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Tricks: New Magic

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Inside by Michel


The impossible nested prediction

The mentalist displays a completely sealed envelope, then a spectator freely names any card. The performer takes out a closed card box from inside the envelope. The spectator holds the box and opens it. Inside the case, there is a deck of cards and a prediction folded into quarters. The prediction...


SHOWCASE 2.0 (Universal) by Thomas Sealey and Mark Traversoni


'The dawn of a new age in card to phone'
- Kieron Johnson

'I just wanted to reach out and say I'm reviewing SHOWCASE 2.0 in upcoming VANISH as one of the top products at Blackpool. As soon as you showed me I knew it was a great trick. Now I'm home and going through all the magic I am looking...


THE BOTTLE by Adrian Vega


"A perfect routine"
- Penn Jillette

"Adrian's card in bottle fooled me completely and the method fooled me even more! Can't wait to finally being able to add this super effect to my act."
- David Stone

"Cards in Pills Bottle" is the perfect ending for a signed card routine. It's...


Fulton`s Funeral Playing Cards


"The most important customer is the one who can't speak for themself."
- Daniel Phillips, Funeral Director.

Designed by Brad Fulton based on his love of vintage funeral homes, southern cemeteries, art deco, and more specifically -- the combination of them both. Fulton's Funeral incorporates a timeless...


Magical Picture Cards 2024 by Tenyo Magic


The magician asks a spectator select a card. Then he shows a deck of blank cards except for a couple of drawn cards. He places these two cards on the table and brushes the white deck across the table four times as if he were mainting, and each time releasing a "stripe" of cards. There will be four rows of cards on the table, vertically placed...


Mentalist`s Animal Photo book 2024 by Tenyo Magic


The mentalist hands the spectator a booklet, that has different pictures of animals on each page, and asks him to choose two pages at random. On the two adjacent pages the spectator will see three animals. The mentalist asks the spectator to place his hand on the pictures one at a time while trying to visualise the pictures in his mind and...


Mystery Showcase 2024 by Tenyo Magic


The magician shows a small pedestal surmounted by a transparent case. He removes it and, from the pedestal, takes away and shows a stand with a slit in the center. He puts this stand back on the pedestal and puts the case back in position by blocking the pedestal and case with an elastic band. He covers everything with a rectangular tube...


ultiplying Bottles 5 Colors 10 pc Set (FunTime)


The magician talks about the famous “Bottle and Glass” trick, showing two cylinders, one bottle and one glass. The bottle and the glass are covered with the cylinders and the Passe Passe Glass and Bottle is performed where the Bottle and the Glass repeatedly change places. Then something goes 'wrong', and the Bottles start...


Peanut Butter & Cheese by Josh Burch

$19.95 ,P. Red and blue cards are mixed together, they then separate in the most visual way we've ever seen! The cards do ALL the work. Put them in your pocket and you're ready to go! /p>

25` Mouth Coil Glitter Uday, set of 10


The magician eats a few bits of colored tissue. He then pulls out a 25-foot long chain of colored tissue from his mouth!

These mylar coils look great even from a distance.


LS Diary by Leo Smetsers


The LS Diary by Leo Smetsers is undoubtedly a fantastic addition to any magician's repertoire. The classic diary effect has long been a staple in mentalism routines, and Leo's version promises both quality and versatility. With a custom-made diary printed in English, performers can expect a professional and polished look for...


Fanning Powder 2oz/57grams


Do you want to produce beautiful fans of cards? Apply a small amount of this Fanning Powder and even old, worn out decks will fan like new. Works great on new decks as well.

  • Contains 2 ozs. (57 grams) of powder
  • Easy to store and pour with dispenser top



Mismade Thank You Silk


This "Mismade Thank You" silk set is based on a concept of Steve Bender, owner of Ickle Pickle Products. The single "Mismade Thank You" silk has been around for many years, but Steve added a second normal "Thank You" silk to give the performer a better conclusion to the routine.

This comical ending to a performance works very...


Glance 3.0 by Steve Thompson


The most powerful, easy-to-do book test you can own isn't actually a book test at all. Welcome to "Glance", the one-of-a-kind magazine book test that takes all the best parts of a standard book test and disguises them in an ordinary-looking magazine.

The "Glance" magazine book test is brought to you by Steve Thompson and Vanishing...


Ghost Coin by Nathan Kranzo


Sneak a coin into their hand as though it were a phantasm. Pass the same coin through the table as though it were a specter. This gimmick will give you the power to vanish a coin as simply as letting it fall into another dimension. This is Ghost Coin by Nathan Kranzo.

Ghost Coin is a secret utility device that allows you to...


The Prophecy by Roberto Giobbi


When Roberto Giobbi wants to predict someone’s card he doesn’t mess around with convoluted dealing processes or clumsy presentations. He goes directly for the heart of the effect with an incredibly direct and frankly impossible trick. This is the one that will make your audience believe you can see the future. This is The Prophecy...


52 Stunner by Juan Capilla


"The perfect opener - funny, engaging and powerful. With 52 Stunner, Juan has captured all the impact of the classic Mind Power Deck, but done with a normal pack of cards! I will definitely be using this." - David Jonathan

"Juan Capilla has taken TWO of my favorite principles of card magic and combined them into one powerful...


Contact Juggling Ball - Red 65mm


If you want to perform contact juggling these balls are what you are looking for.

Manufactured from acrylic with other clear resins, reducing cost and giving a tougher surface, making minor scratch and marks easier to buff out. Each ball is individually wrapped.

Contact juggling is the art of juggling without letting...


Forecast by Craig Petty and the 1914


What do the world's top 1% of card magicians and mentalists have in common?

They have INSTANT recall of the position of ANY card in a memorized deck!

And now you can, too.

With a focus on prediction effects, master magician Craig Petty has taken an underused principle in card magic and created a monster masterclass...


INSTA BOX (RED) by Taiwan Ben



There are numerous classic card in box effects in the magic society.

There's only one thing missing - a perfect visual appear, until NOW.

INSTA BOX is an appear that looks like real magic.

With a wave of your hand, the chosen card jumps into...


Post It Surprise (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Sonny Boom


The spectator selects a card, and the performer tries to guess the card. He takes a small sticky note and sticks it on the back of the top card of the deck. After some concentration, he writes down a card to reveal's not the chosen one. But, the magician takes the card with the sticky note, gives it a shake, and visually, the...


Transporter Card by Rizki Nanda


Vanish the middle of your finger with a science fiction gadget from the future! This is a stage illusion that fits in your pocket. Perform a vanishing act close up with Transporter Card by Rizki Nanda.

Here’s what happens:

You introduce a card featuring designs from popular science fiction shows. The card features...


Bicycle Hypnosis V2 Playing Cards


Hypnosis from Bicycle Playing Cards is traditional playing card deck with standard faces, but the playing card back is specifically designed with the cardist in mind. With a borderless back design and hypnotizing, colorful, seamless graphics, the Hypnosis deck from Bicycle Playing Cards is sure to enhance the flow of flourishes, fans, spreads,...



The world's first electronic magic ring with endless possibilities.


You hand a nut and bolt to an audience member and have them thread the nut partially onto the bolt to prove that everything is as it should be.

You then pinch one end of the bolt with your fingers. Without touching the nut...


CONNECT by Geni -download


Connect is a self-working trick that can connect the thought of 2 spectators. 2 Spectators cut 2 different packs and count the number of cards in their pack. The magician can use the number of one spectator to find the card of the other spectator.

  • No gimmick
  • No setup
  • Borrowed deck
  • Worked 100%


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