An entirely "hands off" effect! Let your spectator do all the work! With your back turned, a spectator can place an object into either one of the brass canisters. Now astonish them by announcing exactly which Paradox Box they chose, sight unseen!
Comes complete with a red and green Paradox Box in a professional black presentation...
A cork is removed from a small brass can and out onto the table drops a yellow pea, a black-eye pea, a green pea and a black pea. The spectator is asked to select one of the peas. The performer asks: "Would it be magic if the only thing that comes out is the pea you selected?" So, all of the peas are placed back into the can and sealed...
The Python Pen looks like an ordinary pen but the special gimmick built inside will allow it to EASILY bend a coin.
Comes with handling tips so you can learn to bend coins right in front of your spectators.
This is a very well machined gimmick that will amaze you!
A nut, bolt, key, lock and napkin are presented. A spectator is asked to remove his or her ring and place it around the bolt. The nut is screwed onto the bolt, trapping the ring. A lock is placed through the hole at the end of the bolt, which now traps the nut. The spectator then covers the performer's hands holding the trapped ring....
Magic Ring Master is a fantastic assortment of ring magic; penetrating through your hand, jumping from hand to hand, completely vanishing, reappearing & finally melting away. Ben Salinas will perform and teach you Ring Master, the Ultimate Finger Ring Effect. You will also learn several other bonus effects to take your ring magic...
A Sacred Scarab magically appears from within a flat Parchment only to later vanish from inside a sealed temple. The temple's perched Sphinx is then seen to vanish and transport itself through space only to reappear at a distance. The Scarab repeatedly vanishes from where ever it is placed only to reappear elsewhere where only seconds...
Made from reinforced parachute material, the famous magic knot effect popularized by Slydini can now be yours! Two silks are tied together by a strong knot. The knot is examined by your spectators and then you can instantly make the knot dissolve.
Two amazing packet tricks combined on one DVD. These are fun, visual tricks that are easy to learn! Join Paul Hallas on his DVD collection of Packet Trick Treasures! All Cards Included!
Something from Nothing
Amaze your audience by making Something from Nothing right before their eyes! Paul Hallas gives you...
The Spellbinding Boxes are a true marvel of magic. A spectator's signed coin is placed under a handkerchief and then held by the spectator. The magician then removes a golden container from his pocket and it is placed in the spectator's other hand. Now, with the handkerchief covering the signed coin in one hand, and the gold...
The rabbits vanish from one hand and reappear in the other hand, and then multiply!
Easy to learn and perform.
This is fantastic! A solid nail is placed inside a soft rubber tube. Slowly it begins to bend.You straighten it back out and pass it out for examination. No switches or difficult sleights.The gimmick in undetectable.
Display five different colored brass discs and a brass container. With your back turned, a spectator selects and hides one of the colored discs. The remaining discs are sealed inside the brass container. Instruct the spectator to screw the top on all the way down and place the container on the table. Without being able to see inside the...
Factory Made, Factory Sealed in Bicycle Playing Card Stock!
Dai Vernon’s Triumph is a true classic of magic! The sleight-of-hand involved, however, kept it out of the hands of the beginner until, when in the 70’s, Paul Curry brought it to the mainstream with Cheek-to-Cheek.
You’ll learn the entire performance...
Magician's Insurance Policy - Professional Version. Set includes 2 Sizes!
Produced on heavy linen paper for durable feel and surety.
Here it is...The quick and easy to learn illusion! Take a torn newspaper and restore it right before your spectator’s eyes. The method is nothing less than brilliant... Packs Flat, Plays Big! Does not use magnets or unique gimmicks! All explained on this incredible instructional DVD with step-by-step instructions!
Fold a blank piece of paper in half, then into quarters and finally into eighth's. Without any moves, sleights, thumb tips, etc... the blank piece of paper VISUALLY turns into a $20 bill!. The $20 is unfolded and shown on BOTH SIDES. Somethings wrong this is only photocopy of a $20.
Again fold the photocopy in half, quarters...
A classic of magic. Three silks hang from a black bar - two of the same color next to each other and an odd colored silk on one end.
The single odd silk is the acrobat, it can jump from end to end. You offer to prove the acrobatic silk really does jump! Pass the rod behind your back and the odd color silk jumps from one...
Four words characterize this product: Okito, Boston, Bloc, Duvivier.
Okito: The Okito Box is one of the great classics of magic coins. With the Duvivier Coin Box you can perform all routine and passes of the Okito Box: Travel and transpositions of parts, crossing the box or hand, processing of parts, etc..
Welcome to the social network site that's going to take over the world (well, not really)
This could quite possibly be the most commercial trick ever invented. FriendBook could do for magic what FaceBook has done for social networking!
Dave Taylor's FriendBook is a great prediction effect that everyone...
A new comedy wand that will get loads of laughs in your kid-shows. Its wacky, hysterical and klutzy! Its the Tommy James Comedy Ker PLUNK Wand!
Effect: A blue draw-string bag is tucked under your arm. Tell the kids you can’t find your magic wand and that you always keep it in a blue bag. The kids will shout it is under...
Just a sample of the possible effects with Perfect Nail Bend Set...
Effect 1
Imagine, you show a normal metal nail. You prove it really is normal by having the spectator examine it. Then you ask the SPECTATOR to hold the nail at their finger tips. Next, you ask the spectator to concentrate on the nail. As they...
After the great success of the first version, now George Iglesias brings us his newest version!
Dollar to Credit Card 2.0 have been filmed entirely on Full HD with a lot of new features:
You will learn amazing new handlings and switches for this trick, including contributions to this effect by Gregory Wilson and Daniel...
This beautiful shell coin was made from a 1964 Kennedy Half.
The Set Includes 1 shell and 4 regular 1964 Kennedy Halves.
Steve Haynes' Hand Out 500 starts off like all the other wonderful versions of Pat Page's easy money; you display four or five single dollar bills, then in a flash, the ones visibly change into hundreds.
The Big Handout Happiness is that you can now immediately hand out all of the hundreds for examination!
FISM's Two-Time World Champion of Magic, Shawn Farquhar, releases MatriXpress, one of the fastest matrix routines ever! Four poker chips travel in the blink of an eye. The gimmick used can be adapted to lots of other uses and this DVD offers many, including PhotoFinish. Included in this DVD you will get the four special poker chips,...