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General Magic

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Sure Fire Electric Chairs by Paul Roberts video DOWNLOAD


Here for the first time on download is Paul Roberts's version of the famous ELECTRIC CHAIRS routine.

A number of spectators are chosen at random and asked to sit on normal chairs. The magician then has the ability to control them with a series of shocks leading to their performing a whole host of strange things....


The Vault - Dis Jointed by Joe Russell video DOWNLOAD


Wanna freak your audience out?

Dis Jointed is a revolutionary new method for "Shinko's classic Arm Twist" that turns the screws on the scream factor.

Dis Jointed gives you the freakish ability to twist your normal arm 360 degrees around with bone-crunching sound. Then there's a heart-stopping "pop" as...


R2 by Chris Randall video DOWNLOAD


"The Best Routine in Magic"
- Rocco

The classic Linking Rings effect is a timeless piece of magic that can provoke unbelievable reactions... when performed correctly. Chris Randall has been perfecting this effect since he was 11 years old, and now he's finally ready to reveal the secrets behind his award-winning...


The Ultimate Bill to Can by Paul Romhany video DOWNLOAD


Paul Romhany's never-before released "Bill to Can" routine, for professional stage and parlor! A master class in timing, entertainment and structuring a routine for a stage, corporate and TV audiences. Includes TV performance footage and an in-depth instructional download that includes all of the secrets Paul has gleaned from performing...


Magic Room by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) video DOWNLOAD


Two different effects for children's magic, stage and parlor magic.

Kaleidoscopic Tube: In this effect, two cardboard tubes are shown on all sides. After placing one tube inside the other, the magician reaches inside and pulls out a long, flowing streamer from the tubes. The effect can be repeated with different colored...


One in Six by Joel Dickinson eBook DOWNLOAD


One in Six - Stage and Close-Up

Three participants sit on stage.

An object is passed between the participants. They are told to stop when it feels right for them and to hold out their arms with closed fists. Only one hand contains the object.

  • The magician knows which participant is holding the object and you...


Internet Marketing for Magicians, Mentalists & Entertainers eBook DOWNLOAD


Magician, mentalist, and successful internet marketing guru, Jonathan Royle, reveals to you a simple step-by-step plan to make big profits marketing your products, services, acts and talents on the world wide web. All of this within 22 large-format (A4), photo-illustrated pages of this truly eye-opening PDF eBook.

This eBook is accompanied...


Quick Change - One Piece and Two Piece Suit - Tuxedo Suits to Any Costume by Lee Alex eBook DOWNLOAD


"Quick Change - One Piece and Two Piece Suit - Tuxedo Suits to Any Costume"

Extracted from Time for a Change?, Lee Alex's bestselling book on quick change costumes for men.

Completely revised and updated for this special download version.

This download booklet describes in full...


The Basics of Sleeving Set Vol. 1 and 2 by Rocco video DOWNLOAD


Learn the techniques that win awards!

This series is the most comprehensive program on the topic of "Sleeving". Best of all, it is taught by the master that elevated sleeving to an art form. Every aspect is covered, from clothing requirements to detailed instruction on the sleeving of basic shapes. With extreme close-ups and...


The Basics of Sleeving Vol. 1 by Rocco video DOWNLOAD


Learn the techniques that win awards!

This series is the most comprehensive program on the topic of "Sleeving". Best of all, it is taught by the master that elevated sleeving to an art form. Every aspect is covered, from clothing requirements to detailed instruction on the sleeving of basic shapes. With extreme close-ups and...


The Basics of Sleeving Vol. 2 by Rocco video DOWNLOAD


Learn the techniques that win awards!

This series is the most comprehensive program on the topic of "Sleeving". Best of all, it is taught by the master that elevated sleeving to an art form. Every aspect is covered, from clothing requirements to detailed instruction on the sleeving of basic shapes. With extreme close-ups and...


Sobriety Test - Entertaining & Unexpected Wine Bottle Production by Jonathan Royle, Barrie Richardson & Patrick Page Mixed Media DOWNLOAD


This is the exact routine that Royle used when opening for famous comedian and film star Lee Evans at Manchesters Buzz Club and indeed he also performed it around the world to thunderous applause on many occasions, as will you when you have learned this truly real world commercial routine.

Things start by you reciting the alphabet...


Success Secrets for Magicians, Mentalists & Variety Entertainers by Simon Lovell eBook DOWNLOAD


Having obtained from Mike Danata's Magic Studio (who obtained the rights from Repro Magic) the legal right to distribute the long out of print, legendary book by Simon Lovell entitled "The Magic of Show Business for the 1990's." Jonathan Royle is proud to once again be able to make this most important publication on how to make it...


Introduction to Contact Juggling for Magicians video DOWNLOAD


You need to add this incredibly powerful technique to your tool set. Get great reactions every single time!

This video packages up the five most visually impressive contact juggling moves into well explained instructions that will get anyone up and running with these great visual props in no time. As well as the tutorials there are...


The Magic of Showbiz for the Digital Age - (Marketing, Advertising, Publicity & Promotional Secrets for Entertainers) BY Jonathan Royale - Mixed Media DOWNLOAD


This is a bumper package of training materials including numerous PDF ebook training manuals along with step by step video instructions, which combined together will help anybody to become a far busier, hugely more successful and massively more profitable professional entertainer in absolutely most any area of the entertainment and showbiz...


The Art of the Perfect Pitch - Insider Secrets of Pitching and Selling Magic For Big Profits by Jonathan Royle - Mixed Media DOWNLOAD


"This is by far the best book I have ever read on pitching magic. I will be using this information to pitch to the public. Well worth the price asked for the book."
- Devin A Knight (Master Magician, Hypnotist & Mentalist)

"There's a lot of useful information here. I pitched Svengalis, three-card tricks and cups and...


Sly News Tear by Tony Clark DOWNLOAD


Sly News Tear has the slickness of the Slydini Tear and the climax power of the Gene Anderson Tear!

Easy To Perform

  • Show both sides of newspaper cleanly before and after routine
  • Flash restoration ending
  • Quick and easy to make
  • Reusable gimmick
  • No Magnets...


Liquid Body Illusion by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) - Video DOWNLOAD


It is an illusion inspired by Harry Houdini.

The performer calls on stage one or two people to pull very strongly on the two ends and the center of a chain to demonstrate that it is solid. Indeed it is!

Two magician assistants now tend the chain and after the bust is covered with the cloth the magician is able to cross the...


At the Table Live Lecture Martin Lewis October 21st 2015 video DOWNLOAD


We've all seen the ingenious work of Martin Lewis, in one form or another. From his signature Sketchpad rising card to countless other amazing effects used by people like David Copperfield, Johnny Thompson and Michael Weber. Well now's your chance to hear it from the lions mouth. We are more than excited to bring you one of our finest...


Bill Abbott Performs Magic For Kids Deluxe 2 volume Set by Bill Abbott video DOWNLOAD


This Deluxe Edition Set includes the re-edited and re-mastered original performances and explanations from the landmark DVDs Bill Abbott Performs Close-Up For Kids and Bill Abbott Performs Stand-Up For Kids plus over 75 minutes of Deluxe Edition Bonus Features!

Original Material from Bill Abbott Performs Close-Up For Kids...


Manipulation with Balls from PEKI - Video DOWNLOAD


This is Peki's full fledged lecture video on manipulation with balls. It was originally released in German in 1994, but Peki has dubbed it himself in English. If you want to learn how to manipulate balls this is the video to learn it from. Keep in mind that Jeff McBride started with stage manipulation influenced from Pekis performance....


Flash Silk by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) video DOWNLOAD


Flash Silk by Sandro Loporcaro (Amazo) lets you produce a silk hanky from nowhere, with open fingers. You can produce a card fan of your hand and after having dropped, you reveal a silk hanky or a scarf that you will put on your neck. Easy to do

No glue, thread, weight, pins, magnets, or rods are connected to hanky. No cost and always...


Incredible Feats Of Jason Michaels by Devin Knight - eBook DOWNLOAD


Jason Michaels was an extraordinary psychic during the 80s. (Jason was actually a pseudonym of Devin Knight.) He shot to national stardom almost overnight with his headline predictions that appeared to be the real thing; even to top mentalists such as Al Mann. He stunned reporters nationwide with his ability to levitate in newspaper offices....


Paper Folding Stories for Magicians by Devin Knight - eBook DOWNLOAD


Clever paper-folding stories have always been popular with magicians. Such well-known magicians as Gene Anderson, Jay Marshall, Karrel Fox Tommy Windsor and others have all featured paper-folding stories in their acts.

Devin Knight has always loved clever paper-folding effects. In this ebook, he has compiled four of his favorite...


The Business of Street Magic 2 by Will Stelfox - Video DOWNLOAD


In this in-depth release, Will Stelfox leaves no stone, or opportunity unturned.

The Business of Street Magic 2 begins by improving on the original 5 phases previously outlined in the original "The Business of Street Magic." From getting the attention of passersby, to getting paid by them in 5 minutes or less, Will Stelfox goes into...


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