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Tricks: Magic Tricks

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Grandpas Tophat

Grandpas Tophat


The performer displays a framed 8 x 12 inch picture of a Top Hat that belonged to his grandfather. It is a magic hat. He shows how it was used. Passed behind the back a picture of a rabbit appears and then disappears. The kids are not impressed "You turned it around!" - Here is where the fun begins. Each time the picture goes behind you...

Crush by Eric Ross

Crush by Eric Ross


The DVD teaches TWO complete methods, one of which requiring NO gimmicks of any kind. Perform it with a borrowed bottle. A Pepsi bottle. A water bottle. Any bottle.

Hold the bottle in your hands. Put the bottle in your spectator's hands. Put the bottle on the table. The choice is yours. It CRUSHES.

The DVD was shot...

Dacri Giant 3D Bunny

Dacri Giant 3D Bunny


This is the Steve Dacri version of 3-D Bunny. Many routines included. You receive 1 large 5" bunny and 5 smaller matching bunnies. Not the usual red sponge but more realistic type looking bunnies.

Flipper Coin - Silver

Flipper Coin - Silver

Two half dollars are placed on the palm of your hand. Close you hand and when you open it up again there's only one coin! This clever gimmick does all the work. There's lots of possibilities with this coin. Show two coins in one hand and show your other hand empty. In an instant you have one coin in each hand!


Transporter by Joshua Jay

Transporter by Joshua Jay

Joshua Jay's Wonder Wallet Series Continues...TRANSPORTER Has Arrived!

You explain to your audience that a magician is obligated to perform whenever called upon. In fact, it's part of the rules. You show...





Show a piece of rope you are holding in your hands...and suddenly the spectators can see the rope is running into your coat and out of your right sleeve. Then, the other end of the rope is running out of your other sleeve! In a blink, the rope that was in front of your chest is now behind your back! You give the rope a tug and it goes straight...

Cardicians Dream

Cardicians Dream


A card visually transforms into the spectator's chosen card by heating it with a normal lighter!

Vanishing Coin In Glass

Vanishing Coin In Glass


Vanish a coin with no use of sleight of hand.

Borrow a Quarter and place it under a handkerchief.
The spectator can feel the coin underneath the hank.
The magician then holds the hank over a small glass of water and drops the coin inside.
Upon removing the hank, the coin has vanished.
The water is...

Handkerchief Vanishing Bill

Handkerchief Vanishing Bill

Hankerchief Vanishing Bill by Bazar de Magia The magician borrows a bill of any denomination from a spectator and places it under a hankerchief. He hands the hanky to the owner of the bill who holds onto it through the cloth. The magician snaps his fingers and tells the spectator to let go of the bill vanishes! The borrowed bill...


Rising Card - Evans

Rising Card - Evans


Another small miracle from FISM Award winner henry evans! A card rises in the spectator�s hand under impossible conditions, everything can be examined before and after the effect. In the end, you are automatically reset to perform it again and again. A classic of magic made even better! You receive complete instructions and special gimmicks...

Kundalini Rising

Kundalini Rising

Spectators provide the cards, they freely shuffle the deck and freely select the card. You receive an exceptionally well thought out and written illustrated manuscript that is full of routines for Jeff McBride's...


Assistant Hat

Assistant Hat

Place the hat on a childs head while the child is assisting. Remove the hatand they are left with a plunger on their head. Big laughs!!

Avaialble is Wizard or Clown Style.


Hyper Smith - Vernet

Hyper Smith - Vernet


A parapsychological sensation!

Hyper Smith is a very practical and self working mental effect. It allows you to reveal a word and a symbol randomly selected by two spectators. No fishing and nothing is written or forced. With Hyper Smith you can create a sensation at your parlor or close up show. Very visual and easy to do. ...

Synchro Boxes - Tenyo

Synchro Boxes - Tenyo


Tenyo has received special permission from creator Bob Ostin to release his close-up magic masterpiece with a newly-designed gimmick that we developed. The more times you repeat this trick, the more baffling it becomes. Our new gimmick is cleverly hidden inside the construction of the boxes, so there is no need to hide anything in your hands,...

20th Century Silk Cabinet

20th Century Silk Cabinet

$30.00 3 Silks are seen going through a plastic cabinet.
1 Silk is removed and VANISHED.
When the 2 remaing silks are pulled from the cabinet, the VANISHED silk appears TIED between them.

cabinet size: 7 1/2 x 3 1/2 x 1

Silks included
Folding Pocket Comb

Folding Pocket Comb


Looks like a dangerous weapon but it springs open into an innocent pocket knife.

Gazzo Tossed Out Deck

Gazzo Tossed Out Deck

You wrap the deck in rubber bands and throw it out to a punter in the audience.

As your back is turned, you instruct him to open the deck anywhere he likes and remember one of the cards.

In turn you instruct him to throw the deck to anybody in the audience. That person is instructed to do the same thing. This is done to...


Golf Ball and Silk Vase

Golf Ball and Silk Vase


A vase is opened, and a white handkerchief removed from inside. The handkerchief is magically "rolled" into a solid ball. The ball is placed in your pocket, and reappears inside the vase. The vase is tapped, and the ball magically penetrates right through the vase. Finally the ball vanishes, and the original silk is found again in the vase....

Hot Wallet

Hot Wallet


Open this leather billfold and flames shoot out! You can even pull out money after the flames die down. Looks like a regular wallet. Crafted from fine leather.

Reversible by Mathieu Bich

Reversible by Mathieu Bich


Reversible is a very visual card trick based on the classic "Reset" Plot

Effect: Four Kings Four Aces. The Kings are placed face-up in the spectator's hand. The Aces are held face-down in your hand. The two groups of cards barely touch each other: They transpose in full view. Instantly.

Easy to do - Instantly...




These cuffs are NOT gimmicked. The escape is accomplished by a very subtle principle and easy to do when you know the secret. Comes with a set of keys, carrying case, and instructions.

Rabbit Pan by bazar de magia

Rabbit Pan by bazar de magia

The magician displays a large (11.5-inches round) aluminum pan and opens it, showing the inside empty. He places the lid back on, snaps his fingers and when he removes the lid again, a live rabbit (or any other object which fits inside) appears!

High-quality spun aluminum with a quick-action release, wooden handle and air hole...


Silver Copper Brass Trasnposition 64 Kennedy

Silver Copper Brass Trasnposition 64 Kennedy


A half dollar is placed in one hand while the other holds a Chinese coin and a copper Mexican coin. Slowly close your hand over these two coins and instantly they become the silver half dollar. The foreign coins have jumped to your Other hand. A series of transpositions follows and at the finish, all the coins are left for examination....

Juggling Balls by Katzini

Juggling Balls by Katzini

prices are for 1 ball

2 inch - These small juggling balls are great for small hands. If you are looking for balls for someone under the age of 13, then these are for you. Also perfect for juggling large numbers of balls.

2.5 inch - This juggling ball is BY FAR OUR MOST POPULAR...


Rainbow Jokers by Astor

Rainbow Jokers by Astor

Four face up blue backed jokers turn over in a surprising manner, turn face up again, but now each joker has a different colored back. As a finale all the jokers have blue backs again.


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