The Disappearing Card, also known as the 2 Card Monte, is one of the greatest tricks in magic. Brian Thomas Moore performs & teaches you this trick, plus many more!
Included on this DVD:
Super Chip & Coin, a well-designed coin gimmick is also one of Johnny Wong's best products.
No matter you are a veteran magician or a new comer, you are able to perform a lot of amazing magic tricks with only simple manipulation of this gimmick.
Of course, if you are a big fan of coin magic, just put in a little...
This book is a collection of 12 different UF Grant/Don Tanner publications from the 1930's through the 1970's. It includes:
Grant's Thirteen Mysteries (1934), 25 Methods for Switching Decks by Floyd G. Brown. Six Modern Levitations, Grant's Brilliant Card Magic by Robert J. Smith, Challenge Magic...
Welcome to the brand new DVD 'Chardistry' from the brilliant Daniel Chard. His first release to the magic world was with rsvpmagic under the title 'Chardshark.' This new DVD features 10 stunning routines ranging from very, very easy right through to knuckle busting stuff! Either way, there's something for everyone on...
Frank Chapman: The Elegant Phantom CD
by Frank Chapman
The Smallest Miracle Maker
Spheres is your best companion when you want to perform Miracles with a borrowed deck.
You will learn in detail how to use the gimmick and perform six incredible effects.
Imagine this: you reveal a chosen card with a golf shot or discover a selected card with a Yo-Yo, like a true...
Bigblindmedia presents The Big Kick by Liam Montier (BBM387)
Comes with special Bicycle Deck - everything you need to perform included!
'The Big Kick' is the perfect self working trick - in fact, it is basically a mini-act, with predictions, a classic gag, and then a full-blown monster kicker that NOBODY...
An incredible routine from one of the world's leading card workers.
Super strong card magic, full of surprises and with a mind blowing climax. Imagine this:
3 spectators select cards, they are lost in the deck and they appear when you "call them". Yes, you can spell the first card, each card for letter, and it appears.
From the magic mind of Brian Thomas Moore, Magic Makers brings you an amazing coin vanishing effect, the Liberty Coin Vanish. Brian will show you his completely original coin effect that is visually stunning!
This effect is easy to learn with step-by-step instructions from the creator himself.
Along with this amazing...
Any card is freely selected, signed, and returned to your deck. A picture of a matchbox is drawn on the bottom card of the deck. The matchbox is given a shake, the picture animates and the drawing of the matchbox magically opens!
But that is not all, folded up in the picture in the matchbox tray, is a playing card. Reach into the...
Bigblindmedia presents The Mene Tekel Deck Project with Liam Montier The definitive guide to this essential gaffed deck
Comes with Bicycle brand Mene Tekel Deck (in Red or Blue) and one hour video download
The Mene Tekel Deck truly is a hidden gem in the world of card magic and might just be the most underrated...
SMS is a PK system that uses no pulls, strings, or fishing line. SMS can be performed in a T-Shirt or with no shirt at all. It has an instant reset that can be done right in front of the spectator. Make items vanish off of spectator's hands. Produce key items for your routine. Move...
The (W)hole Thing is Daryl at his BEST!
The (W)hole Thing is the PERFECT effect to perform anytime in your show or as a stand-alone piece.
The clever scripting makes this hilarious whole, hole routine make sense. No extra gimmicks needed, everything can be examined and the entire routine is instantly reset.
How would you like to perform a powerful show that's guaranteed to make an unforgettable impression...a show filled with surprise, mystery, fun and enchantment...a big show that's fun to watch, and even more fun to perform!? If so, then welcome to Dan Harlan's Pack Small Plays Big Video and DVD series. These four volumes...
The Manipulation Show that you'll see on this volume demonstrates how a performer can create the feel of a large stage production and yet fit everything that's needed for the show in a small briefcase. Though the central theme is material for a semi-silent stage manipulation act, there's a wide variety of plots and methods...
Leap of faith creates a powerful connection between you and your spectator.
SansMinds Creative Lab has modernized a classic plot and made it even more streamline and visual.
Imagine a thought of card, that only the spectator knows, visually vanishes in the performer's hand and reappears in the spectator's hand.
Director's Cut. Director's Cut has been getting some serious attention on the underground mentalism scene for well over a year with big names such as Richard Osterlind giving his endorsement to it!
+ So what is Director's Cut? It's a set of 26 movie poster cards that have been perfectly printed in full colour...
"Love this! This trick is so perfectly visual and deceptive. It's one of my favorite tricks I've filmed in the last several years."
- Justin Flom
"Revise 5 is such a fun effect, it's packed with visuals and it's easy to do!"
- Nicholas Lawrence
"Revise 5 is one of the most...
A complete close-up set contained in one wallet.
5 killer effects from the fertile mind of Wayne Dobson contained in an exquisite leather wallet, made with the highest quality leather.
Heads Up - A mentalist's take on the classic game!
Mental All Backs - A spectator is shown a deck of cards which has...
Felix Bodden is well known for being one of the most talented instagrammer in the magic industry. His videos have become viral on many occasions, blowing not only lay people's minds but also magician's one.
Today, Felix Bodden brings us the opportunity to learn three of his most viral videos, giving us the chance to become...
Magic done with ordinary objects is still the best magic one can do.
Show your phone inside its case, close the case and have a spectator hold the phone in-between their fingertips. Next you hand out your business card and ask
the spectator to call your cell number...The phone rings, and they can FEEL & HEAR the phone ringing....
Instantly know the exact card your spectator cut to, without ever touching the deck. You give the spectator a deck of cards - and ask them to spread through it to make sure all of the cards are different. They can even shuffle the deck! You ask them to cut the cards wherever they want - and remember the card. You never touch the deck....
SCIN: Signed Card in Nose
This is for the SCINNERS
Phil Knoxville brings you the ultimate geek effect, Signed Card in Nose.
This is SCIN.
A card is selected from the deck, signed...
by Jordan Johnson
SCOnK (Signed Card On Keyring) - A spectator's signed card vanishes from the deck and ends up locked onto their own key ring.
From the creator of HOLY GRAIL, one of the greatest visual advancements to the torn and restored card plot and INKED, the ultimate tattoo card reveal, JORDAN JOHNSON brings...