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Tricks: General Magic

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S.B. Tube by Bond Lee & MGI Magic


Smoke and bubble, the perfect combination.

Now you don't need to smoke a cigarette, or even another device to place smoke inside a bubble. S.B. Tube does it all. The S.B. Tube allows you to generate and blow smoke into a bubble. You can blow your regular bubble, and when you need smoke, just press the button --...


Elephant Vanish (back Stage) by Premium Magic


Effect: In absence of the performer an assistant vanishes a picture of an Elephant from inside two boards. But the elephant is discovered by the audience hanging under the tray due to foolishness of another Assistant. The performer then enters into the stage to control the situation. He vanished the elephant, but to foolish assistant...


Final Card by Rich Hill


A wonderful demonstration of mentalism!

A card is predicted and sealed in an envelope. The envelope can be held by an audience member throughout the presentation.

Next, a deck of cards is examined and shuffled by a spectator. A colored disk is placed on an easel on the magician's table. After the cards are fully shuffled,...


David Penn`s Wine Bottle Production


When you're in a close-up or parlor setting, this has to be one of the strongest pieces magic you can perform. You will leave them speechless when a full bottle of wine appears right in front of them.

This was David Penn's opening routine when he won The Magic Circle Close Up Magician of the Year and The IBM Close Up Competition....


Half Full by Scott Alexander & Puck


Half Full is yet another effect in Scott Alexander and Puck's line of powerful commercial magic. It is based on a long-forgotten trick called "Milkan," which was a favorite of Faucett Ross.

Half Full is a versatile trick that can be a quick opener, or a full five-minute routine of comedy and audience interaction....


Devils Hank by TCC


Are you looking for a handy way to vanish objects such as rings, bills, watches or more?

High-quality gimmick handkerchief.

The handkerchief's material has been carefully selected -- it will not be affected by light.

This handkerchief is exclusively designed to make objects vanish or appear.


Magic Photo Camera by Mago Flash and Nahuel Olivera


This camera makes many objects appear in funny ways, thanks to its built-in squeaker!

Effect: The magician shows the empty camera, closes the doors, and from inside, an object appears. This happens over and over again. You're able to produce quite a bit of funny stuff, as there's plenty of room! Each time, you show...


Fantoma`s Box


This one is WILD! It's a great way to produce items magically. Open a black box, and remove a white box from it - the white box practically filled the entire space of the black box. Open the white box and remove items from it. The black box is then shown to ALSO have large items inside. How can this be? There was no room for them! Best...


Color Changing Dice (4 Wooden Die)


Get spontaneous applause and WOW's from your audience!

Show a giant white die on all sides. Place it into a box. Take it out of the box, and it is now RED! Again, show it on all sides and place it back into the box. Remove it, and now it has different colors on all sides! Unbelievable!

Fun to perform, and this gets a...


Fly Away Cube by Mr. Magic


A beautiful oriental cabinet is shown and you are able to pass a wand through the center. Open the door and a large Rubik's Cube is seen sitting at the center -- the wand seems to have passed right through the cube as well. Next, show a five-sided container with a knob and place the cube on the table and cover it with this container....


Chap Schtick Surprise


This is the bomb, Lip balm that is.

Magician states that he is suffering from chapped lips and produces a standard tube of Chap Stick.

He goes on to state that he family is very cost concious and buys the econo size at Walwart.

He then produces a much larger tube.

After the laughs have died...


Super Fantasy Plumes


This is a very novel and colorful variation of the Classic "Color Changing Plumes" effect. Colored plumes passed through an empty tube change color, turn in to a parasol, a colorful bouquet and finally a flag which you can wave for a climax We supply you all the apparatus required for this effect. These plumes are large (around 25") and...


Knife Thru Arm Surrounded


Show the knife freely on both side!

You place the blade on your arm and move the knife back and forth. Blood SQUIRTS everywhere (Optional).

  • Perform at Close Distance!
  • Fully Self-Contained!
  • Hidden Blood Dispenser!
  • Blade Appears Sharpened!
  • No cumbersome Lever to extend blade.
  • All...


Mirror Goblet by Amazo Magic


Amazing prop for changing one object to another, or even a great "restored tie" effect (read below)!

Here is a high-quality and high-capacity goblet glass. It measures 19 cm in height and 9 cm in diameter.

Ideal for transformations and colored liquids to silk, streamers, confetti, etc.

Here's a great idea: before...


Silk to Egg PRO (White) by Joao Miranda

Silk to Egg is a classic of magic. Thanks to Joao Miranda, a modern version has arrived, with a voice over that guides the magician through the whole routine, with lots of comedy involved!

In this effect, a silk is placed into the magician's closed fist, transforming into an egg. The voice over "reveals" that the egg is fake...


Cardiographic LITE by Martin Lewis

Cardiographic LITE packs all the power of its famous parent. Featured in David Copperfield's touring show, this is the trick that recently earned Jon Dorenbos a golden buzzer on America's Got Talent!

Effect: Spectator selects a card. Magician says he's drawn the card on a pad, and turns the pad around -...


Garber Apppearing System by Ra Magic Shop and Daniel Garber


The Garber Appearing System, developed by Daniel Garber, is a great way to make objects appear, vanish, or change into other objects. With its briefcase design, there are more than 100 different ideas that are possible for this trick!

Take an empty card box and transform it into a full deck of cards, or present a piece of...


Squaring the Circle by Mr. Magic


Without any cover, a metal square frame visually transforms into a circular one. This classic trick has been performed by magicians the world over!

Extremely easy to learn and perform. Completely self-working.


Vanishing Glass of Milk PRO by Bazar de Magia


Just imagine: a glass of milk vanishes completely. Yes, the milk disappears and also does the glass. And - unbelievably - everything happens before the very eyes of the audience!

It is a trick of the kind known as "Sucker trick": when presenting it, you may perform some comedy by pretending to explain its secret to the audience....


Witch Hat Paper Tear by Ra Magic


Witch Hat Paper Tear by Ra El Mago and Mant, is a great and interactive trick. The magician asks for an assistant from the audience. He displays two pieces of paper, one orange and one black. Both pieces are torn and magically transformed into an incredible Witch Hat. Finally, the magician gives the hat as a gift to the assistant....


Best Ever Knots Off Silk - Jeff McBride


This is indeed the Best Ever Knots Off Silk!

NEW VERSION with 24" silk and improved instructions.

You take a silk and tie a knot in it... then slide the knot off the silk.

This can be repeated again and again!

At the end the silk is shown to have 3 large holes in it! Surefire laughs!



Vanishing Cane by JL Magic

The Vanishing Cane has been loved by audiences for many years. We guarantee the quality of this version, as JL Magic makes this product using high-quality film. It is available in various colors. The effect is even more effective when used with a feather or silk. Made of high-quality plastic.


Millennium Clear Casket w/ Flowers


Magician shows a completely empty crystal casket.

In the blink of an eye, The casket suddenly overflows with flowers.

Instead of appearing flowers, you can make silks or spring bills appear in the casket!!

Highest degree of quality standards --- a very nice piece of magic apparatus!

Unlimited possibilities...


Appearing Everything from Box by Tora Magic


This production will transform your stage act!

Show an empty Box to the audience... and produce everything you like from it, like a duck, a small pet, sponge items and ...

This brilliant hand craft is beautiful and easy to produce.

Dimensions of box: 36 x 21 x 21 cm


P&L Phantom Tube by P&L Magic


Considered to be one of the greatest and most perplexing production effects on the market. Manufactured by the famous Petrie Lewis (P&L Magic Company).

The tube is picked up from the table and can be held up to the light so that the audience can clearly see that it's completely empty. The tube is now held in the palm of the hand...


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