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Tricks: Magic Tricks

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Nimbus II 24" Unicycle

Nimbus II 24" Unicycle


Like something versatile and stylish? This beginner to intermediate 24 inch freestyle unicycle is a great choice. With the ISIS hub and machined bearing caps it makes the Nimbus II a very strong cycle that can do just about anything.


Saddle: Nimbus saddle with front lift handle
Seat post:...

Euro 50 Expanded Shell - Tango

Euro 50 Expanded Shell - Tango


These Euro Shells are precision machined. Fits nicely over a normal Euro.

Glo Plug

Glo Plug

These are reusable igniters and they are included in devices that require them. However, sometimes they burn out, or become broken, and need to be replaced. Follow the directions that accompany your device. A one-battery device uses 1-1/2V Glo-Plugs. A two-battery device uses 3V Glo-Plugs.


Memento by David Regal

Memento by David Regal


One effect possible with MEMENTO:

A card is freely selected from a deck and returned. The magician points to a card box that has been in view from the start. Inside is found a clear crystal block that showcases a playing card...The card as the words "My Favorite Card" written across its face... The card is an exact match for...

Brocks & Block - MAK

Brocks & Block - MAK


SOLD Vintage MAK magic. A block of wood penetrates a sword

Scotch And Soda Mexican Coin by Tango

Scotch And Soda Mexican Coin by Tango


Effect 1

The magician shows a half dollar and a mexican coin in the left hand. He closes both hands and when he opens the left only the half dollar can be found because the mexican coin has appeared in the right hand!

Effect 2

The magician shows a half dollar and a mexican coin and places them in the hand...

Six Bill Repeat

Six Bill Repeat


The magician removes a stack of bills from his wallet and counts them one at a time showing he has six bills.

He deals three bills on the table, then counts them again and he still has six bills left!

The performer continues to discard three bills at a time, but each time he counts the remaining bills he still has...

Tango Limited Card by Tango

Tango Limited Card by Tango


L.T.C, (Limited Tango Card) is a really crazy idea of Marcelo Insua (a.k.a. Mr. Tango), you will receive a red bicycle card, this card will allow you to perform the best and classic card magic effects with a minimal sleight of hands.

Imagine being able to perform controls, forces, revelations, 4 aces routines, rising...

Cylinder Of Plenty - Ickle Pickle

Cylinder Of Plenty - Ickle Pickle

This magical cylinder allows you to produce, vanish and transform almost any object, including liquids. Transform liquid into dry silks. The possibilities are endless.

The Large cylinder stands 8" tall.
The Small cylinder stands 6" tall.


Monti Vanish by Joe Monti

Monti Vanish by Joe Monti


Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast!

Joe Monti has created an eye popping piece of card magic that will leave people wanting more!

Monti Vanish gives you the power to perform magic that shows you mean business. Three cards are removed from your deck and without any fancy moves, the ink from the cards vanishes into...

P&L Black-Art Powell Production Cabinet by P&L

P&L Black-Art Powell Production Cabinet by P&L


The second Dean of American Magicians, Frederick Eugene Powell sketched what he called the "Mysterious Cabinet" in his journal dated in the early 1870's.
The cabinet utilized the principle known as "black art" giving the appearance of an empty cabinet. This principle has been used in many effects, from square circles...

Pop Haydn`s Six Card Trick

Pop Haydn`s Six Card Trick


This DVD teaches the complete moves, patter and presentation for his wonderful routine for the classic trick known as the Six Card Repeat. This is a sleight of hand version of the trick, but there are only a few moves, and they are not difficult to master.

This routine is both amusing and magical, and works well for any audience,...

Bruised by Daniel Martin

Bruised by Daniel Martin


Bruised is a great way to reveal a chosen or thought of card but it is much more than that. It can be used with coin tricks, ESP tricks, to reveal a number, name, initials, or word and so on - limited only by your imagination and is perfect for a performer at any skill level.

Imagine vanishing a coin and having it reappear in...

BRB Dice by Joker Magic

BRB Dice by Joker Magic


The magician hands out two large dice and a box to the spectators for inspection.
After that he puts the white die into his pocket, and the red die into the box.

After a magical move he shows that the white die is back in the box!
He then recloses the box and after another magical move the white die appears from his pocket!


Jumbo Invisible Deck

Jumbo Invisible Deck

Have a spectator remove a card from an imaginary deck then replace it face down in the pack. Now you bring out a jumbo deck and spread the cards until youcome to the only one that is face down. Unbelievably, it is their selected card. No forces. Any card they name will be face down in the pack.


Rising Wand by Alan Wong

Rising Wand by Alan Wong


Classic magic wand that rises or jump out of your hand on command.

Easy to do and perfect for supply to magic class for beginners.

Split Decision by Joshua Jay

Split Decision by Joshua Jay


Two spectators look at one card. Yet later on, they can't agree on which card was selected.
"It's the Nine of Hearts."
"No way! I saw the Ace of Diamonds."
What happened? And more importantly, what do you do?
Split Decision!
A card is very fairly removed from the deck and torn in half. Half...

100% Guarantee

100% Guarantee


The magician states that he will make a prediction that cannot fail, a prediction that he can give a 100% guarantee to be correct. A spectator is asked to simply think of any playing card and name it aloud.

The performer removes a sheet of paper and unfolds it showing that since he has every card in the deck on one side, he couldn't...

Sweet plus Birthday Card - Diamond Jim Tyler

Sweet plus Birthday Card - Diamond Jim Tyler


SWEET by Diamond Jim Taylor and BIRTHDAY CARD


The magician borrows a ring or coin and has it initialed. In a flash the borrowed object vanishes and reappears inside of a sealed sweetener packet that has been in full view the entire time. !


Marbo Card Penetration - Viking

Marbo Card Penetration - Viking


A visible penetration of a steel ball through a solid card.An elegant walnut and mahogany box with holes both in the lid and in the base is displayed. The interior is just large enough to hold a single bridge size playing card or business card, which when inserted will block all passage through the holes. A gleaming steel ball bearing completes...

ANY Location Skeleton

ANY Location Skeleton


Magician has the spectator choose one card from the deck and remember it, then has them put the card back to any place in the deck. Then magicians spreads the cards, and bring out a skull hanging from a string from his pocket, putting the skull on top of each card. Suddenly the skull's eyeballs are start flashing, with mysterious...

Dime and Penny trick from Tango coin magic

Dime and Penny trick from Tango coin magic


The Magician shows a penny and a dime in his left hand. He closes both hands and when he opens his hands, he now has a penny in his left hand and a dime in his right!

Split Coin - Half Dollar

Split Coin - Half Dollar


Borrowing any bill from a spectator, you produce a magic half dollar that goes right through bill in front of their eyes! The coin also disappears, reappears and multiples!

Ash and Ember Gold Curved by Zach Heath

Ash and Ember Gold Curved by Zach Heath

In magic there are few things more visually striking than the visible changing of an object. Ash & Ember delivers the world's first color changing finger ring. Nothing like it has ever been seen in magic until now.

Take your black ring off, and with a slight blow the color shifts from ash black to a burning, ember gold at your...


Boston Coin Box Brass 50 cents Euro by Tango

Boston Coin Box Brass 50 cents Euro by Tango



The magician shows a coin and a Boston box. Places the coin inside the box and closes the lid. He waves the box to show that the coin is still in the box. He places the box on the back of his hand, which supports a few centimeters over the table. He gives a flick on the box, the coin crosses the box and falls down...


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