If you want to include some great mental routines in your act that are easy and fun to perform, then this book is for you. Included are: ESP effects, Mind Reading, Book tests, Psychic Secrets, Slate Sorcery, Card Miracles, and much more. 67 unique effects in all. 121 pages.
You remove a CD from a plastic sleeve with a clear front. The CD is shown to be perfectly normal. It is placed back into the case whereupon it shrinks to half it's original size!The small CD can then be examined. Quick visual magic!
The magician holds a standard die in his hand. With a pass of a miniature magic wand, the die shrinks to a mere fraction of its original size. The minature die and wand can be handed out for examination. There's nothing to find.
Easy in operation. No difficult sleight of hand to learn. Complete with detailed instructions, special...
The performer's wrists are chained and locked using Houdini's favorite impromptu escape.
The performer offers for examination a chrome plated steel chain and brass padlock. He is then securely chained and locked by a member of the audience. There is no doubt that he is tightly chained as the chain is seen to press...
For the first time ever , you will be able to break physics laws - bending a spoon to the side, like no one ever did !!! The performer has the spectator select a spoon. The performer is then holding the spoon in between his fingertips. Suddenly, the spoon VISIBLY MELTS downwards on both sides. The newly bent spoon is then given to the spectator...
For the first time ever , you will be able to break physics laws - bending a spoon to the side, like no one ever did !!! The performer has the spectator select a spoon. The performer is then holding the spoon in between his fingertips. Suddenly, the spoon VISIBLY MELTS downwards on both sides. The newly bent spoon is then given to the spectator...
The magician displays a pink silk handkerchief and pushes it inside his closed fist. When he opens his hand the silk has completely vanished and both hands are completely empty! He then closes his hand into a fist again and magically pulls the silk out again! Offering a spectator the chance to try making the silk disappear, the magician...
The magician is seen holding a beautiful rose. He slowly lets go but the rose clings to his hand. The magician moves his hand away from the rose and it stays suspended in mid air.
The rose now floats up and down and side to side, in front of the performer.
At the conclusion, the rose descends back to the performer's waiting...
This is a compact and portable illusion, which makes a bigger audience impact than many larger and more elaborate props. Two Skewers, shown to be solid and rigid are passed criss-cross fashion through a spectator's neck.
Although similar in effect to the Sword Through Neck, this will baffle even magicians familiar with the basics...
A wonderful, intriguing story of the infamous Count Cagliostro is presented in true bizarre fashion.
A small skull, a keepsake from the estate of the Count is used to relate a strange ritual in which the skull magically frees itself after being bound by two silken cords.
You are supplied with all the props necessary to perform...
A paddle trick so Ingenious, the paddle move becomes optional:
The performer's card trick is interrupted by a troublesome (imaginary) fly. The performer introduces a flyswatter. After batting the fly, an image of the selected card mysteriously appears on the fly swatter.
The magician shows how to "snap" a rubberband placed in the end of the Snapper. Try though the spectator may, he'll never be able to snap it.
Works every time. Simple in operation.
The most amazing game of Three Card Monte ever devised, including the specially-made mechanical cards, step-by-step instructions with photographs, full presentation and patter.
Soft Shoe Monte uses just three jumbo cards (with the requisite Bicycle backs, thank you very much) to pull the proverbial wool over the eyes of your spectators....
A half dollar is placed inside a container with holes in the lid and base. Spikes are pushed through the container apparently penetrating the coin. A REAL MYSTERY!
The HB Spirit club is an extremely durable unibody juggling club, molded from high impact materials. Vinyl-wrapped handle and bottom. Comes with instructions
Weight = 195g
Club Length = 19.5 inches
set includes 3 clubs
The magician shows his audience a vibrantly colored feather, and attempts to balance it on the back of a playing card. He succeeds!
But then, the real magic happens: the feather seemingly controlled by the spirits, rises to a vertical position on the back of the card, and begins to twist, twirl and dance! It moves back and forth...
A string is threaded through a brass nut and both ends are held by a spectator. The nut is covered with a handkerchief and the magician reaches under and removes the nut. Well made!
The audience is shown two slates each being blank on both sides. The slates are tied together with a rope or ribbon and given to a spectator to hold. A chalk is waived over the slates as the spirits are summoned. When the slates are untied they now contain some writing. This may be the name of a selected card or any other forced prediction....
A totally different card trick! Magician shows a deck of cards that arecut in half diagonally. He then writes a prediction on a piece of paperand has two spectators each select half a card. When both halves are put together not only do the halves match but they also match the prediction.
Bicycle poker size
The perfect introduction to one of the fundamental branches of magic. Written for the amateur, but with material suitable for the performing pro. Magic with sponge balls has been popular with magicians of all skill levels for nearly 80 years. In this publication techniques of sponge ball tricks are explained and then applied to a variety...
Magician holds a closed match box by the sides. On command the drawer rises out of the box.
The Spring Wand is a comedy prop similar to a Breakaway Wand but is more versatile and can be used for other comedy effects.
Made from a 17" long, strong spring with plastic tips screwed on at the ends.
When held in the middle it is rigid and can be waved as a normal wand, but when held at the tips it wobbles around...
A classic effect made to perfection. A stack of coins are stacked on the back of a spectator's hand and covered with a simulated leather cone. The cone is lifted revealing a stack of PENNIES! Each stack is carefully assembled by hand. Complete with cone and intructions.
A new twist on a genuine classic of magic "The Ash Trick," has been performed regularly for many years by magicians all over the world.
This new system, replaces the ashes, with clearly stamped images. This system allows for specific images to be stamped on the spectators palm at will. The system includes five custom images...
Imagine a wallet that allows you to have a selected card signed and with NO SLEIGHT OF HAND, it vanishes from the pack and appears inside the zippered compartment of your hippocket wallet! In fact, you can even have the wallet laying on the table in FULL VIEW! This is a pro-level effect! Imagine doing this and many other reputation making...