Selected Card Appears In The Zip Compartment Of This Special Wallet.
This Top Quality mini size leather wallet has been specially made for secretly switching playing cards or banknotes.
You dreamed of jumbo cards for your children's shows, and now they're here!
Cards on which you will find colorful jungle animals with which you can make at least four routines and even more if you know how to show a little imagination.
The routines are described in video on a DVD that is included in the kit.
This is an additional Cap Gimmick to create your own routines and should be used alongside Coinvexed or Coinvexed 2.0
"The Final Answer In Coin Bending!" Morgan Strebler
When David Penn released his...
"The Final Answer In Coin Bending!"
Morgan Strebler
When David Penn released his Coinvexed coin bending gimmick, it established itself as the number one choice for professional magicians and mentalists all over the world. Coinvexed Third Generation takes the project even further with an improved gimmick and a DVD featuring...
Enter the stage holding a LIT white candle in one hand and a red hanky in other hand.
You cover the candle with the hanky.
The flame of the candle is seen above the hanky.
Suddenly he uncovers the candle. The candle has changed its color from White to Red!
The performer takes another hanky, blows out the candle and...
One of Magic's most powerful effect can now be yours.
Jokers Wild will visually transform cards right before your spectators' eyes.
This is real card magic that is easy to learn and will amaze everyone.
Special Bicycle Magic Cards are included with an instructional DVD to learn the magic step by step.
A spectator is handed a match box with a tiny hole going through the center. He is given a needle threaded with a ribbon and is instructed to push the needle through the box and pull the ribbon completely through. The box is opened and amazingly contains a SOLID BLOCK OF BRASS! This one's a real beauty.
Begin by removing a standard house key from your key chain. You then thread it onto a thin string and have two spectators hold on to each end. You then cover the key with a handkerchief, reach under and in an instant you remove the key from the string!
Go ahead hand the key and string out for inspection...there's nothing...
You will be proud to own and perform with MORRISSEY CUPS. The ideal set of cups for your favorite Cups & Balls routine. MORRISSEY CUPS are used by more amateur and professional close-up magicians than any other cup on the market.
The unique design allows you to perform many moves that are not possible with other designs....
A kids show favorite! The performer removes a banana from his luch bag. Deciding to save it for later heplaces it back in the bag. Suddenly another banana appears in his hand. This is repeated over and over again.Just when you think the bag is filled with lots of bananas it is ripped open to prove it's completely empty.
This deck does everything for you and you can even perform it surrounded. Imagine having the spectator holding a shuffled deck of playing cards along with their signed card somewhere in the deck. They shake the deck, and the entire deck, including their signed card, rearranges itself back into new deck order; Ace to king. It's a jaw...
Stand-Up Comedy Magic That Leaves Them Laughing and Stunned
You show six different colored feather plumes. Rolling up a borrowed sheet of paper forms a tube and the plumes are passed through the tube, one at a time. As the plumes pass the tube they magically change colors.
Each plume measures 17" in length.
In this package you will find a finely crafted gimmicked coin set produced by Tango Magic.
Tango Magic produces the highest quality gimmicked coins in the world. Tango stands behind their products to guarantee your success. As a bonus to thank you for your purchase, Tango has included in this package Tangopedia, a four-hour...
The magician displays a small (5-inches round) aluminum pan and opens it, showing the inside empty. He places the lid back on, snaps his fingers and when he removes the lid again, a live dove (or any other object which fits inside) appears!
High-quality spun aluminum with a quick-action release and air hole on the lid.
A block like a Rubik Cube with a hole through two sides is displayed impaled on a metal wand inside a cabinet. The block is removed and covered by a square cover. With a snap of the fingers, the block is made to fly to the cabinet and is seen back on the wand. When the square cover is lifted, it is seen to be clearly empty. Beautifully...
The magician presents both sides of a big black silk with white polka-dots. He shakes the silk and the polka-dots fly away. The silk turns entirely black on both sides! Then the magician tosses some polka-dot's into the silk. Magically, the white polka-dots return to the silk, on both sides!
The pitcher empties on its own!!! Milk is poured and then vanishes into a paper cone, a hat or a child's ear. A pitcher of some 2 liters can be emptied in seconds!!! You may use it as part of your magic trick routine for children or adults, as a single magic trick or you may combine it with other Classic Line tricks found at Bazar de...
The magician shows a coin in his left hand, puts his right hand on the coin and the coin changes for another coin.
From the creative mind of the French magician, Alexis de la Fuente, comes a brilliant piece of card magic. Pen Pal is one trick you will carry with you at all times. Any signed card appears under a Sharpie pen clip.
Perform it as a stand alone piece, or at the end of your favorite ambitious card routine.
When Alexis...
This just isn't the best looking bunny roll-out wand on the market, but an entire routine. Invite a child to assist. Tell the child you will turn them into a bunny. Recite Tommy's magic words but nothing happens. Explain to the audience that it may not happen right away. It could take weeks before the spell takes effect!...
This is the famous Sword Through Neck illusion, constructed in a necktie. As a result you have a sword apparently going through the bare neck without any shielding by a "frame" or "stock". The sword is pushed right through the assistant's neck and it visibly emerges at the opposite end. It is then pulled out again to show the assistant...
Magician displays a pitcher full of milk. He borrows a hat from a spectator and pours the milk into the hat. The hat is then tossed back to its owner and found to be dry. The milk has vanished! and the pitcher is now only half full. A paper cone or similar object can be used in place of the hat. Great trick!
Includes a...
Have you ever wanted to produce a flaming business card from your wallet?
The Burning Connection 2.0 wallet will ignite your business card. When you extinguished the card it then can be handed to a spectator as your "Burning Connection".
This gimmicked wallet is absolutely one of the most impressive ways to present your business...
A borrowed ring, watch, etc... vanishes from a spectator's hand and magically appears inside a wooden chest, which is inside a second larger locked chest. Clever mechanical design craftedin wood. Outer box is 5 x 4 x 4 inches.
Produce a variety of items magically from a book, even a dove or rabbit!
The magician presents a hard cover book, opens the cover and shows the title page or even a blank page and quickly draws an image. The book is closed and when opened again, an item that could not possibly fit in the book, instantly appears!