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Tricks: Magic Tricks

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Harlequins Box - David Powell

Harlequins Box - David Powell


The performer places a wine glass on the table and borrows a finger ring from any spectator. The ring is placed in the folds of a handkerchief and given to the spectator to hold over the mouth of the wine glass. He can actually feel the ring through the handkerchief and is told to hold onto it tight. The performer also removes a small...

Haunted Hanky

Haunted Hanky


Magician lays a handkerchief on the table then folds the corners in to thecenter. As the performer lightly touches the hanky it begins to move. It looks as though something large is trapped inside. Suddenly the hankyfalls flat and is shown to be empty.

Heads Or Tails

Heads Or Tails


Imagine being able to toss a spinning coin high up in the air and possess the uncanny ability to predict whether it will land on heads or tails side up. Are you able to foretell the future? What if you can toss a coin in the air and make it land face up on any side the spectator wishes. You may even let the spectator catch the coin themselves....

Hindu Beads

Hindu Beads


The magician threads three wooden beads onto two golden laces. The spectator then secures the beads on the laces with a double knot. Much to the surprise of the spectator, though, the beads can be immediately removed from the laces at the command of the magician. The beads penetrate the solid laces without a false moves. They just seem...

Hindu Water Vases

Hindu Water Vases


Performer shows five empty vases. Mysteriously, one vase becomes filled with water! The wateris poured into another vase. Then a second vase fills with water. In the end all fives vases are filled. If preferred rice, confetti, or candy can be used. The vases are polished aluminum. Made by Morrissey

Horsin Around

Horsin Around


Three cards are shown, each with a part of a cute, topless pin-up girl?there's her head, her middle, and her bottom! The head and middle are dealt face down on the table, and the bottom is inserted back out partway into your pocket. You now ask someone where the middle is. They say, "On the table . . ." But you remove the card from...

Hot Rod - Aluminun

Hot Rod - Aluminun


A small metal rod is shown. There are six different colors gem stones on each side.

A spectator selects a color. Magically all the gems change to their selected color!

Hot Rod Book

Hot Rod Book


This book is full of routines and ideas for the Hot Rod. Enough material to keep you busy for a long time. Written in easy to understand language. 32 pages.

Hot Rod

Hot Rod

A stick containing 6 different color gems is shown on both sides. Spectator selects a color and instantly all the gems on both sides become the chosen color. A popular trick!

Available with a clear or black rod


Houdini Deck

Houdini Deck


A pack of cards through which two holes have been punched and a ribbon are given for examination. A random card is selected, marked, and replaced in the pack. The cards are then shuffled and the ribbon is threaded through the two holes and tied around the pack. The ends of the ribbon are held by a spectator and a borrowed handkerchief is...

Houdini King Of Cards

Houdini King Of Cards


Measures 20 x 26 inches

Houdini Locked Deck

Houdini Locked Deck


The magician shows a deck of cards to the audience and asks a spectator to look at one.

The deck is then locked securely with a big padlock, and given to the spectator to hold. To the audience's surprise, the thought of card disappears from the deck, and reappears in the magician's pocket.

A real Houdini escape....

House Mouse

House Mouse


From France's Duraty comes this funny, magical, entertaining routine for children and adults alike!

The magician displays four jumbo cards, each depicting a piece of cheese. A fourth card is introduced, depicting a rather pesky mouse.

Somehow, throughout the the routine, the mouse continues to change places with pieces...

Hummingbird Reel

Hummingbird Reel


Perfect for parlor and stage performers, the Hummingbird Reel is used to make silks, dollar bills, and other lightweight objects fly into your hand from up to 20 feet away!

It's the world's smallest electronic reel; only 1 1/2 inches long by 1/2 inch in diameter! Precision machined from brass, the Hummingbird Reel houses...

Hypno Paddle - Powell

Hypno Paddle - Powell


The performer removes a small brass paddle which has three small rubber bands around it covering three hypnotic circle designs. He shows both sides to be blank, and then he places a penny under one of the rubber bands. The performer shows that another penny has appeared on the other side! This is repeated with two more pennies, making...

Hypnotic Choice

Hypnotic Choice


Spectator asked to choose one of three cards, selecting a star, circle or triangle. Magician claims his hypnotic influence will control the selection. Although this seems impossible, when the choice is made the magician proves he knew which card would be selected. This is the ultimate "can't miss" prediction. A great pocket trick that's...

Ickle Pickle Nickel

Ickle Pickle Nickel


A small disk is placed on top of a Nickel. The disk is removed and the Nickel has shrunk to less than 1/4" in diameter. A great trick for a low price.

If You Only Knew That I Knew That

If You Only Knew That I Knew That


An incredibly fair spelling trick that's easy to do.
The magician asks a spectator to name ANY card in the pack. This is an absolutely free choice - there is no forcing at all, we promise!
Now, without any funny moves, buckles, or untoward monkeying with the deck, the magician instantly spells to the card!
This miraculous...

Imp Bottles

Imp Bottles


They lay down - only for you!
A small bottle is set on the table by the magician. It is seen to lay on its side. But when someone other than the magician tries to lay the bottle on its side, it jumps back to an upright position. Only the magician can lay the Imp Bottle on its side.
Very easy to do. Complete with secret, detailed...

Impossible Matrix

Impossible Matrix


Make three coins travel mysteriously one at a time underneath two playing cards. Each translocation becomes more impossible as you slowly show your hands empty before and after the coin travels. You really must see this to believe it!

Impossible Matrix will completely fool magicians and lay people alike. A unique gimmick is used...

Impromptu Card At Any Number, Richardson

Impromptu Card At Any Number, Richardson


If you learn only one card trick in your lifetime, make sure this is it!

Learn why this is one of Barrie Richardson's favorite card tricks. Like you, Barrie knows hundreds of card tricks, but this demonstration is special. Here are a few of the features:

In Again, Out Again Cuffs

In Again, Out Again Cuffs


Use as a serious escape or for comedy! Have two spectators lock your wrists behind your back in the cuffs. You escape in 5 seconds!

Insta-Salt by vernet

Insta-Salt by vernet


You pour a nice amount of salt into your fist. Open your hand, THE SALT HAS VANISHED!
Reach into the air, suddenly the salt begins to pour from your fist. Reach out with the otherhand, more salt pours out. Seemingly endless supply of salt from your hands.

Its Done With Mirrors

Its Done With Mirrors


Magician shows four of a kind all face up. The cards are aligned and when spread out one of the cards is now face down. This is repeated until each of the four cards has reversed itself. The performer then offers to explain how the trick works. "It's done with mirrors" he explains. The pack is turned face down and each card is now...

Its Only One

Its Only One


The Magician states that for his next trick, he will need three balls. Suddenly one appears in his right hand and two in his left. After allowing the audience a chance to examine these, two balls are placed into a spectators hand, the third vanishes.

The Magician now places two balls in his hand, one in his pocket. Opening his hand,...


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