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DVDs: All Magic DVD`s

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Reel Magic Episode 29 (Losander)


Feature Interview - Losander:
Losander talks with Kozmo about his creative influences and the development of the floating table.


NEW! - Bill Wisch on Slydini
Bill Wisch tells a story and teaches a trick from Slydini.

Garrett Thomas - Try This at Home


Reel Magic Episode 30 (David Stone)


Feature Interview - David Stone:
David Stone talks to Kozmo about being influenced by the film "Rocky" and doing the impossible.


NEW! Jon Armstrong - The Kaufman Sessions pt. 1
Part 1 of the Session with card master Richard Kaufman.

NEW! Social Media School


Reel Magic Episode 32 (Boris Wild)


Jon Armstrong - The Kaufman Sessions, Part 3
In part 3 of the Session with card master Richard Kaufman, an Unnatural Color Change.

Doc Eason - Behind the Bar
Doc Eason and Eddie Goldstein talk about routining the evening.

Kainoa Harbottle - Coin U!
Kainoa teaches us how to steal like an artist....


Reel Magic Episode 33 (Dan Sperry) - DVD


Feature Interview - Dan Sperry:
Dan talks with Kozmo about why magic isn't cool and his experience on America's Got Talent.


  • Kainoa Harbottle - Coin U
  • Kainoa talks about the 4th dimension and performs what he calls an "easy coin routine." Explanation included!
  • Simon Lovell - Ask Simey!
  • Simon...


Reel Magic Episode 34 (Apollo Robbins)


Feature Interview - Apollo Robbins:
Apollo talks with John Lovick about the science connecting magic, pickpocketing and mentalism.


  • Kainoa Harbottle - Coin U: Kainoa and Conjurer Dick discuss "Patter".
  • Simon Lovell - Ask Simey: A special "Ask Simey!" from Magi Fest.
  • Christian...


Reel Magic Episode 35 (Jim Steinmeyer)


Feature Interview - Jim Steinmeyer:

Jim talks with John Lovick about working with Doug Henning and the importance of learning the classics.


Bill Wisch - Wisch on Slydini

Bill shows us a trick that he calls "Slydini's Favorite!"

Simon Lovell - Ask Simey!

Simon gives...


Reel Magic Episode 36 (Chris Capeheart)


Chris Capehart

Chris talks with Kozmo about honing his skills on the street and making a living doing children's magic.


Bill Wisch - on Slydini
Bill shows us a rubber-band trick that's a snap to do.

Kainoa Harbottle - Coin U
Kainoa talks about the "Visual Dictionary...


Reel Magic Episode 37 (Asi Wind)


In this issue:

Asi Wind
John Lovick sits down with Asi Wind to talk about art, magic and creating an impossible moment.

Bill Wisch - OnSlydini
Bill shows us an S.O.C. trick!

Kainoa Harbottle - Coin U
Kainoa talks about how "A Whack on the Side...


Reel Magic Episode 38 - Andi Gladwin


Feature Interview - Andi Gladwin:
Josh Jay talks with Andi about switching careers, the ethics of stealing magic, and what makes him unique.


Bill Wisch - Wisch on Slydini
Bill shows us Slydini's "Mixed."

Garrett Thomas - Try This! (at Home)


Reel Magic Episode 39 (John Gaughan)


John Gaughan:
John Lovick gets a tour of legendary illusion designer John Gaughan's workshop, including his collection of historical pieces and some of his most famous illusions!


Bill Wisch - Wisch on Slydini
Bill shows us a cute trick he calls "The Fork."

Garrett Thomas...


Reel Magic Episode 40 -Francis Menotti


Feature Interview - Francis Menotti:
Peter Pitchford talks with Francis about the power of "finding the metaphor" and that there's always something new to be discovered in magic.


New! Tyler Erickson - Stronger Magic
In his inaugural segment, Tyler discusses the benefits...


Reel Magic Episode 41 (Brian Gillis)


Feature Interview - Brian Gillis:
Garrett Thomas talks to Johnny Carson's favorite magician about how mastering his material helps him connect to his audience.


Doc Eason -
Behind the Bar
Doc and Kozmo discuss Openers.

Tyler Erickson - Stronger Magic


Reel Magic Episode 42 (John Borenbos)


Feature Interview - Jon Dorenbos:
Mike Miller talks to the Pro Bowl long-snapper about how magic rescued a young boy from tragedy and changed his life forever.


Doc Eason - Behind the Bar
Doc and Garrett Thomas discuss acknowledging your environment.

Tyler Erickson...


Reel Magic Episode 45 (Philippe Petit)


Feature Interview - Philippe Petit:

Philippe talks to John Lovick about how the lessons he's learned as an aerialist, juggler, pickpocket, street performer, and bullfighter have informed his magic and his art.


Jon Armstrong
- Small Things, Big Difference
Jon discusses how to...


Reel Magic Episode 8



Caught on Tape: David Williamson
John Lovick talks with David Williamson about being willing to fail and the difference between the corporate world and magic conventions


Jon Armstrong Small Things, Big Difference
everyone should have a trick that...


Reel Magic Episode 9


Reel Magic Episode 9 (Richard Turner)


Caught on Tape: Richard Turner
Kozmo talks with Richard Turner about his remarkable life


Garrett Thomas Try This At Home
The shell is tougher than you think

Simon Lovell Simon Said It!


Reel Magic Quarterly Episode 5


Reel Magic Magazine - Episode 5 (Johnny Thompson) - DVD


Andrew Pinard
legendary performer Johnny Thompson and Andrew sit down for Part One of a conversation covering his early years, character development, the creation of The Great Tomsoni & Co. and the importance of Vernon



Reel Magic Quarterly Vol 7


Reel Magic Episode 7 (Mac King)


Caught on Tape: Mac King
John Lovick has a hilarious conversation with the king of comedy magic, Mac King


Simon Lovell Simon Said It!
Simon gives us a guided tour of the IBM/SAM Dealer room, with unexpected...


Reel Magic Vol 13


Daniel Garcia
Kozmo talks with Daniel at MAGICLive! about Garcia's struggles for success

Andrew Pinard - Continuum
Part two of Andrew's illuminating discussion with Eugene Burger

Jon Armstrong - Small Things, Big Difference
Don't do the Slip Force! (and he'll...


Reflection by Bill Goodwin


Reflection represents an exquisite selection of eleven ingenious effects from one of our era's finest card magicians, Bill Goodwin. Included is material culled from his hard to find lecture notes as well as several effects never before published. This is the first time a collection of his secrets has ever been released on...


Remarkable Card Magic Of Boris Wild


FISM award-winner Boris Wild is one of the most renowned French magicians in the world. From Hollywood and Las Vegas to Monte Carlo, Sydney, Tokyo and beyond, Boris' original and creative approach to card magic has taken him to some of the most prestigious venues on five continents where he has received standing ovations.



Restaurant Magic Volume 1 by Dan Fleshman


Dan Fleshman has been a professional close-up entertainer for 20 years and performing magic in restaurants has always been at the core of his work. The magic presented here is all in Dan's active, working repertoire and all of it has been tempered in the white-hot fire of real-world performance. This is close-up magic that Dan kills...


Restaurant Magic Volume 2 by Dan Fleshman


Dan Fleshman has been a professional close-up entertainer for 20 years and performing magic in restaurants has always been at the core of his work. The magic presented here is all in Dan's active, working repertoire and all of it has been tempered in the white-hot fire of real-world performance. This is close-up magic that Dan kills...


Restaurant Magic Volume 3 by Dan Fleshman


Dan Fleshman has been a professional close-up entertainer for 20 years and performing magic in restaurants has always been at the core of his work. The magic presented here is all in Dan's active, working repertoire and all of it has been tempered in the white-hot fire of real-world performance. This is close-up magic that Dan kills...


Ring Flight DVD - Worlds Greatest Magic


Though conjuring effects with finger rings have been part of the conjuring literature for quite some time, it was British magician/mentalist Al Koran who first conceived of the notion of a borrowed finger ring vanishing and reappearing on one of the hooks of a key case. Ever since, this effect has been a staple of magicians' repertoires...


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