A deck of cards is shown below is introduced in its case, this is balanced and magically the deck goes through the case and rises to the top of it in a very visual way, again the deck is visually introduced inside the case, the case is opened and the deck is taken out from the inside of it, very visual effect!
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Light a candle with magic touch.
You can light a candle not use a lighter but,only use one match with magic touch.
- Easy to do
- Easy to make
Watch the demo and learn it now!
Don't think it's "yet another trick with sponge balls?"!
C.R.A.P is a revolutionary method by Alessio Maraucci that distorts the foundations of sponge balls magic.
It's not just a technique, or a gimmick, C.R.A.P. is a concept that will change the way you see magic in its entirety.
The "No Contact" trick is very relevant for this period. The magician makes a hole in the spectator's card, puts it on the table and hole magically jumps to the other side of the card. After an effect, the magician can give the card to the spectator as a souvenir.
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Welcome to Spark, with this effect you can make the most visual transpositions with letters, very visual color changes making the impossible possible.
Show two cards to the spectator, tell him to choose one, then fold it and place it between his hands, the card that remains in the hands of the magician will magically become...
Card magic which in my opinion is very unique, you can play this card magic close up magic or street magic even stage magic, or virtual live Zoom, the first effect you can find the same card as the audience, the second effect at the end of the magic you predict what card whatever you like, and you can also combine this magic card with the...
Going back to the classics of magic, Cardtrait is a new version of the card through the window. A card is signed and in the blink of an eye it will be trapped in the portrait! And also: it can not only be done with cards, but with many more objects! Are you ready to take the next level and leave everyone with their mouths open?
Chinese rings are one of the most popular and classic magic tricks in the world.
There are many magicians who have produced and developed different movements and routines and demonstrated great abilities in their contributions. But today you will see something different Liquid Padlock, is different from anything previously known,...
Three amazing on the fly coin vanishes!
The Project 'C' is about three impromptu one hand coin vanishes.vYou can include this vanish in your one coin routine. It is completely impromptu mainly suitable for social media magic platform and even for real time audience. All moves are taught in detailed explanation.
A small magic routine with which you can conquer a girl using only 3 cards, even if you are creative, you can ask for marriage with this. Since there is almost no this type of magic, you can acquire it and add it to your repertoire.
Downloadable card images included.
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TAKE ADVANTAGE of knowing Spectator's chosen card in the same moment he looks at it!
A card is selected by a spectator in a fair way (no force).
In the same moment he looks at the card. You'll know its suit and value!
- Easy to build gimmick (less than...
A signed card is located by a rubber band, leaving an Impossible object souvenir for them to keep!
- No switches
- No splices
- Perform 360
- Easy to do
- A magical and above all original souvenir
- Ideal for close-up and Street Magic
Undoubtedly an effect that will make everyone remember...
Visual appearing any small object at plastic in a second.
- Easy to do.
- Easy to make the gimmick.
Watch the demo and learn it now!