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Tricks: Stage Magic

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Head Twister


An unexplainably mystifying illusion that adds laughter on top of great magic!

The "victim" puts their head inside the cabinet. The front is open so the face can be clearly seen. Inside the box it's a tight fit, no room to move around or even wiggle their head.
You grab hold of the massive handles on the top of...


Floating Table


This is an ordinary wooden table – one on which you can display your props. Then the table magically floats up and several off the ground. The performer grabs the table cloth, trying to coax it down, and the table floats with a life of its own, in all directions. It comes complete with table cloth, the required gimmicks, and color photo...


Professional Floating Ball by Luis de Matos


The Professional Floating Ball is designed to resemble a disco mirror ball. The subconscious idea is the ball must be heavy if it has to be held above a dance floor by chains and rods. This makes it the perfect element for The Floating Ball.

The Professional Floating Ball has a 12 inch diameter and weighs approximately 200 grams....


Zombie Ball - Aluminum


A polished ball rests on a pedestal. The ball is covered with a foulard and immediately begins to rise in the air! The ball floats behind the cloth and then back in view and appears to be balanced on the edge of the cloth. Comes with everything you need.
The ball is 4 inches in diameter


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