A vase is opened, and a white handkerchief removed from inside. The handkerchief is magically "rolled" into a solid ball. The ball is placed in your pocket, and reappears inside the vase. The vase is tapped, and the ball magically penetrates right through the vase. Finally the ball vanishes, and the original silk is found again in the vase....
If you could only see this performed live! 1-100 Bill Switch is one of the cleanest, most magical bill switches you will ever see (and one of the easiest). It's well explained with four pages of text and pictures. A classic of magic that should be in the performing repertoire of every magician.
Here's a quick visual trick that really gets their attention.
A genuine U.S. Dollar Bill is shown. You begin folding it and suddenly the bill is gone and you are holding a pack of matces! You can show the matchbook front and back and there is nothing to conceal in your hands.
This booklet teaches one of the most astonishing, startling, visual tricks in all of magic.
Imagine this:
Borrow a dollar bill.
Crumple it into a loose ball.
Set it on your open palm.
Slowly, eerily and mysteriously, the bill rises off of your hand!
The secret of this incredible feat is described in detail...
This little kit comes with instructions plus everything you need to perform the Floating Bill. You also get instructions on a Coin Matrix and a PSI effect where a pencil mysteriously rolls across a table.
A blank piece of paper is placed into the wooden tray. The blotter is then rolled over the tray transforming the blank paper into genuine currency. Any bill may be produced.. And it's completely examinable.
Made of quality hardwoods. This is a collectable quailty prop that you will thoroughly enjoy!
A dollar bill is folded several times. When the bill is unfolded the middle is in the corners and the corners are in the middle. This is a genuine one dollar bill. The bill is folded up again and restored to it's original condition. Comes complete with US currency.
A dollar bill floats out of your hand, and dances in mid-air – left and right, up and down and finally straight up. The clever gimmick enables you to take a bill from any country – U.S. dollars,Euros, etc. – and instantly make it float upward from your hands. You can show the front and back of the bill, and since there are no...
A borrowed banknote is pierced with a pencil, then the magician continues to tear it in half, but suddenly the banknote is seen to be whole again. Then the magician folds the banknote into a "V" shape and puts the pencil into the fold. The pencil slowly and visibly penetrates through the banknote. The magician hands the banknote back to...
The magician displays a transparent board with four different fruits written on its surface. A spectator is invited to select one of the fruits, and hide that selection from view. The transparent board is tilted up to form a ramp. The magician places a black cylinder at the top of the ramp, and it slowly rolls downward. However, the cylinder...
Casually show a butcher style knife, gleaming blade in full view. Roll up ashirt sleeve and then with one swift movement smash the blade down on yourforearm. NO TRICKY MOVES! The blade has penetrated completely through your arm, living flesh sticking to it's edge. The shock begins. Blood squirtson the blade, forearm, table and floor....
You reach out and pluck the flame from a cigarette lighter. Hold the flame between your right thumb and index finger, then you transfer it to your left fingers. Take it again with you right fingers and finally blow the flame vanishing it and showing your hands absolutely empty . Use it to light a cigarette or ignite flash paper. Blow...
A classic effect.
The magician displays a silk handkerchief between his hands. Suddenly, the hanky comes to life! It dances about, scampering out of the magician's reach, jumping from side to side and wiggling around in an eerie fashion.
The entire effect is self-contained and easy to perform. Supplied complete in four...
The effect begins when the magician asks a spectator to choose a card from a mini deck. This card is placed on top of a sealed standard deck held by the spectator, who is challenged to turn this card over in less than five seconds.
The spectator cannot succeed, as the Mini Card is enclosed inside the cellophane of the new standard...
First in the series of Deluxe products from Frontier!
Hand Finished!
Quality Solid Wood!
Built to last a lifetime of shows!
A slate is shown and a rabbit is Sketched on it. A helper holds the box while the picture is inserted into a slot. The helper opens the front door of the box to show the picture.
A selected card is signed by the spectator and made to vanish. Instantly, a cloth pouch is taken from your pocket. The elastic band is removed and a plexiglass frame it removed. Sandwiched in the frame and secured by elastic bands, is the signed card!
Show a black and white drawing inside a picture frame.
As you pull the picture from the frame it magically abd visibly turns into full color.
11 moves & routines + the gimmicks you need to perform them.
In AEON, NYC's Benjamin Mei will walk you through his hyper-visual ring magic in its purest and most simple form.
11 new moves & routines performed with custom-engineered, low friction rings.
You will learn:
Checkpoint - is a casual trick with rip up and restoration of a receipt.
"Uh show me something!?" - popular situation in life of magician.
During these moments, simple magic tricks like "choose the card" do not want to be shown.
Magician wants to feel himself like Dinamo or David Blaine, which create magical...
McDonald’s Aces is a classic in magic. Aces are distributed into four separate packets of cards, and with a magical gesture, the aces are transported to the leader packet. The effect is clear, and the gimmicks make the effect absolutely impossible. John Guastaferro and David Regal have joined forces to create one of the most elegant...
When it comes to an effect in which a drawing or a photo is transformed into a real object, we thought that we had seen it all, until the Pop Up Project showed a revolutionary way of realizing this effect
The magician shows a bag with some papers and in each one is written a different word. These papers are thrown...
The performer introduces an empty hat and a solid die. He places the die into the inverted hat. The performer then displays an empty double compartment box, with cut out windows on front with loose sliding shutters and hinged doors at top (actually there are two boxes side by side on a common base). The die is taken from the hat and placed...
Put two coins in your hand and take out one at a time, but there are always two coins in your hand. Then they disappeared and are found in your pocket or purse.
This is hopping half, a classic coin magic routine. I'm honored to pay tribute to this classic effect with the version of ancient Chinese coins. This is HCC....
A mid-air restoration of a torn playing card - that ends totally clean.
Icarus is a trick only Christian Grace could create. An effortless display of insane visuals, but with a satisfying & practical method.
As the broken pieces are thrust towards the table, they unite in mid-air to end as a completely clean,...