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DVDs: Kid's Show Magic

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Birthday Party Mania 2 - Tommy James


2 DVD Set
Learn over a dozen new routines, gags and bits-of-business that you can incorporate into your own magic show!

DVD 1: Tommy’s complete birthday party act #2 recorded in front of a live audience in a real world setting. (50 minutes)

DVD 2: A behind-the-scenes explanation of all the...


Birthday Party Mania - Tommy James


Learn a dozen great kid-show routines you can add to your own birthday party performances on this two DVD set!

DVD 1 : Sit back and enjoy Tommy's complete birthday party magic show recorded live in front of children and parents in a real- world setting. You will witness the hilarious routines, gags and bits-of-business...


Baxt, a Boy & a Bucket -by Robert Baxt


A Super Easy to do Laugh Filled Routine!

Includes the jokes, the bits, the gags and all the tips so you can do it!

Want to get a ton of laughs with little effort? Pullling coins out of a kid's ear is a classic and now Robert shares his heavy on the fun, but very light on the sleights, comedy routine that...


Cool Magic for Cool Kids - Norm Barnhart


This DVD contains norms original routines, including:

1. Emperors New Cloths Magic
2. Egg To Dove
3. Comedy Funny Bone Gag
4. A Funny Vanishing Bottle Routine
5. Snowman in Arizona
6. Herbert And The Sponge Ball Circus
7. Norm's Variation On the Mis-Made...


Kidding Around by Chris Capehart


Chris Capehart is one of the most successful Magic Performers in the World. On this 2 DVD set, Chris performed his hilariously funny kids show.

Chris will perform and explain:

  • Cards for Kids
  • Misers Dream (performance only)
  • Coloring Book
  • Matilda and the Lola Bowl
  • Sponge Balls
  • Hoppin...


Kids Parties by Mark Leveridge

The Magic Party Video brings alive an entertaining mix of lecture and live performance footage showing Mark Leveridge actually using the ideas with children at a real party.
The main theme of the lecture is how to present a commercial Games & Magic package to bookers. Here Mark reveals a gold mine of totally practical and commercial...


Sure-Fire Kidshow Magic - Ginn


Everything on this DVD works wonders to make children laugh and applaud and love the performer. David Ginn magical show and tell, then a 35 minute performance by David. Explanations by David on magic and comedy. Over half of this material has never been released!


Magic Ingredient & Kidology


The Magic Ingredient
What's the magic ingredient in a successful kid-show? This new DVD not only tells you, it shows you! Samuel Patrick Smith performs funny, time-tested routines for live audiences.

Each performance is followed by a studio session where you'll learn not only the method of the trick, but the hidden...


Kids Show How-2 by David Ginn - DVD


Welcome to a magical trio of kidshow fun from me, David Ginn. Finally these videos and lost clips from Australia are seeing the light.


Kidshow How-2

Flower Wallet, Spooky Spoons, Silver Sceptre, Delightful Streamers, Scarf Juggling Plus, Pet Store Pranks, Three Water Monte, $100...


Scott Green... And The Kitchen Sink by Scott Green


"If you perform children's magic shows, go get this three-DVD set and watch everything."
- Jim Kleefeld , M-U-M Magazine Review

Start with two full 45-minute shows with performance rights for 11 knockout routines and explanations of 7 more; a bonus show in a 1,000- seat auditorium; and Scott's Magic Castle...


Harlan Kids Birthday Show by Dan Harlan


How would you like to perform a powerful show that's guaranteed to make an unforgettable impression...a show filled with surprise, mystery, fun and enchantment...a big show that's fun to watch, and even more fun to perform!?

If so, then welcome to Dan Harlan's Pack Small Plays Big Video and DVD series. Harlan...


Birthday Party Mania Vol 3 by Tommy James


Oh WOW! If you're looking for some great routines, patter and bits-of-business to add to your children shows, you will not be disappointed with Tommy's final DVD in the Birthday Party Mania series!

This DVD is absolutely loaded with entertaining routine after entertaining routine, laugh after laugh...


Live Kid Biz 3&4 - David Ginn


Live Kidbiz 3 - Costuming Kids for Laughs -KIDS LOVE TO DRESS UP. On his third Live Kidbiz DVD, David Ginn will show you exactly how he has used this fact to create laughter in shows at schools, kindergartens, and libraries. You'll enjoy the by-play as David puts a too-big hat atop a boy's head and can't fi nd the...


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