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Secrets of Bird Magic by Dave Womach - video DOWNLOAD

Secrets of Bird Magic Volume 1 features many new concepts with birds, including the exploding dove vanish, impromptu parakeet from Kleenex, and many, many more. Learn the beginning steps of how to train your parrot for a show. Everything you'll need to know to get your birds into your 1st show!

  • Amazing never before seen...


World`s Greatest Silk Magic - video DOWNLOAD

Handkerchiefs have been a part of the magician's arsenal at least since the 1500s but it wasn't until the mid-1800s that handkerchiefs made of silk made their appearance as magical apparatus. The first recorded use of silk handkerchiefs in the literature of magic was by none other than Robert-Houdin for a vanishing handkerchief routine...


The Last Trick of Dr. Jacob Daley - video DOWNLOAD


As one goes through the literature of magic, the name of Dr. Jacob Daley crops up quite frequently, particularly in reference to card magic. Dr. Daley was a New York plastic surgeon but also an avid amateur magician who was skillful enough to keep company with many sleight-of-hand legends of the era, including Dai Vernon, Charlie Miller,...


World`s Greatest Chicago Opener - video DOWNLOAD


The card trick popularly known as Chicago Opener had its origins in an effect invented by Al Leech that was originally called Hot Card Trick No. 1 and then later rechristened Red Hot Mama. The trick became immensely popular and many working performers immediately added it to their repertoires, notably Frank Everhart and Jim Ryan, who each...


Click! by Valdemar Gestur video DOWNLOAD


It's not there, and then it is. Click. So silky smooth and beautiful, this extraordinary new move is as versatile as it is visual. And it's all yours, available ONLY right here, at Vanising Inc. Magic.

"Click" is simple in effect. A pack of cards wrapped with a rubber hand is show fairly. By simply snapping the band against...


KAPOW! by Cameron Francis and Liam Montier - video DOWNLOAD


A MASSIVE TWENTY SIX killer pieces of card magic from the minds of Liam Montier and Cameron Francis - TWO DVDs and TWO EBOOKS!

BBM superstars Cameron Francis and Liam Montier team up to deliver a MONSTER amount of ass-kicking card magic awesome! Featuring material from their acclaimed joint PDFs 'Released' and...


Miracles Without Moves by Ryan Schlutz - video DOWNLOAD


JAWDROPPING card magic with the barest minimum of sleight of hand!

Miracles without Moves features seven jawdroppingly incredible slices of card magic that require the barest minimum of sleight of hand.

Eschewing technical knucklebusting moves for ingenious trickery, routining and plain old sneaky clever thinking Ryan Schlutz...


Dupes by Gary Jones and Chris Congreave - video DOWNLOAD


Gary Jones and Chris Congreave have a sterling reputation as WORKING magicians. The material they create and perform is the sort of stuff you WILL WANT TO DO AND AUDIENCES LOVE TO SEE!

DUPES is an entire DVD devoted to one of their favourite ideas - using duplicate cards to create perfect miracles. With a heap of insights and sneaky...


Forbidden by Alan Chan - video DOWNLOAD


In this DVD, all routines are card effects which can be performed with a regular deck of cards. As a performing magician for more then 9 years, Alan has creative insight about card magic that he shares in this DVD.

Alan performs and then explains in detail the following 6 effects:

Named Deck: A Joker with a corner cut...


INKRage by Arnel Renegado and Mystique Factory - video DOWNLOAD


Imagine being able to move a permanent ink with your finger tips.

A freely selected card is signed and the performer draw a dot on the card with a permanent marker.

The card can be signed both size! The performer take the dot and start to move it across the spectator's signature. The spectator clearly see that the permanent...


Instant Everything by Nathan Kranzo - video DOWNLOAD


Ever want to pick your own pockets?

More specifically, ever been looking for something in your pockets and couldn't find it? Watch as Kranzo searches for his car keys, cell phone, money, and your selected card. BAM!!!! In an instant he has produced EVERYTHING. In one hand is his phone, in the other hand is his keys, in his mouth...


Jem Change by Jeremy Cheang - video DOWNLOAD


Jeremy Cheang, an underground magician skilled in slight of hand from Singapore, amazed and impressed the crowd and wowed the judges first in a 2006 Magic Unlimited Magic Competition. He was awarded 2nd place in the largest magic competition held in Singapore. From there, he has gained fame quickly in the magic scenes with his creative performances.



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