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Tricks: Magic Tricks

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Banked - White, No Logo by Taiwan Ben*

Banked - White, No Logo by Taiwan Ben*

71% OFF
Was $35.00   Now $10.00

"Taiwan Ben has been known to create some of the most practical magic and Banked is no exception."
- Eric Chien (2018 FISM WORLD CHAMPION)

"Banked is the new innovation of the Coin To Bottle effect."
- Mike Liu

is an amazing improvement to the Coin Through Bottle effect. You borrow...

RE by Chris Webb*

RE by Chris Webb*

83% OFF
Was $30.00   Now $5.00

A selected playing card is torn into four pieces. Then with one piece at a time and the hands being shown cleanly at every phase the card repairs itself. The card is then handed out for examination.

With this self-contained gimmick you will be able to perform a visual four piece torn and restored card with ease. The gimmick can even...

The Bouquet (Red) by Bond Lee & MS Magic*

The Bouquet (Red) by Bond Lee & MS Magic*

50% OFF
Was $150.00   Now $75.00

Visually stunning, meticulously crafted, yet requires very little practice to perform. A perfect effect for working professionals and stage performers. The Bouquet is inspired from the classic blooming rose effect and we made it extremely portable for you.

Effect: The magician holds a bouquet with no roses at the start. Then,...

Fox`s Handcuffs  by Wayne Fox

Fox`s Handcuffs by Wayne Fox


Fox's Handcuffs - Two elastic bands, stretched between your index finger and thumb, impossibly melt through each other.

The Fox's Handcuffs, even in extreme close-up, the onlooker will see those elastic bands visibly and slowly melt through one another, making this not only a great social media video, but visual...

OX Bender by Menny Lindenfeld

OX Bender by Menny Lindenfeld


Bend borrowed, signed coins like never before with the WORLDS FIRST SINGLE-HANDED COIN BENDER!

The OX BENDERâ„¢ by Menny Lindenfeld is a custom-made, ingenious device, engineered for BENDING COINS EASILY with ONLY ONE HAND! It's actually EASIER to bend coins with the OX Benderâ„¢ than with any other coin Bender!


Visible Milk Penetration*

Visible Milk Penetration*

41% OFF
Was $85.00   Now $50.00

An empty glass is set on the magician's table, and a silk hanky is placed over it. Then a china plate is shown, and placed on top of the covered glass. Last, a pitcher of milk is poured out into a small glass. Pitcher is placed on top of the plate. The magician taps the inside of the pitcher and the milk begins to descend inside of...

BUBBLE WAND  by Alan Wong

BUBBLE WAND by Alan Wong


A magic wand that blows bubbles is another must have for all children parties.

The new Bubble Wand makes every magical sense. It's a 20cm long small magic wand that contains a bubble blower inside. You pull out the tip and blow magic bubbles, then catch one and it becomes a solid glass bubble that you give away to that...

Candle To Fan

Candle To Fan


by Michael P. Lair

Candle to Fan is the latest creation from Michael P. Lair. Light a 15" red, tapered candle. When the flame goes out, a beautiful, red cloth dragon fan is there in its place. Candle to Fan is so well made and easy to use. It is all self-contained. After the lit candle transforms into the red fan, you can then...

Celebrity Scorch (SUPER MAN & SPIDER MAN) by Mathew Knight and Stephen Macrow

Celebrity Scorch (SUPER MAN & SPIDER MAN) by Mathew Knight and Stephen Macrow


New! LIMITED edition Celebrity Scorch! This modern day classic is now in the repertoires of many working pros, after receiving multiple AMAZING reviews from dealers and performers. Reveal a chosen celebrity in a flash of fire on the back of a business card, playing card, drink cup or wherever your creativity takes you! This product...

FLAKES BOX by Marcos Cruz

FLAKES BOX by Marcos Cruz


Flakes Box is an idea by Marcos Cruz, where you play with cereal boxes. Show a cereal box and transform it into different flavors and cereal presentations, there are five changes that you can make very visually and practical to use.

At the end, all the boxes disappear and make a candy appear.

"Very good brother"

HEROES HAT by Marcos Cruz

HEROES HAT by Marcos Cruz


Heroes Hat is an inspiration from Ali Bongo's hat, with a perfect combination of the hat and the superheroes this is an adaptation of Marcos Cruz.

You will show some cards and they will select one of them, with the heroes hat you will find the prediction, you will fail, you will have many attempts and when you give up it...

Incredible Split Deck Plus  by Magic Music Entertainment

Incredible Split Deck Plus by Magic Music Entertainment


The magician shows a card that has the image of an unknown prediction printed on one side and on the other side the prediction that will be revealed at the end of the trick, leaving this card on the table at all times and in full view of the spectators. Now the magician shows a deck of cards that, with a single "magical blow", it transforms...

My Rich Husband US (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Magic Music Entertainment

My Rich Husband US (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Magic Music Entertainment


Spectacular set for parlor or stage magic.

The magician says and shows that he has six bills of $100 DOLLARS each, while he shows them, he counts them and passes them from one at a time to his other hand. He throws two bills into the air and asks the public: if I have 6 bills and I spend 2, how much money do I have left? The public...

Remote Light Rose Multi-color (Charger Included) by JL Magic

Remote Light Rose Multi-color (Charger Included) by JL Magic


The JL Magic version of this astounding effect is well made and easy to perform. A great value and a "must have" item for your magic collection! When the rose changes color from one color to 3 colors, audiences are amazed!

This wonderful, visual piece of magic is great for storytellers, kids show performers and silent acts.


The Jedi Book Test  by Josh Zandman

The Jedi Book Test by Josh Zandman



Based on the classic War of the Worlds, "The Jedi Book Test" is packed with features! But the best part is that it works with the real paperback Star Wars books!

Star Wars Book Test:
Instantly know multiple...

WONDERBAG  by Gustavo Raley

WONDERBAG by Gustavo Raley

A magical way to dress up an spectator in your kids shows.

The magician shows severals headbands with differents famous characters. A kid select one from the bag and put it over his/her head.

After the magician guess the character, shows a little cape to dress the spectator as the character selected.

The spectator cannot...


BDM Hands Off - The Perfect Chest  by Bazar de Magia

BDM Hands Off - The Perfect Chest by Bazar de Magia


Good luck is always on your side, and in such a magical and clean way as you never imagined

BDM Hands Off is the new chest produced by Bazar de Magia, which surpasses all the other ones created so far.

Four keys are given to the spectators to verify that they do not open the chest. A fifth key is given, which they verify...

Kraft by Axel Vergnaud*

Kraft by Axel Vergnaud*

57% OFF
Was $35.00   Now $15.00

Cards magically appear or change instantly and visually!

Show an empty envelope and immediately bring up the spectator's card. Or show a card of another value inside and instantly they change to the spectator's signed card.

Put a white card inside and it visually transforms into the signed card.

Display or change...

Modern Multum In Parvo

Modern Multum In Parvo


Four glasses are shown. The smallest glass is filled with milk. This is poured into the next tallest glass, and fills it completely. Once again this is poured into the next glass and so on until the tallest is filled with milk. Then the tallest glass is picked up and fills all three glasses with milk. The milk has multiplied several...

Mollify by Fraser Parker*

Mollify by Fraser Parker*

75% OFF
Was $30.00   Now $7.50

Mollify allows you to perform a completely "hands off" two person code in real time, without any codes or prior set up of your assistant.

A spectator is told to think of a card as they shuffle a deck face up as the performer and second spectator look away.

Then without the performer touching the deck the first spectator...

Passe Passe Bottles

Passe Passe Bottles


Two cylinders are shown empty and then used to cover a liqueur bottle and glass. Upon command of the magician the bottle and glass change places. As a finale a second bottle is produced from under a cylinder. Made from spunaluminum to last for years.

Sharp Turn by Matthew Wright

Sharp Turn by Matthew Wright


Magic, entertainment, and comedy -- all in one effect!

Sharp Turn is an easy-to-do, custom-designed Sharpie-style pen gimmick that allows for some eye popping visual magic. It can fit straight into any existing routine you have, or you can build a routine around the gimmick itself.

Sharp Turn allows you to...

Triple Match Botania*

Triple Match Botania*

31% OFF
Was $85.00   Now $59.00

Performer displays three cylinders, and three different colored silks. Spectators select a silk and a cylinder, and the selected silk is pushed into the cylinder. This is repeated with the other two silks and cylinders. Performer then opens out the three cylinders, and three flower bushes spring into view of colors that match the selected...

3G by Kyle Littleton*

3G by Kyle Littleton*

50% OFF
Was $25.00   Now $12.50

3G is a pocket-size miracle that you can do anytime, anywhere.

Take out a pack of gum, give it shake and it morphs into a different brand. Shake again and it changes once more! Then, you can hand it out for examination. The gum can even be eaten. The changes happen with no cover and it looks fantastic.

As well as Kyle's...

Definitive by Chris Rawlins*

Definitive by Chris Rawlins*

36% OFF
Was $55.00   Now $35.00

Definitive is a new thought test from Christopher Rawlins. You will receive a specially designed and printed book that perfectly resembles a real dictionary, though it hides many professional secrets. You will also gain access to detailed video instructions that run over 140 minutes and teach 6 full professional grade routines...


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