The Controller2 is a new trick that lets you know the spectators choosen card under impossible conditions.
A completely new method to know the spectator card.
In this technique you can use:
The magician shows a card with a cut-out middle.
He places it onto a normal card. The card with a cut-out middle visually penetrates through!
This is a trick for true art of craft lovers.
The trick is designed for social media.
Download now!
IMPOSSIBLE... is the word I have heard the most when executing magic with this great too. Brand new routines revealed.
Tips and handling for bars, restaurants and other situations. Detailed explanations of routines that have great visual impact accompanied by premises and concepts of public management with this element.
"Pressure Force is a great lesson in spectator management. Even if you are not into card tricks - the psychology behind Pressure Force is a must-to-learn for every performer! BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT! BRILLIANT!"
- Menny Lindenfeld
"Dani DaOrtiz needs no introduction. His performances are that of a true master...
Borrow the audience's money, split the audience's money into a zig zag pattern and restore it again!
You display a normal opaque envelope that has a small hole cut right through one corner so that a plain white card can be seen from both sides, inside the envelope. This plain white card is removed and shown both sides to be totally plain and normal. The envelope is also shown and fully examined and nothing is to be seen or...
Make a mini sized playing card instantly change into a regular sized one!
No flaps or creases on the card that changes. A great way to show perspective illusion both live and in your Zoom shows!
Simple to build.
Easy to perform.
Download it today!
The spectator selects a card, and the performer tries to guess the card. After some concentration, he writes down a card on a Post-it's not the chosen one. But, the magician gives it a shake, and visually, the writing on the post-it changes to reveal the correct card! The note is peeled off and given out as a souvenir!
Three coins appear, disappear and then reappear again in one perfect sequence!
Learn brand new moves, transfers, and nuances.
Download it today!
Turn your everyday un-gimmicked Sharpie into a lethal magic weapon!
Welcome to the Marvelous Pencyclopeadia by Tom Crosbie and Marvelous FX. On this download you will find a comprehensive library of moves and sleights using the Magician's favorite pen - The Sharpie.
It also features moves and routines...
Knowing the impossible is a way to know the spectator's card behind your back without seeing it.
The effect is that the spectator shuffles the playing cards and chooses any card and then loses it himself into the deck and then picks five cards and one of these is his card. Now the magician takes all five cards behind...
The magician shows an empty cigarette box to the audience, then with a snap finger the magician can issue a prediction card, money, and coins.