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Tricks: General Magic

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Balloon To Rabbit Cage


The magician shows all sides of a big wooden box. The front of the box has a big cutout area through which interior of the box is seen to be empty. There are metal bars at intervals from top to bottom of the cutout. The Performer now introduces a balloon and inflates it. He then puts the balloon inside the box and shows the box again....


Change Bag Diamond (Black/White) by Bazar de Magia


Greatest Utility Ever! Put an item inside the bag, then turn it inside out - VANISHED! Turn the bag inside out again - APPEARANCE! Use the Change Bag with any object that fits into the bag Producing! Vanishing! Changing! One hand activated.

This new style change bag is remarkably well made, made of nylon, which is highly shock and...


Change Bag Diamond (Red/White) by Bazar de Magia


Greatest Utility Ever! Put an item inside the bag, then turn it inside out - VANISHED! Turn the bag inside out again - APPEARANCE! Use the Change Bag with any object that fits into the bag Producing! Vanishing! Changing! One hand activated.

This new style change bag is remarkably well made, made of nylon, which is highly shock and...


Change Bag Standard (Black) by Bazar de Magia


Greatest Utility Ever! Put an item inside the bag, then turn it inside out - VANISHED! Turn the bag inside out again - APPEARANCE! Use the Change Bag with any object that fits into the bag Producing! Vanishing! Changing! One hand activated.

This new style change bag is remarkably well made, made of nylon, which is highly shock and...


Change Bag Standard by Bazar de Magia

Greatest Utility Ever! Put an item inside the bag, then turn it inside out - VANISHED! Turn the bag inside out again - APPEARANCE! Use the Change Bag with any object that fits into the bag Producing! Vanishing! Changing! One hand activated.

This new style change bag is remarkably well made, made of nylon, which is highly shock and...


Change Bag Stars by Bazar de Magia


Greatest Utility Ever! Put an item inside the bag, then turn it inside out - VANISHED! Turn the bag inside out again - APPEARANCE! Use the Change Bag with any object that fits into the bag Producing! Vanishing! Changing! One hand activated.

This new style change bag is remarkably well made, made of nylon, which is highly shock and...


Change Bag Diamond (Black/White) by Bazar de Magia


One of the most useful and versatile tools available, Change Bags offer an easy and effective method for productions, vanishes, changes and much more.


Light Heavy Chest


A spectator is invited to assist with an experiment.
You hand them an attractive wooden chest and ask them to place it on the floor. The magician then shows the spectator a silk and tells them to imagine that the silk is heavy, very very heavy. The magician places the silk inside the chest as you continue to tell the spectator to imagine...


Cobra Tie in Basket


The magician borrows a tie from a member of the audience. The tie is placed into a wicker basket. The magician casts a sell upon the tie... then, slowly and magically the tie starts to rise out of the basket like a snake under the spell of a snake charmer. (The cobra tie can even reveal a card selection.) The tie then lowers itself back...


Crystal Botania


The magician shows a crystal clear tube. He places a wand inside the tube to prove NOTHING is hidden inside. Next, the tube is placed onto a thin acrylic stand and once again shown empty on all sides. The audience can clearly see through the tube. When the magician places his wand inside one last time to prove nothing is inside, a beautiful...


Appearing 3 Cubes from Empty Box - Tora


The performance starts when the performer shows to audience an empty box. Then from inside, appears three crystal cubes and each is full of 12 balls!

This item can be performed in any venue and includes one box and three crystal cubes, each full of sponge balls.

Packs Flat!
Comes with 36 Sponge balls!


Appearing Big Dove Cage from Tray - Tora


Your assistant carries on a large tray that measures 17.5 inches by 15.5 inches and is 1.5 inches deep with different effects or silks on the tray and brings it to you so that you can perform the tricks on the tray.

You cover the empty tray with a silk, when you remove the silk, amazingly a rather big cage with two very...


Crystal Fish Cylinder


A empty tube resting on a pedestal is shown. A second tube is also shown to be empty. An orange silk is placed inside the small tube and then covered with the larger tube. When the large tube is removed there's a live goldfish swimming in the small tube. This is a stunning production. Stands 8 inches tall.



Vanishing Cane Stainless Steel

The performer displays a metal cane at his fingertips when suddenly and without cover, it vanishes.

Or how about this: The performer displays a metal cane at his fingertips when suddenly and without cover, it changes into a silk hank or various colored ribbons.

Suitable for all occasions and performing styles. Cane...


Magic Bubbles


Pick a Bubble Out of the Air!

No sleight-of-hand and great for all ages!
Pick up a jar of bubbles and begin to blow the bubbles into the air.
Begin to pop the bubbles one at a time.
Reach out and grab a bubble and it doesn't POP!.
It has become completely solid!


Chinese Sticks - wood


This is a classic item that goes very well with rapid fire humorous patter. In effect, the performer shows two large sticks. Each stick has got a through and through hole at one end; through this hole is running a string. One end of each string terminates into a plastic bead, while at the other end is fixed a red tassel. Both the sticks...


Genii Tube - Square


Magician shows a square of wooden tube which is opened in the center and shown completely empty. The tube is closed and the magic begins. Liquids can be vanished or produced from the tube. Dry items like spring flowers or silks are easily produced or vanished. Combination effects (liquid and dry) and color change effects are all possible...


Flower Wallet - Jumbo


The performer displays a large "wallet" or folder made of board, (9.25” x 6.5”) which is empty. He closes it and opens it again, and two flowers appear. The flowers are removed, the wallet closed, and when opened again another two flowers of different colors appear. The effect is repeated over and over, till you have produced 4 sets...


Show No Show Combination Box


Designed to vanish or produce a dove, or any equivalent load, this box has two doors, on top and bottom or front and back, When the doors, are opened the audience can see right through. Close the doors, and reach into the box and make your production. For a vanish, place something into the box, then POOF - open doors to show item is gone....


Clatter Box - Wood


Magician displays a very elegant wooden box. He patters about the importance of the box explaining that it was a gift and is one of his most prized possessions. A spectator is invitedto carefully open the box. Upon doing so the box breaks apart into 5 pieces. The spectator is left holding only the lid.


Grave Mistake


This fun and entertaining comedy bit that gets huge laughs.

The routine starts with a large drawing showing a deluxe burial arrangement which you explain was offered by a funeral home. As you explain the burial option was over your budget you fold image and the image of the arrangementsbecomes less extravagent. This is repeated...


Rabbit Mirror Box


Open the front and top doors of this elegant black and red lacquer cabinet to show it's empty. Close the doors, wave your hands and then reach inside and pull out silks, flowers, even a live animal. The illusion is perfect! The box measures 14 x 9 x 9.


Switch Can


A nice piece of apparatus that appears perfectly innocent, yet can be used for vanishing, producing, or exchanging items merely by adding or removing the cover from a can.
A First Class Professional Prop that is easy to use and comes complete with a manuscript of 20 Dynamite Tricks you can perform with it!


20th Century Panties


The magician displays two red silk handkerchiefs, knots them together at the corners and asks a female spectator to place the knotted portion inside her waistband of her slacks, making sure it doesn't fall. The magician then displays a third, different colored silk and makes it magically disappear, announcing that it will reappear tied...


TV Card Frame, MAK


A card is selected and shuffled back into the deck. The performer displays a wooden frame with with two sheets of glass rubber banded together. The pack of cards is tossed at the frame and instantly the selected card appears BETWEEN the sheets of glass.


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