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Search by Maarif video DOWNLOAD


This new method with this gimmick, you don't need to memorize books anymore for your mentalist effect, this gimmick works on your control, you are a professional magician, either stage magic or close up, I really recommend this gimmick really work in live zoom as well as in person, all can be checked before and after.



Dictionary Test by Max Vellucci video DOWNLOAD



The mentalist proposes an experiment that has to do with all the possible words of the Italian language (or any other language) and takes a dictionary of the language in question.

He scrolls through the pages and asks the viewer to tell him stop when he wants, to read a...


Destiny by Vinny Sagoo eBook DOWNLOAD


Take a chance with destiny...

Everyone has a special number, also known as your 'destiny number'. You produce six business cards with a grid containing different numbers and ask the spectator to pick one. Once selected, you ask the spectator to circle any number and then put a line through all of the remaining numbers...


Business Card Prophecy by Dibya Guha video DOWNLOAD


The mentalist places a folded piece of paper in full view of the spectators & claims that it contains a prediction. Next he introduces 6 business cards on the backs of which are written the names of 6 celebrities & hands them over to a spectator to thoroughly shuffle them up & mentally think of one of the names after the performer has been...


Universal Digital Force by Umesh video DOWNLOAD


Best method to force any random number using a borrowed smartphone

"Very, very clever, and so creative - it fooled me badly! Quite a different and fresh approach. I really like it a lot!"
- Jan Forster

"This is simple to do and it's very Strong"
-Lior manor

"very smart...


The Vault - Diception by Haim Goldenberg & Matan Rosenberg mixed media DOWNLOAD


A quick new way to force for any number with the most organic of props that laymen recognize...Dice!
Use one, two, three, four or even more dice!

Know with absolute certainty that the force will work.

The VOLUNTEER will ALWAYS stop you on the right number.

Read minds!

Make killer predictions!...


RED - Reading Elements Deeply by Alfredo Gile video DOWNLOAD


R. E. D is a beautiful impromptu trick for mentalists.

With this powerful tool you'll be able to guess names, words, letters or numbers!

Imagine this: a spectator writes secretly (totally random) a name on a piece of paper and the performer instantly will guess that name!

This trick works perfectly with...


Shading by Brandez video DOWNLOAD


Shading is simple effect with great reaction of the audience, download now and get the magic!

Predict audience choice and appear on pencil shading, complete with PDF instructions

Simple and visual
No forcing
Free choice
Easy to do

Download now!


The Vault - MORPH by Nacho Mancilla Mixed Media DOWNLOAD


Picture perfect visual magic unlike anything they have ever seen before!

From the brilliant mind of Nacho Mancilla comes an incredible new visual change effect!

An old Polaroid photograph is brought out and placed face down on the table as a prediction. Your spectator now picks a card. When the photograph is turned...


Extrasensory Perception 2 by Salvador Olivera video DOWNLOAD


Extrasensory Perception 2 is an ingenious gimmick that does all the work for you, you write on the board before the symbol is thought of, once the prediction is written the chalk is left and nothing else is written, the ingenious mechanism is activated imperceptibly you only have to dedicate yourself to the presentation, remember...


Picture Perfect Remote Viewing & The Possessed Card by Brian Lewis video DOWNLOAD


Picture Perfect Remote Viewing

"A set of photographs of 'Remote Viewing Target Sites' are displayed and shown to be all different, they are then mixed and placed in front of the spectator. The performer turns their back and the spectator is asked to look at any one of the photographs and imagine themselves at that...


Blackmind by EbbyTones video DOWNLOAD


Blackmind is a mentalism effect that is really clean and can be used for many mentalism effects such as prediction of audience choice cards without forcing and using ordinary cards, number predictions, accurately predicting audience choice numbers, name predictions, predicting names that the audience thinks of, and others with one...


Kolossal Killer 3.0 by Magic Willy (Luigi Boscia) video DOWNLOAD


Colossal Killer 3.0 the classic Colossal killer but with only one card always in view!

The Magician shows a card folded in 4 and held closed by a clip, the spectator thinks a card, when the magician opens the card, it is the one thought by the spectator.



Flash by Ruben Goni video DOWNLOAD


"Flash" is a prediction.

The back of a card in an envelope is shown. And it is visible for later.

A card is chosen, lost in the deck and automatically disappears.

Then, the envelope is grabbed again and a transformation is made to the spectator's card.

Very simple to do.



The Vault - Get Nyman by Andy Nyman video DOWNLOAD


"Andy Nyman is my favorite mentalist in the world. His performances are an absolute joy, full of punch, humor and superb acting. Watching him work has taught me a huge amount about how to make my performances have more impact."
- Derren Brown

This incredible full color 3-video set gives you a chance to enjoy the...


Accurate by Abhinav Bothra Mixed Media DOWNLOAD


An impromptu version of the classic FREE WILL that can be done via webcam as well. Free will combined with a short & simple reading that makes it unforgettable.

While the performer is looking away. Three borrowed objects - 2 currency notes & a coin are hidden one under each hand and 1 inside a card box or a match box.


Mental Color by Alfredo Gile video DOWNLOAD


Mental Color is a mentalism routine by Alfredo Gile.

Imagine this: you show five colored cards (blue, yellow, red, purple and green) and a spectator choose only one of these five cards.

Then he puts one colored card inside the black envelop and the other four cards are hidden by another spectator but you'll never...


MMS ONE SHOT - Phone a Friend 2 by The Other Brothers video DOWNLOAD


What you see is what you get!

Welcome to the Murphy's Magic Supplies One Shot series!

Each one-shot download is hand-picked from our amazing At The Table lecture series and features one proven powerhouse magic trick -- all shot in one continuous take.

That's right! No edits, no fancy music...


The Ten Star Mind Explosion by Emma Wooding eBook DOWNLOAD


The Ten Star Mind Explosion is an effect I released in Remastered Volume One and with Volume Two - Psychological Forces coming out in March 2020. I thought it would be a great idea to show you what the Remastered series is like.

In this, the spectator names ten letters. Each letter is written down, then one by one they are...


Direct Mind by Ebby Tones Magic video DOWNLOAD


Direct Mind is a mentalism effect that will enable you to predict anything with your phone. It is easy to set up and it's a powerful demonstration of mentalism. It leaves audiences astonished!

Make predictions on your cellphone - these can include anything, such as cards, names, numbers, country names, cities, animals,...


Midi and Cana by Thaddius Barker video DOWNLOAD


Welcome to this special double feature brought to you by 13 Souls Productions. In this project, you will receive 2 incredible routines that are some of my "go to" effects: Cana and Midi. These hypno tricks of mine allow you to accomplish miracles in front of your audience with next to no set up. They pair wonderfully with any hypnotic...


Severance by Watkins video DOWNLOAD


Severance - A method for 'instant pre-show' and for making billets invisible. A way to apparently reveal names, dates, PIN codes, and more, without them ever seemingly being written down.

Imagine revealing nearly anything out of the blue and delivering a real "kick in the teeth" reaction from your audiences! It looks...


Subliminal by Jacob Smith video DOWNLOAD


Whether to use playing cards in mentalism is one of the biggest debates to ever rock our community.

Join Jacob as he takes you on an adventure into the Glenn Helen of Yellow Springs, Ohio and he reveals his favorite answer to the playing cards in mentalism "problem."

Subliminal is guaranteed to be a 'go to' effect...


Book of Champions by Jacob Smith video DOWNLOAD


They are sacred, divine and can be found nearly anywhere!

The Book Of Champions 2.0 takes the prior version of this wonderful routine and brings it to all new highs with a Psychomechanical principle that can be applied to almost any booklets you already do, whether it's an extra phase or just an impromptu wonder!



Challenge Cards by Watkins video DOWNLOAD


If you've ever wanted a true challenge mind-reading routine that is easy and effortless, then Watkins' Challenge Cards is for you.

Imagine having your spectators challenge you to read their mind about almost anything, and you are able to fire back with a truly engaging, fun and epic reveal of their exact thoughts!



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