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Self Working CAAN by Abhinav Bothra mixed media DOWNLOAD


An effortless CAAN (Card At Any Number) that the participant performs for themselves!


  • You never touch the deck of cards.
  • Can be done close-up, parlor or on stage
A participant holds out the fingers of both their hands and drops down any number of fingers. The fingers left extended (say 2 and 1) forms...


Tricks With Cards & The Secrets Of Swindlers By Matt Pilcher - Ebook DOWNLOAD


Magic creator and multiple time top-ten bestseller Matt Pilcher brings you ''Tricks With Cards And The Secrets Of Swindlers''. An Ebook for every card magician, regardless of skill level, there is something here for everyone.

In the first part of the eBook, you will learn about the history of playing cards, which...


Boxed Clairvoyance by Alfonso Bartolacci Published by La Porta Magica eBook DOWNLOAD


"Alfonso Bartolacci's Boxed Clairvoyance is a great principle. I tried it with a number of different style boxes and it works as explained. You will have to practice a bit to get it all natural, but once you have it down, it looks great! You need to have this tool in your arsenal."
- Richard Osterlind

This is...


Extra Sensory Perception by Tony Binarelli Published by La Porta Magica eBook DOWNLOAD


"Billet test" is one of the classics in mentalism: the mentalist divines a word, a number or a drawing made by a spectator, without coming in contact with the paper.

Numberless are the methods designed to solve this problem: "center tears", window envelopes, "umbrella moves" or billet switches. All these methods, in my opinion,...


Remote Viewing Miracle by Alfonso Bartolacci Published by La Porta Magica eBook DOWNLOAD


"Remote Viewing Miracle uses a very clever principle to learn a thought of city in a very disarming way. Nothing is written down, yet the mentalist gets the thought from across the stage! Highly recommended."
- Richard Osterlind

The performer invites on stage five people. Four of them sit in front of the audience...


STEAL BOX by Stefanus Alexander video DOWNLOAD


STEAL Box is a Very Cool gimmick that I made... because with this gimmick, you can do any trick do you want...

For example: Solid Through Solid, Appearing Small Object, Multiply Objects, Mind Reading, etc..

You can perform with this gimmick on social media also on live performance..

So, don't waste your...


The Vault - Distant Assembly by Alejandro Navas


"Alejandro is pushing the boundaries of what's possible with virtual magic and beyond! Incredible!!!"

Alejandro Nava's brings us an Incredible Aces Assembly effect that happens in the spectators own hands!

Three of the Aces disappear from the spectator hands and reappear with the selected Ace in an...


Almond Milk by Priyanshu Srivastava and JasSher Magic video DOWNLOAD


Almond Milk is an effect that lets the spectator freely select a card "mentally" . Once the card is selected, the magician then goes on to reveal that the pack of cards that had been sitting in front of them in full view the entire time, on spreading, has one card face up inside of it. There is one card face up inside an entire face...


Color Split by Mario Tarasini video DOWNLOAD


Color Split is a great trick for your social media.

The best part is that no magnets are used in the trick!

Cards of any type or color can be used...

Grab a few cards and show this miracle to your spectators!


A Rising Card Effect in a Bottle by Ralf Rudolph aka Fairmagic video DOWNLOAD


Learn how to make a selected card rise of a a deck of cards that is trapped inside of a Bottle!

I teach you how to put the deck of cards inside of the bottle and how to make the rising Gimmick.

Very easy to to! You can hand out the Bottle before you do the effect. Reset in under 8 seconds. You can change to card that rises...


Impossible Puzzle by Nico Guaman mixed media DOWNLOAD


The magician shows six "puzzle cards" and that they are different. He then says that he will test the ability of the spectators, the first spectator chooses a puzzle and makes it while being timed. A second spectator chooses another puzzle and sets it but this time it's more difficult, he will do it face down. After the playing and joking...


Intro by Agustin video DOWNLOAD


Imagine at the beginning of your routines showing a deck of cards on the closed card box.

Then in blink of the eyes the lid is disappear, leaves the box open. After that you can easily take the deck out and make the lid back on.

This is simple visual effect that suitable as an opener. Or just in case you want to show a...


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