( SUBTLECARDCREATIONSV3 ) The third volume of Subtle Card Creations offers another collection of brilliant card magic. The intent here is the earlier volumes - to present some of the most effective, yet easy-to-do card magic, avoiding all difficult sleights.
Over 100 tricks are carefully explained in 12 chapters. The...
The second volume of Subtle Card Creations continues with a wealth of new material - effective and subtle card effects - designed to entertain and baffle spectators.
Much of the material - as in Volume 1 - was developed from ideas in a series of notebooks. Effects of all types are include here. There are 11 chapters....
Polaris is a celestial-themed deck with modern woodcut-style illustrations. This 4-color deck is perfect for poker, bridge, or any other standard card games and the borderless back design looks amazing when fanned.
A classic breakthrough!
Explore the full potential of the Svengali deck!
We've all seen the Svengali deck before, and we've all probably used it. But WHEN was the LAST time you used it?
SVENGALI - A DVD brought to you by one of the most influential close-up magicians, Mr. Pearl.
Ten of the best...
Same as the Living Latex Dove, but a canary instead. These are mostly used by magicians in the "Vanishing Bird Cage" effect.
The canaries are bright yellow with glass eyes, and made out latex.
The T'Ang Dynasty Tea Chest is a Collectors; Workshop original product. This not only represents great Magic and top quality craftsmanship, but it is an ENTERTAINING effect with mystery, Magic and mirth.
EFFECT: The performer states that in ancient China, select tea was considered more valuable than gold. Tea was traded...
Go behind the scenes of Joshua Jay's sensational off-Broadway show Six Impossible Things. See the show and discover the secrets with the "Six Impossible Things Box Set (Standard Edition)".
When Vanishing Inc. first released the signed & numbered "Six Impossible Things Deluxe Set", it instantly became one...
Dynamo called it the best effect of Blackpool 2019: Peter Eggink's CTC project.
Peter's "hands off" approach to the "Coin Through Can" sold out in literally hours upon its worldwide release in 2019.
Through the year, Peter has been taking this concept and developed it even further only to come back better and stronger:...
A tool that will allow you to exchange, quickly and invisibly, playing cards, billets, bills, in full view of the spectators.
Card-Shark is thrilled to produce an effect from the cunning mind of Charlie Frye: ESPionage!
Utilizing two sets of 5 ESP cards, your spectator’s card choices exactly match the order of YOUR face down cards. After mixing your respective packets of five ESP cards, you lay one ESP card face down on the table. Your spectator...
From the wild mind of Roddy McGhie comes a piece by piece appearance of a coin that will leave your audience’s jaw on the floor. Your audience will believe that the effect you just showed them must be a dream. This is Coinception by Roddy McGhie.
Here’s what happens:
The magician offers to explain exactly how...
An examinable wooden box is shown. The box has slots in the top and bottom large enough fora half dollar to pass completely through. A solid piece of clear plastic, the same size as the boxis placed inside blocking the holes. A coin is dropped in the top slot and emerges from thebottom. It passed right through the solid glass!
Level One by Christian Grace is a gimmick that allows you to progressively vanish ANY deck of cards. This completely sold out at Blackpool 2019 and has not been available since.
Holding a deck of cards, you give a gentle shake, and half of the deck seems to melt into thin air. With another shake, the rest of the deck vanishes,...
"I've performed the original Envylope at every show for the last nine years, so when 2.0 came out, I had to get it and it doesn't disappoint. Amazing improvements/subtleties have been added." -Christopher Kavanagh "I've never seen a trick that gets such an incredible reaction." -Neil Wilson
Perform an unbelievable...
NEW versatile gimmick that requires no sleights, a simple and incredibly powerful, routine that leaves audiences astounded at the miracle they just witnessed.
The Poker Test 2.0, by Erik Casey, is an updated version of his original Poker Test trick. It includes a new and versatile gimmick that is leagues...
"I would like to have Adrian Vega's brain, but i don't think he will accept mine in exchange, so I will settle for his Deck Stab 3.0, which is as close as I can get to have a miracle on my hands"
- Jandro (4 times fooler on Fool Us)
Adrian Vega had shared with the magic community his Deck Stab...
We are really happy to present to you the NEW TRICK of Mickael CHATELAIN : PEN or PENCIL!! For the first time, No playing card needed! An exclusive and very visual effect, so easy to perform! Based on a well known handling, this effect will fool your spectators!
The well-known English magician, Dynamo, has done this...
The spectator writes any secret information on a card. You wrap the card with a sheet of aluminum foil, and you instantly peek at the info. A complete peek right in front of the spectator's eyes! The spectator can even hold the aluminum packet and check that you can't see anything through it! This is X-Ray Peek, a natural, impossible,...