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Andrus Card Control 4 by Jerry Andrus Taught by John Redmon - video DOWNLOAD


The in-depth teaching of moves taught here in Volume 4 will allow you to begin to fully master and use the strength of the Andrus Card Control approach. These moves are not difficult in their mechanics since they rely fully on the Diagonal Jog Push In Control taught in Volume 1. They are some of Jerry's most potent and...


The Vault - Belly Button by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD


Paul Harris creates a hyper-personal astonishment with a standard campaign-type button... and the spectator's own shirt and body.

She actually feels the button penetrate thru her shirt and drop onto her bare belly!

Easy to do.

Note: To perform Belly Button, you need to obtain cheap campaign-type...


My Own Spellbound by Alessandro Criscione video DOWNLOAD


It is with pride that I introduce you to my Spellbound routine, now completed.

In 2016 it had a curious name, or true "Skybound." But besides the name, the routine was very long and boring. After a few years, I completed the routine with some innovative measures.

Now I am more than satisfied with this visual routine, and...


The Vault - CHINK-A-CHINK Elements by Patricio Teran video DOWNLOAD


"The best Matrix I have ever seen! I thought my eyes were malfunctioning."
- Richard Sanders

After ten years of keeping his routines underground, Patricio Teran, the Matrix specialist, brings you his legendary handlings of the Chink-a-Chink plot.

You will learn three wonderful routines, complete with all...


At The Table November 2018 video DOWNLOAD


Come join us for an amazing experience of internationally acclaimed magicians, right here At The Table.

First up this month is the lecture we've all been waiting for, Seol Park! He's an internationally acclaimed magician performing all over the world in places like Taiwan, the US, Canada, Philippines,...


GHOST DECK by Arnel Renegado video DOWNLOAD


A new kind of Haunted Deck!

Spectator selects any card from the deck. You then lose it in the pack of cards. Place the deck in a leaning position next to a wall, coffee cup or soda can. After a few moments, by magic, without touching it, the deck cuts itself right at the selected card! One portion then falls with the selected card...


Ghost Tic Tac by Renegado Arnel video DOWNLOAD


GHOST TIC TAC is an effect where a Tic Tac mint penetrates from the box visually.

Imagine this. You show a completely sealed Tic Tac box and, just by shaking it, you cause a Tic Tac to escape from the box slowly and visually.

  • NO...


Crazy Trip by Worm video DOWNLOAD


A spectator's freely chosen card invisibly travels from your hand into theirs!

A multi-layered card trick with three back-to-back astonishments that will leave your spectators floored:

  • A blue-backed deck is shown and placed in the spectator's hands.
  • The magician then shows a packet of 10 cards, consisting...


The Vault - REBORN by Bond Lee video DOWNLOAD


After years of preparation, we proudly present our second billiard ball project to you: REBORN. In this online download, you will learn many cutting-edge yet mesmerizing sleights, routines and ball gimmicks. These will boost your manipulation routine to a new level. Bond Lee is collaborating with Ian Tsang and Bojan Barisic once again....


All Back Aces by Prasanth Edamana video DOWNLOAD


A powerful packet trick that ends clean and is examinable at the end.

First, 5 cards have no faces - all backs! Then they turn into 5 Ace of Spades. One is placed into your pocket. Finally, they turn into 4 Aces of all different suits - looks amazing!

All Back Aces by Prasanth Edamana is derived from Paul Gordon's...


DeJa VeCU by Alessandro Criscione video DOWNLOAD


DeJa VeCU is The Ultimate Card In Mouth...

Imagine the following. You put a card in your mouth. You hold the rest of the deck and the spectator selects and signs a card. You replace their card back in the deck and, in the blink of an eye, their signed card is now in your mouth!

There is more! The spectator then places...


Apate by Raphael Macho video DOWNLOAD


Apate is a working routine! I started working on it in 2014, and THIS is the final routine now. A coin and a pen constantly vanish, change and appear in impossible locations.

The routine is very visual and almost impromptu - all you need is 1 coin, 1 pen and a jacket. It's perfect for every close-up occasion.



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