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TOCAANT (The Old Card At Any Number Trick) by Brian Lewis video DOWNLOAD


A spectator deals down to a randomly chosen number in a displayed and shuffled deck, the card is placed face up on the table. A second card case (that has been on display and untouched the whole time) is then opened by a spectator and found to contain just one card - it is a duplicate of the very same card just randomly dealt to.



The Bluffers Card Change by Brian Lewis video DOWNLOAD


An instant visual card change that happens at the performer's fingertips and away from the deck. The card never leaves the spectator's sight, is held at the fingertips of one hand but still changes instantly with no cover or apparent moves by the performer.

Visually arresting but surprisingly simple to perform.



XG Twist by Agustin video DOWNLOAD


Have you ever wondered if you could do the classic Card Warp without using a card?
From the mind of AGUSTIN, here comes: XG Twist.

You show a blister pack of gum and magically make the bottom half turn itself around. And then you can either twist it back again or just rip the bottom half off and give the gum to your...


The Vault - Houdini`s Last Transposition by Dan Hauss video DOWNLOAD


A jaw dropping two card transposition Houdini would have been proud of!

In the traditional homage to Houdini, Dan Hauss comes at you with an in-your-face double card transposition all based around Houdini's most famous exploit, the escape.

Watch as Dan selects two cards, then securely ties them down with a rubber band,...


Uprising by Arnel Renegado video DOWNLOAD


UPRISING -- a card is chosen and placed on the bottom of the pack. With just a shake, the card visually penetrates the deck and visually moves to the top of the whole pack! Immediately hand the card out for examination.

  • Visual
  • Easy to do
  • Easy to perform
  • No magnets
  • No threads


Card To Gum by Arif illusionist video DOWNLOAD


Magically turn a playing card into gum and give it to the audience, all can be checked!

  • Easy to do.
  • Fun to learn.
Download it today.


Noah Control by SaysevenT video DOWNLOAD


Here's a quick transfer -- control a card selection to the TOP or BOTTOM of the deck!

As a magician, you must know the importance of timing in order to control a card selection.

Let me introduce you to another way to control a card selection called the "Noah Control." This is specially designed to enable...


At The Table Live Lecture Erik Tait April 17th 2019 video DOWNLOAD


Erik Tait came to the attention of the magic community when he won the 2018 IBM Gold Cups Close Up Competition. Since then, he has appeared on Penn & Teller: Fool Us and released a string of wildly popular effects. Now Erik lives in Columbus, OH and performs for Fortune 500 companies as well as performs on comedy shows and...


The Vault - Wonderful World by Yu Ho Jin video DOWNLOAD


Turn a glass full of ink into a glass of clean water with a real goldfish in it!

An incredible surprise with guaranteed shocked reactions!

Effect: Show a drinking glass full of ink. Cover it with a cloth. Remove the cloth and voila! The liquid has turned into water, and a goldfish is swimming in the glass!



HORDER by Arnel Renegado video DOWNLOAD


Welcome to Horder. Horder is an effect were you place or stand a small object behind a single card -- the object vanishes and is found anywhere you want!

  • Easy to do
  • Easy to perform
  • Instant reset
  • Perform hands off
  • Perform on spectator's hand
Download the video and learn!



Hypno Band by Stefanus Alexander video DOWNLOAD


HypnoBand is a cool effect.

"Hypnotize" a rubber band and command it to move. It begins to move up or down -- right in front of your spectator's eyes! Looks quite magical!

This trick needs no special gimmick. Use any rubber band - it is not specially altered for this effect! You can perform this any time, anywhere....


Something From Nothing by Damien Fisher video DOWNLOAD


They say that money isn't everything, but for a split second you will have your audience feeling like they just won the lottery!

Created by Damien The Illusionist, this effect is fast and smooth and in the blink of an eye a dollar bill is produced. There is no need to borrow money from your audience because you are going to be...


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