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Tricks: Mentalism

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21st Century Zener Super Deck by Harvey Raft


Rick Carruth of the Magic Road Show suggested to Harvey Raft that he assume theposition of the foremost Zener Card specialist on the planet. When you open the 21stCentury Zener Super Deck effects it becomes apparent as to the reasons why. You willfirst discover two entirely different sets of Zener Cards with many effects in a 32 pagebook...


Notion by Harry Monk


An effect that is direct, easy to do, and will totally blow your audiences' minds. Harry Monk has created a mentalism routine based on cards, and a 'gambling' theme that is perfect for any working condition. Perform this walk-around or on a stage.

Imagine walking up to a group of people and showing four totally...


OMG by Doug Ries


The most fool proof version of Russian Roulette ever.

A member of the audience examines a die then rolls it on the table. The magician explains there is a danger hidden beneath one of the cups. The magician smashes all but one cup with his open palm as directed by the roll of the die. The spectator lifts the final cup to expose the...


Tele Thought Wallet

by Chris Kenworthey

TeleThought Wallet is one of the most diabolical utility devices in magic. Its potential is limitless.

As they say "the sky is the limit," here. Virtually any "mind-reading effect" can be performed with the "TeleThought Wallet." Design duplication, book tests, telepath experiments can now be presented...


Telethought Wallet - Large


by Chris Kenworthey

TeleThought Wallet is one of the most diabolical utility devices in magic. Its potential is limitless.

As they say "the sky is the limit," here. Virtually any "mind-reading effect" can be performed with the "TeleThought Wallet." Design duplication, book tests, telepath experiments can now be presented...


Spirit Slates Magnetic (Invisible Magnet) by Bazar de Magia


These are terrific! In fact, we believe they are the finest set of magnetic locking slates you can see. The Spirit Slates have proven to be an extremely popular and versatile prop over the ages for stage performers, mentalists, and parlor prestidigitators.

These Spirit Slates give you a hands-free, no nonsense method of revealing...


Billet Knife - Porper


Long obtainable, inspired by Jaks Billet Knife Joe Porper and Pete Biro collaborated to design a modern classic Letter Opener gaffed to deliver a billet into a sealed envelope indetectably.


Mnemorized Deck by Astor


Included in this beautiful deck are 50 full color picture cards, which together form an easy to master memory system. You will be able to memorize the deck in absolutely no time. Any Memorized deck routine can be accomplished with these cards making the effect "Not a Card Trick".

The effects are limitless. You can accomplish much...


ArcKey Straightening Key by Taiwan Ben


It's all about getting there in style.

The all new ArcKey by Taiwan Ben is the ultimate in key bending. 100% self-working!

Magic does NOT get any stronger than this. The entire effect can be performed in the spectator's hand.

The classic key bending effect can now be performed with a realistic looking...


Time Warp by Heinz Minten


Any Hour Of The Day Selected By A spectator Matches The prediction Taken From An Otherwise Empty Leather Wallet.

A spectator is asked to think of any hour of the day. After they have revealed their choice the performer then takes a small leather wallet from his pocket. A prediction card is removed from the wallet and placed face...




A light bulb is placed inside a clear zip lock bag. The bag is held by the mentalist when suddenly the bulb shatters into pieces.

Easy to do...anywhere, anytime!


Zodiac Sensation


A great walk around effect which can be performed at any time.

A small brass box has been on the table or in the spectator's pocket throughout your act.

The spectator is asked to identify her Zodiac sign; we'll assume she says 'Gemini'. The performer then names his, we'll assume it is 'Taurus'.



Impression by Jason Yu and SansMinds


Photo is a mere reflection of reality.

Imagine your spectator signs a blank card.

With your spectator's phone, a photo of spectator holding their own signed blank card is taken.

The spectator thinks of a playing card.

Their own signed blank card turns into a SIGNED thought of card in their OWN phone. This...


Menta Card Box - Viking


A spectator shuffles an UNPREPARD deck of cards which is placed by him, face down in a walnut box just large enough to hold it. Box is closed and held by spectator. Performer, standing several feet away names the uppermost card in the box. Box is opened by the spectator and the prediction verified by showing the card to all! The performer...


The Prediction


This kit includes the special medallions and magical props required to use with any deck of cards. Start performing this amazing miracle which also contains a bonus impromptu version…all brought to you by Rob Stiff. An instructional DVD is included for quick learning.

Two cards are randomly selected by a spectator. The spectator...




The magician/mentalist displays four laminated plaques each bearing various full color pictures of animal. Four spectators are asked to mentally select and remember an animal. No questions are asked, yet the magician correctly reveals all four selected animals! Very easy to do, yet extremely baffling. The plaques can be carried in your inside...


ConSealment by Wayne Rogers


A multi-purpose utility device for the mentalist and magician. Wayne Rogers is the original creator of this envelope and since it's release in early 2008 it has made its way to many a professional workers repertoire. For the first time Consealment is now available to others in this unique package.

Use it to switch predictions,...


Correct Key


The performer shows a padlock and passes out seven keys to seven spectators. Each tries his or her key in the lock. The keys turn but do not open the lock. The spectators are each given a small coin envelope and instructed to seal their key in it. An eighth key is brought out. The lock can be opened only with this one key. It is also...


Future Traffic - Ton Onosaka


You'll be delighted by the clever gimmicks that are used to accomplish this effect. The attractive props are easy to see, but they can fit in your pocket, making this a versatile that can be performed up close or on stage. A simple frame is shown, containing three square plaques, each a different color: Red, Yellow, and Green.



Spirit Bell


A question asked, an answer given and a bell mysteriously rings.

For centuries, this mystic event has taken place in parlors throughout the world.

The Spirit Bell is one of the most heart stopping effects in magic. The bell sits on the table in full view of everyone. As a question is asked and answered,...


Swami Nail Writer


This set comes with FOUR Nail Writer gimmicks and a complete instruction book.


Cody`s Comedy Book Test by Cody Fisher


Right out of Cody Fisher's corporate Stand Up act. This is simply the funniest and most effective comedy book test you can do. Three killer phases with twists, turns, hysterical wordplay and an unexpected punch at the finish. This is the only book test you will ever need or want to do for your audiences. Packs small, plays massive, and...


Memo Mind Cards by Max Vellucci


It is often discussed whether a mentalist should or should not use the classic deck of playing cards.

This deck of cards is in fact often combined with the magician and not always well suited to the needs of a modern mentalist.

There are also decks dedicated to mentalists (such as the deck of Zener cards) but have...


Cube Sum by Gregorio Sam


The performer shows six dice. Each die has six faces of different colors and each colored face has a different two digit number on it. While the performer has his back turned, a spectator throws the dice on the table, and then randomly turns some of them over so that all of the colors on the faces are all different. When the performer turns...


Die Cipher II


A spectator places a brass die inside a small canister and closes the lid.The magician has no idea which number on the die is uppermost yet by holding the canister for just a couple of seconds he can announce the correct number every time. Beautifully Made!


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