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General Magic

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Just The Tip by Chris Randall - Video DOWNLOAD


Chris Randall is a seasoned pro with tremendous experience with the thumb-tip.
He has CONFIDENCE with this wonderful prop, and that is a rarity, even among pros.
Here he will share tips on how to handle the thumbtip naturally, and an amazing effect in which a dollar bill is changed into a poker chip or coin, RIGHT...


LTP by Hui Zheng - Video DOWNLOAD


Magician holds two toothpicks (or any sticks) on each hand. Visually, The two toothpicks penetrate each other! What you see on the demo video is how it looks live! Perform anywhere!

View from any direction (Even Bottom)
Can be done on spectator's finger( They can See and Feel )

  • No Threads!
  • No Magnets!...

    Leakage by Arnel Renegado - Video DOWNLOAD


    Borrow a soda can or plastic bottle and make a hole into it. With a wave of a hand the hole is instantly healed and sealed causing the liquid to stop from pouring out.



    Liquid Transmutation by Dan Alex - Video DOWNLOAD


    A new method to transmute a colored liquid like Coke!

    The magician shows a plastic cup containing the Coke inside.

    He puts his left hand on the plastic cup and the liquid inside it magically becomes water!

    What can I say more?

    Add this trick to your repertoire!

    Show it on stage and amazes your viewers!...


    MYSTIQUE by Lyndon Jugalbot - Video DOWNLOAD


    MYSTIQUE is a visual ink revelation, change and a vanishing ink effect with a unique gimmick.


    Magic of the Pendragons #1 by L&L Publishing video DOWNLOAD


    Stage illusionists historically have been extremely secretive about their craft. Not just about the secrets to the illusions themselves-the mechanics are just a small part-but about the real secrets of what turns a stage illusion into a breathtaking moment of pure magic.

    Now, for the first time ever on video, Jonathan and Charlotte...


    Magic of the Pendragons #2 by L&L Publishing video DOWNLOAD


    Stage illusionists historically have been extremely secretive about their craft. Not just about the secrets to the illusions themselves-the mechanics are just a small part-but about the real secrets of what turns a stage illusion into a breathtaking moment of pure magic.

    Now, for the first time ever on video, Jonathan and Charlotte...


    Magic of the Pendragons #3 by L&L Publishing video DOWNLOAD


    Stage illusionists historically have been extremely secretive about their craft. Not just about the secrets to the illusions themselves-the mechanics are just a small part-but about the real secrets of what turns a stage illusion into a breathtaking moment of pure magic.

    Now, for the first time ever on video, Jonathan and Charlotte...


    Magic of the Pendragons #4 by L&L Publishing video DOWNLOAD


    Stage illusionists historically have been extremely secretive about their craft. Not just about the secrets to the illusions themselves-the mechanics are just a small part-but about the real secrets of what turns a stage illusion into a breathtaking moment of pure magic.

    Now, for the first time ever on video, Jonathan and Charlotte...


    Martini by Chris Randall video DOWNLOAD


    This is gorgeous sequence in which you produce all the elements of a Martini from a stage or parlor setting. The music, the moves, it's all there.
    Learn what it takes to put a professional music opener together. This is pure magic.


    Master Course Sponge Balls Set Vol. 1-4 by Daryl Japanese video DOWNLOAD


    Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide.

    Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Balls.

    VOLUME 1

    • Basic...


    Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 1 by Daryl Japanese video DOWNLOAD


    Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide.

    Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Balls.

    VOLUME 1

    • Basic...


    Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 2 by Daryl Japanese video DOWNLOAD


    Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide.

    Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Balls.

    VOLUME 2

    • Opening...


    Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 3 by Daryl Japanese video DOWNLOAD


    Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide.

    Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Balls.

    VOLUME 3

    • Productions...


    Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 4 by Daryl Japanese video DOWNLOAD


    Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide.

    Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Balls.

    VOLUME 4

    • Productions...


    Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 4 by Daryl Spanish video DOWNLOAD


    Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide.

    Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Balls.

    VOLUME 4

    • Productions...


    Master Course Sponge Balls Vol. 4 by Daryl video DOWNLOAD


    Sponge Ball Magic always mystifies and delights audiences whenever it is performed and has become an essential element for magicians worldwide.

    Now, renowned Master Magician, DARYL, brings you the first and last word on the subject with the 4 Volume, Essentials in Magic, Master Course on Sponge Balls.

    VOLUME 4

    • Productions...


    Master Works of Conjuring Vol. 1 by Marc DeSouza video DOWNLOAD


    Marc DeSouza has an international reputation in the magic community, having won some of the most prestigious magic competitions in the world. These prizes include three First Place wins in stage and close-up magic competitions from the Society of American Magicians and three silver medals from that same organization. Additionally, Marc is...


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