This is one of the most visual revelations Jay has ever created. Reveal the name of a playing card, 'thought of' esp symbol, and almost anything else you can write or draw on the side of a thick rubber band. Wear it on your wrist and you are always READY TO AMAZE.
Slip a drinking straw into a can of soda and "capture" a few drops of soda into the end of the straw. Then get gasps from your audience as they see the soda slowly rise up the straw! It really looks impossible and is much easier to do than you might think. And yes, you can even hand out the straw to be examined.
Cause a borrowed finger ring to melt through two ordinary drinking straws under test conditions. Jay's been performing this mysterious effect in combination with Tarbell's classic "two straws penetration" routine for years. And thanks to the very sneaky method, Exit Strategy is extremely easy to perform.
HELLRAISER is a brand new effect from Arnel Renegado where a spectator selects a card and signs it. The magician then draws any image he wants on the back of that card. Suddenly, mysteriously, the image moves and rises by itself away from the card. The writing then floats back down and the card is given out for examination. *Immediately...
The spectator freely places a blank sheet of paper into the deck !! Their selected cards are the only ones in the deck without duplicates. Finally dip the same sheet of paper in the water for a magical revelation that will disappear in seconds! If you can shuffle a deck of cards then you can easily pull off this magic trick.
A simple gimmick that can create an illusion to let a freely selected card pass through a whole deck.
A card is selected and it passes back and forth into a whole pack of cards!
Easy to do!
Hand the card for examination.
Imprumto version also included on this download.
The Annihilation Deck is one of those things that you will take EVERYWHERE. It requires no skill, yet packs a MASSIVE punch. And it's repeatable with a different selection each time, making it perfect for almost any situation. With this deck in your pocket you KNOW you can unleash a brain-melting miracle at any point... and you can...
This DVD contains a collection of classic coin effects that Al Schneider has been working on for the last 50 years. The experiments presented are an attempt to move these classic 20th century effects into the 21st century. Fifty years of Al's magic experience has been focused on making these effects more streamlined and more magically...
Research in this DVD is dedicated to locating routines that do not use gimmicks. In general, one can carry some simple props or even borrow something from someone to accomplish miracles. Though the props are simple, the experiments presented here are about high complex and advanced logic. There is some new stuff, some old stuff, and some...
In this set of experiments, we are looking for odd and novel methods and effects. The goal is to locate more effects that are cerebral. We want things that twist the mind. Who would think of a broken and restored potato chip? (The method is weirder than the effect...!)
Here's what's contained in this confidential file:
Within the art of card magic there are a small group of 'moves' that are considered ESSENTIAL. They are the corner stones of great magic. The basic utensils you need to perform astounding feats with playing cards. And the Elmsley Count is undoubtedly one of them. Master this one simple technique and you can perform some of the...
Have you ever needed four of a kind? In the midst of rubber gloves, blowing bubbles, cross dressing, male pregnancy and erotic pictograms, Dave Forrest and Owen Packard will walk you through 8 varied methods to do just that, in ways that will ensure your audiences...