Live Kid Biz 2 - David Ginn
- Jungle Warm-up using rope tricks out of Tarbell
- No Bounce Ball with an audience helper
- Disbanded Arm Penetration with a girl from the audience
- Go Fish is a do-it-yourself routine with two children and fish pictures
- Snake Basket with 2 kids from my jungle show
- Easter Egg Count from a pre-school show, 2 kids, plastic eggs, very adaptable
- ABC Puzzle with 4 kids, great fun and a strong ending
- Wild West Animals
- Coke Bottle Rabbit
- Sawing in Half and the funniest bit you'll ever see, thanks to Burling Hull
- finally the Road Race, Guitar Solo, and the Tablecloth Stunt pulling the cloth from under the dishes!
And its all explained in Live Kidbiz 2: The Master Textbook, 312 pages with over 100 photos and drawings and a DVD