows a die and places it on the card box.

The die is covered by a card and... the die disappears!

The magician opens the card box and finds the die there.

After the trick, the die box and the card can be given to the spectator for examination.

Gimmick is very easy to make....


The Vault - The Sandwich Peek by Scott Creasey video DOWNLOAD


"This is cleverly constructed, elegantly routined, highly deceptive, and eminently practical, with the wonderful attention to detail for which Scott is known.
Definitely recommended. You are unlikely to be disappointed."

- Doug Dyment

"Well, Scott never stops working. Another brilliant worker idea from...


Thinking OUT Loud by Viper Magic video DOWNLOAD


An insanely beautiful mentalism trick that can be performed using a borrowed deck. The spectator never writes the card down, never calls out the card.. and yet the magician ends up knowing exactly what card is in the spectator's mind. Blow away your spectators' mind by performing this impactful yet easy to learn piece of mentalism



Unseen TRAP by Viper Magic video DOWNLOAD


A completely impromptu trick that can be performed for any kind of scenario. This trick allows you to blow the minds of  3 spectators at once. It requires very basic sleight of hand and can be learned in a few minutes.

Learn it today!


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