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Blink Vanish by Priyanshu Srivastava and JasSher Magic video DOWNLOAD


Audience management - Easy

Angles - 180 degrees

This is the fastest card vanish anyone can ever imagine... And not only the card vanishes... But... U also end up completely clean.

Show both the hands after the vanish.

It can be performed live.

This is done one handed... I repeat......


Corner X Corner by Romnick Tan Bathan video DOWNLOAD


This is the new visual method and blink change of card that they blow your mind. You can change the card corner by corner. super clean and super visual change even in surrounding spectators.


Download now!


Framing Washington by Ralph Rudolph video DOWNLOAD


A (real) Banknote is shown from both sides. Performer tears out two small rectangles from the inside of the banknote. One of these rectangular tear-outs has its center removed to create a little frame, which is freely shown. Magician folds this little frame over the center beam of the larger frame and suddenly the little frame clearly hangs...


Perfect Switch by Alex Soza video DOWNLOAD


Perfect Switch is a currency exchange that will allow you to make color changes or change one currency for another being invisible to viewers

Download the video and learn now!


Shading by Brandez video DOWNLOAD


Shading is simple effect with great reaction of the audience, download now and get the magic!

Predict audience choice and appear on pencil shading, complete with PDF instructions

Simple and visual
No forcing
Free choice
Easy to do

Download now!


Tik Tok by Mario Tarasini video DOWNLOAD



Show an empty Tic Tac box and a coin. Visually toss the coin in to the box and the coin will melt through it!

Upon learning the secret, you will immediately want to rush out and perform it.

Download the video and learn now!


UltraWarp by Mario Tarasini video DOWNLOAD


We present UltraWarp - a visually stunning effect that looks like a camera trick, but can be shown live!


The magician shows two cards: a regular picture card and a blank face one.

The magician stacks the cards on top of each other and the card with the picture visually and gradually begins to turn...


Valiant Peek by Shibin Sahadevan Mixed Media DOWNLOAD


Valiant Peek is a utility move devised from an old card sleight.

It is so devilish in nature that you peek the information directly in front of the spectator.

Easy handling
Multiple peeks
Adapt to any effect for peeking
Adopted to any card pass methods

Note: Be natural in the move...


Wind by Mario Tarasini video DOWNLOAD


Mario Tarasini introduces you to another effect for social media.


Swipe the corner of the card, insert it into the bag and... the corner will disappear.

The disappearance of the corner is very fast just like with CGI.

The trick works automatically, all you have to do is to blow to the bag and...


Invisible Spelling by Brandez video DOWNLOAD


Magician shuffles a white business card with name and deals off 24 cards into a face down pile,then divided into two piles of 12 cards each at the direction of a spectator.

Spectator selects one of the piles and the other is discarded. (spectator selects it will be use)

No forcing This piles of 12 name on business cards...


Speaker In a Book by David J. Greene eBook DOWNLOAD


Are you great at telling stories and forming genuine connections with others? Do you have a message you wish to share with the world? Motivational speaking just might be the career for you!

It can't be as easy as speaking to an audience and telling a story... can it?

No, being a motivational speaker isn't...


Spellebrity by Nikolas Mavresis video DOWNLOAD


Don't want to learn complex card moves? The diagonal palm shift got you down? Be magical the easy way, with Spellebrity! A spelling principle that can be easily customized to fit any situation.

First imagine being able to have a spectator select a random card from a stack of shuffled celebrity names. Then the spectator...


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