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The Vault - Sky Vanish by Sultan Orazaly Video Download


The perfect visual card vanish!

There are numerous classic card effects involving a card vanish. There's only one thing missing - a perfect visual vanish.

Sky Vanish is a vanish that looks like real magic.

Angles 180

5 mins make a gimmick

Perfect for live, zoom or social...


VANISHING LIBERTY by Luis magic mixed media DOWNLOAD


MAKE THE STATUE OF LIBERTY VANISH as David Copperfield did in his famous special Tv show.

The biggest of all "great illusions" re thought for close up situations.

A magic tribute to NY with a stunning, visual finale.


You lean two cardboards on a small Statue of Liberty model.



Bertini on the Classic Palm by Giacomo Bertini video DOWNLOAD


"Giacomo Bertini is a true original in the field of coin magic . Within the inner circle of coin magic, the work of Giacomo Bertini has been known and respected for years. The depth and breadth of his work, though, has not been recognized for what it is: a radical new system and theory of coin methodology, one that leads to a fresh paradigm...


Card Fisher Man by Patricio Teran video DOWNLOAD


A fisherman and the sea is drawn on the back of playing card. Now by magic the fisherman comes to life and pulls a card out of the sea! It is the spectators chosen card. But it was all a dream as the card instantly changes into a fish.

Download this unique and easy to do miracle today!


Folding Prediction by Gustav mixed media DOWNLOAD



A sheet with colors and letters is shown.
The deck of cards is taken and a card is chosen.
The spectator remembers the card.
Now the magician folds the sheet... and the prediction is formed with the chosen card.


4 cards with ESP symbols are shown.


Maskard by Umesh video DOWNLOAD


In this tutorial, you will learn how to magically produce a face mask from a playing card.

Easy to do.

Download today.


NAIK by Ade Rahmat video DOWNLOAD


Remove the gum from the box in a unique way. The chewing gum suddenly appeared on top of the box. This is an organic effect suitable for playing anywhere. Easy to do, fits in the pocket. Visual enough to trick through solid objects.

Download now!


Rising Pencil From Pocket by Armen Škobalj video DOWNLOAD


The magician take a pencil, or borrow it and put it in his pocket. After few seconds the pencil starts to come out on its own.

You can reset the routine immediately and show it again. The pencil can be borrowed. The pencil and the pocket can be examined before and after the routine. It can be shown surrounded.

You learn...


Shaded by Robby Constantine video DOWNLOAD


Watch as a playing card passes through another like a ghost!

Easy to make gimmick

Easy to do

Instant reset




"This is a great and visual rubberband version of a classic of magic"
- Dr.Cyril Thomas

Introducing, a very visual and beautiful change of rubber band!

You show 2 rubber bands (green and yellow) to the spectator. Ask the spectator to choose one of the rubber band (for example Yellow) and hold by spectator's...



Wild Hole by Alan Ayala video DOWNLOAD


Predict a symbol by punching a card instantly


You show 6 cards with symbols and the spectator chooses one, you take a regular card from your pocket (the prediction) and is instantly punched with the chosen symbol.

Remember these strong points:

  • Easy to make and instructions with details and...


The Vault - Faith Hacker by Dr.Cyril Thomas video DOWNLOAD


"This looks like real magic I love it!"
- Joe Rindfleisch

"Faith hacker just shattered my faith."
- Hanson Chien

"I can't wait to learn!"
- Bacon Fire

"Beautiful vanish, get it and thank me later"
- Danny Urbanus

"Stop playing...


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