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General Magic

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The Business of Street Magic 2 by Will Stelfox - Video DOWNLOAD


In this in-depth release, Will Stelfox leaves no stone, or opportunity unturned.

The Business of Street Magic 2 begins by improving on the original 5 phases previously outlined in the original "The Business of Street Magic." From getting the attention of passersby, to getting paid by them in 5 minutes or less, Will Stelfox goes into...


ABhyaas by Abhinav Bothra - Video DOWNLOAD


ABhyaas Change is a fast and stunning card color change that happens in a split second and a small shake. Often confused to be done using gimmicks, it is 100% IMPROMPTU and requires 100% SLEIGHT OF HAND.

Taught in here are 4 different ways of performing this color change and 3 clean-up options.

[Note from Abhinav Bothra:...


Insight by Daniel Bryan - Video DOWNLOAD


Imagine being able to hand someone a blank piece of card or your own business card and ask them to draw or write anything they like on it whilst your back is turned . You then turn back around and take the card face down and you seal this inside an envelope and place this inside your wallet or the spectators wallet and ask them to hold on...


Magic Made Simple Act 1 - Daryl - video DOWNLOAD


Do you want to perform incredible feats of magic without investing hours of practice or money for special props? Magic Made Simple will teach you core concepts using common everyday items. In Act 1, you will learn to make ordinary balls appear, disappear, penetrate through solid cups, and even jump into a spectator's closed hand!...


Cootie Catcher by Jason Michaels - video DOWNLOAD


"The trick that makes all the women go...Ahhh. The best part is the magic is great too."
-Stephen Bargatze

"If you're looking to catch cooties, you need to see Jason Michaels!"
-Steve Beam

Jason Michaels Presents...
Cootie Catcher Magic

Magic Tricks with the Cootie...


Balloon School by Stephen Ablett video DONWLOAD


Instructional download that teaches 33 different Modelling Balloon creations. Most of which are single balloon animals which Stephen gives out to the children at the end of his show. He also discusses his A1 Balloon Poster / A-Frame backdrop and provides the PSD and JPEG file for it for you to make your own. Almost all the models feature...


Body Tricks by Stephen Ablett video DOWNLOAD


Body Tricks is a collection of 64 magical effects using nothing but the human body.

Learn to remove your own thumb, stretch your fingers, twist your hands and levitate of the ground. This is the ultimate in impromptu magic, tricks that can be performed instantly without the need of any searching for props.

Whether you're...


Cabaret Find the Lady by Stephen Ablett video DOWNLOAD


This is Stephen's stage size Find the Lady Routine using any three ungimmicked, any size cards. It can be done close-up with playing cards or business cards. It can be done on stage with A2 size cards with cartoon pictures on them or images of the company logo. The possibilities are endless.

Because the cards are ungimmicked,...


Jack Spade: Storydeck by Stephen Ablett video DOWNLOAD


Jack Spade is a private investigator trying to solve the case of the stolen diamond ring. Told through the revelations of a pack of playing cards, this is a story-deck routine that acts as the finish to Stephen's close-up, parlour and stage shows.

Each card is produced from within the deck in time with the narrative. Stephen...


Learn a Magic Trick by Stephen Ablett video DOWNLOAD


This download features over 40 simple, easy-to-learn magic tricks that you can master in minutes and perform for your family and friends. Split over 30 chapters with a full animated index menu, it is easy to jump straight to the tricks you want to learn and with close-up shots to see all the special moves, you'll be performing these...


Party Business by Stephen Ablett video DOWNLOAD


If you have ever wanted to be a children's entertainer then this download will teach you everything you will need to know from advertising and marketing strategies to the party games he plays and equipment he uses. Stephen discusses everything about his show and business strategies including all the tactics which have made his one of...


Balloon Swallow by Oscar Munoz - video DOWNLOAD


One of the most popular parlor routines EVER is taught to us by Oscar, with all his professional touches. There is hardly ANYTHING that a magician can do to elicit a stronger reaction than to seemingly swallow a long balloon. This is the method to do it safely and entertainingly.


Expert Topiting Made Easy - Cloutier - video DOWNLOAD


Learn to make your magic MORE POWERFUL from the World Champion of Close-Up Magic!

Building on the basics popularized by Michael Ammar and Patrick Page, Carl Cloutier has taken the Topit and turned it into an art form.

Carl's use of the Topit transcends simple vanishes; he uses the Topit as a third hand to...


Holey Shirt - video DOWNLOAD


The burnt and restored shirt is a classic show stopper that was wildly popular years ago. This simple effect has suddenly caught fire again, and now everyone wants to do it! Holey Shirt is a "real world" street effect with monster impact that can't be ignored!

You wander over to a total stranger, make some mild chit-chat,...


Illusion Works Set (Vol 1 thru 4) by Rand Woodbury video DOWNLOAD


Step into Rand Woodbury's workshop where he teaches you the secrets of performing, designing and building your own illusions.

Four volume series has been collected as a 2 Download set (each available separately) should be considered an education into the many principles of illusion design.

Volume 1

  • Steps...

    Magic Bottle by Ninh - Video DOWNLOAD


    Approach a spectator while holding a bottle of water, ask to borrow any small object and visually melt their object through the walls of your water bottle.

    The possibilities are endless! Borrow coins, keys, playing cards, even a GOLDFISH! There are so many possibilities, you will be coming up with great ideas in no time.



    Balls from the Mouth by Chris Randall video DOWNLOAD


    It's hard to find PROFESSIONAL quality routines that are suitable for stage and for children.
    This one is both!
    This is a terrific balls from mouth routine that ends with a mouth coil. Chris details ALL the fine points you need to perform this effect, and if you study it carefully you'll see what a nice...


    Slydini`s Knotted Silks DVD - Worlds Greatest Magic - video DOWNLOAD


    When asked to name his favorite trick from the many classic routines he created, Slydini would always say, "The silks." This trick, now known throughout the magic world as Slydini's Knotted Silks – is a masterpiece of magic. The silks don't change color or transform into birds but they do something just as mysterious...


    50 Ways To Rock A Lighter video DOWNLOAD


    Ever since the iconic Zippo lighter was introduced back in 1933, its users have applied cool routines to open and close it. From GI's killing time during WWII to Hollywood actors adding some flavor to their characters, Zippo lighter tricks have always been a sure way to boost your personality by adding some class and style....


    A Slice of At the Table LIVE video DOWNLOAD



    If you haven't seen an At the Table lecture in a while, take this opportunity to get a slice of what you are missing.

    For only $1 you will get:

    • The first 15 minutes of Marcus Eddie's recent At the Table lecture.
    • 3 performances
    • 1 trick


    Ablest Change by Abhinav Bothra - Video DOWNLOAD


    Ablest Change is bold and fast card color change that immediately establishes you as a skilled magician.

    This is a one handed color change which is easy to learn, fun to practice and perform.

    Here you end up without any face-up card and this change offers two easy cleanups.


    Al Schneider Cups & Balls by L&L Publishing video DOWNLOAD


    Project Codeword: Vessels and Orbs

    From the L & L Underground Research Facility

    These experiments push the envelope of existing Cups and Balls technology far beyond its normal limits. The goal for this project is more repeatability, more shock, and more practicality. We believe these goals have been realized...


    All Signs Point To Yes by Caleb Wiles and Vanishing, Inc. video DOWNLOAD


    This entertaining walk-around piece allows you to change a card three times, all in pursuit of a selection. No table is required, and the presentation is a worker's dream.

    In effect, you have a card selected and lost in the pack. You draw a "mystical" 8-ball on the back of an indifferent card. You ask the ball a question and...


    Android by Arnel Renegado - Video DOWNLOAD


    A gimmick that allows you to change writings or make a selected card rise to the top.

    AMBITIOUS CARD: A card is selected and signed you then put the signed card into the middle of the pack and when you drop the deck into a table their hands or at your own palm their selection is visually appear into the top.

    SCRIBBLE: Spectator...


    At the Table Live Lecture - Danny Garcia 3/5/2014 - video DOWNLOAD


    At the Table: Daniel Garcia
    March 5th, 2014

    Daniel Garcia is not only one of the most influential creators in the industry, but he is also the most sought-after consultants for television magic. He helped sculpt the television careers of Dynamo, David Blaine and others. In his 2 hour lecture, Danny will share with you many of...


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