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Tricks: Magic Tricks

showing   2051   thru   2075   of 5003   items           
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Cardiologist Deck

Cardiologist Deck


This is no medical miracle. It's simply a diabolical deck of cards that lets you operate like a master (magician).

The Cardiologist Deck can be shuffled - by both the magician and the spectator - at any time. Even so, the magician can instantly, without complicated sleight of hand, find the mate of any card freely selected...

Melting Key

Melting Key


A standard blank (uncut) key is shown front and back. With a rubbing stroke of the forefinger, the key notches are magically cut.

The key can be passed out BOTH before and after the performance.

Includes two routines, keys and special gimmick.

Sword Thru Neck

Sword Thru Neck


A wooden frame is locked around the neck of your spectator.
You push a 23 inch sword through the frame. You push the sword through the frame and it goes in on one side of their neck and emerges from the other side of their neck!
The sword is shown rigid - A reputation Maker! Smooth Operation!
Sword Shown...

Wonder Matches

Wonder Matches


Great Close-Up from Erez Moshe in Israel

Display an ordinary box of matches. Suddenly the lid vanishes!

You reach into your pocket and and remove the missing lid.

Next the matchbox suddenly shrinks into a miniature size complete with miniature matches.

Perfect Cut Gimmick Deck by Jeff Nolasco

Perfect Cut Gimmick Deck by Jeff Nolasco


Perfect cut Gimmick Deck is an incredible visual effect that spectator's will love.


The magician takes 2 decks. One red deck, one blue deck.

Spread the red deck to the spectator so they know it is a normal deck.

Shuffle the red deck and set it aside.

Spread the blue deck, let the...

Size Does Matter USD by Juan Pablo Magic

Size Does Matter USD by Juan Pablo Magic


Imagine having small Monopoly bills and being able to transform their value and also their SIZE! Then clearly show each of them, one by one, followed by handing them out for examination! And if you want, you can go backwards in a more visual and instantaneous way as if everything had been an illusion!

You can transform real euro...

TRICOLOR DICE by Wayne Dobson and Alan Wong

TRICOLOR DICE by Wayne Dobson and Alan Wong


Tricolor Dice is a fine five minute close up routine by Wayne Dobson features three small dice boxes and three colored dice that gives you a three- phase mindreading act under increasingly impossible conditions with a strong finish.

Despite the spectator makes all the choices of boxes, dice and all the mixing around, you are...

Obedient Balloon

Obedient Balloon


On a display stand are 4 inflated balloons marked 1-2-3-4. Spectators select any of the numbers, and the balloon at that position flies up and away from the stand. This is repeated for the other 3 balloons. We supply the special stand responsible for the effect. You can use any balloons. The effect of the balloons flying off makes for...

Linking Rings - Locking

Linking Rings - Locking


This 10" THREE ring set is made from lightweight aluminum. The key ring is magnetic and can be freely shown without tipping the secret.

Penetration Frame

Penetration Frame


A piece of solid plexi-glass mounted in a frame is carefully examined. Cards are fastened to each side of the frame. The magician then thrusts a pencil and other objects through the cards and the plexi-glass. The damaged cards are removed but the glass is unharmed and there are no holes. Easy to do!

Expanded Peace Dollar

Expanded Peace Dollar


Expanded Peace Dollar shell.

Tango Phantom Coins by Tango Magic

Tango Phantom Coins by Tango Magic


Another creation by Antonio Kamimoto and Tango Magic.

Tango Phantom coins is a beautiful and versatile routine you can perform on stage, close up and parlor conditions. The twist Kamimoto got with the classical routine adding a needle thru coin effect, make this version the best, his moves are undetectable and the magic fluent looks...

Mental Epic

Mental Epic


Mental Epic has long been one of the best devices for mind reading ever invented. A board is shownwith six sections. Two audience members are each asked a question and prior to their response the performer writes his prediciton on the board. A third spectator is asked to randomly select a playing card and again the performer writes his...

Telekinetic Boxes by Astor

Telekinetic Boxes by Astor


The Magician uses a blue and a red box for this trick. The spectator can place his/her own ring into any of the boxes. The magician closes the boxes with rubber bands than the miracle happens. The spectator's ring is transferred from one box to the other within seconds. There is also possible to place an object in each box and they just...

White Star

White Star


A Perfect Separation of the Living from the Dead


The performer is seated at a table opposite two volunteers. The performer places a small article in front of each person, such as an old coin and an old fountain pen (these are to act as 'markers').

The performer now takes out from his wallet,...

Ball & Vase - Royal

Ball & Vase - Royal


Magician uncovers a small vase to show a little red ball inside. The ball is removed and the cover put back on the vase. Magician places ball in his pocket and then uncovers the vase once again. The audience is stunned because the ball has returned. This is one of the oldest tricks in magic.

TOTEM by Henry Harrius

TOTEM by Henry Harrius


A devious mentalism piece that resembles REAL MIND CONTROL!

Totem is a multiple-phase mentalism routine that ends with a surprising climax. A gold-foiled coin is introduced and the spectator is asked to hold onto it. Throughout an imaginary journey with the magician, the spectator would end up with several decisions in their...

TRICK TAC by Ezequiel Ferra

TRICK TAC by Ezequiel Ferra


The most powerful magic happens when the elements are common to the audience!

Imagine this:

Take a box of TicTac, and give away some pills to the audience and then transform all of them ULTRA visually into the card previously chosen by the audience, even the signed one.

But this is just the beginning! With TRICK TAC...

Ball and Brass - Viking

Ball and Brass - Viking


A solid brass plinth is displayed along with a gleaming steel ball. The ball is placed atop the plinth and slowly it sinks into the solid brass column. Just as mysteriously it rises again to the surface.This may be repeated, with the ball going even deeper into the solid mass of brass. Finally, the ball is removed and everything can be...

DROPPING WAND by Mago Rigel & Twister Magic

DROPPING WAND by Mago Rigel & Twister Magic


An amazing new gag created by magician Rigel from Mexico, a magic wand is handed to a kid and when he holds it, in a quick and graceful manner the magic wand wilts but at the same time becomes super long, dropping all the way down.

An ideal gag for children's magic, comedy, clowns and much more.

You receive everything...

Perfect Switch Wallet by Victor Voitko*

Perfect Switch Wallet by Victor Voitko*

46% OFF
Was $65.00   Now $35.00

With our Perfect Switch Wallet, you can do standard tricks: transformations, switches, appearances; with cards, money, business cards.

Apart from being made of high quality leather, what makes our Perfect Switch Wallet so different from similar products?

There is a grand finale with is our Perfect Switch Wallet - the...

Visible by Craig Petty and the 1914

Visible by Craig Petty and the 1914



Admit it. You own (or once owned) an Invisible Deck.

A spectator freely names a playing card which is immediately shown to be the ONLY card reversed in the pack.

It's a very impressive trick!

But what if we told you that it's NOT a trick?

What if we told...

Visual Pen by Axel Vergnaud

Visual Pen by Axel Vergnaud


Do you want to be able to make a sharpie disappear or transform it into a card or something else in less than a second?

Axel Vergnaud is the creator of many successful tricks and effects such as ROOM 66, B.CLEAR, ETNA, META-MORPHE and KRAFT.

Today Axel presents "VISUAL PEN" a UNIQUE trick, extremely VISUAL and easy to handle....

Mirage Deck

Mirage Deck


Fan the deck and show that all the cards are different.

Have a spectator select a card and put it back in the middle of the pack. Snap your fingers and it's back to the top. Then, like a "Svengali" deck you riffle the cards and the entire deck changes to the selected card.

This is just one great effect you can...

Pyschic Cylinders

Pyschic Cylinders


The magician turns his back and invites the spectator to seal a match or toothpick inside one of two metal cylinders. The spectator then covers each cylinder with an opaque cup or cocktail napkin. The magician faces the spectator and immediately divines the cylinder containing the hidden object!

The magician does not see, feel...


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