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New York Coin Magic Seminar
Item Number: DA5172

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New York Coin Magic Seminar

New York Coin Magic Seminar

Volume 11, WORKERS, contains two hours of over 13 incredible routines by todays top coin workers. Dr. Michael Rubinstein leads off with three workers from his vast repertoire. The Wishing Well is a wonderful, 4 coin production, with a story that reels in your audience. Tallahassee Jumping Coins is a three coin non gaffed coins across, with the last coin impossibly traveling to the spectator's closed fist! Deja Vu Coin Vanish is a three coin vanish done twice, the second being instantaneous!

Mike Gallo is up next with two incredible routines. Okito Rocks will blow away your spectators as coins travel and change under impossible circumstances. The World Famous Two Coin Trick will prove that two coins are never enough!

All of these are good, but the biggest news is that on this DVD, David Roth gives up a Secret he has kept quiet for over 15 years! He explains this secret, a useful tool for all stand up coin workers, in three routines: Coins to Cup, Chop Stick Wild Coin, and the Three Coin Vanish. This technique fried the guys at the last Seminar, and all were sworn to secrecy until the release of these DVD's!!

Rounding out the main section are contributions from our seminar guests. Deep Palms Coins Across is offered by Eric DeCamps. Doug Brewer fools the guys all the time with Two Coin Classic. Scotty York attaches a nickel to his head at his bar with Nickel Head, and now you can do it as well! Scott Robinson explains why all coin magic is Not the same with Differences. Rounding out this section is Bill Citino's wonderful opener, Money Doesn't Grow on Trees.

The BONUS section contains two more worker routines by Gallo, a discussion of Stealth palm by Rubinstein, and further insight into Roth's Secret. Running Time: Approximately 120mins

Volume 12 (BACK TO WORKERS), contains two hours of even more incredible material for the hobbyist and pro alike! Dr. Michael Rubinstein offers Time For Change, a purse spellbound routine with a surprise climax. Fuzzy Math takes the gadabout coins idea to a new level. Silver Extraction is so practical, it will make you take your old gaff out of the drawer, dust it off, and perform a winner!

Mike Gallo comes to bat next, with two more amazing routines. Two Copper One Silver offers a new way to perform the classic routine, leaving you totally clean. Okito Transit, shows once again Mike's exceptional versatility with the Okito box, as he uses it in ways that will blow you away.

David Roth continues with his amazing coin magic. He demonstrates and explains the McCarthy Hankerchief vanish. proving once again that there is gold hidden in the old books. Rip-O is also a forgotten trick for most magicians, but David's brilliant presentation brings it up to speed, and will quickly find its way back into the Worker's repertoire!

Our special guests have contributed even MORE wonderful effects for this volume. Doug Brewer teaches Recaptivated, a wonderful routine to produce coins from your pen cap. Eric DeCamps explains another Worker Coins across. Icon Scotty York presents and explains one of his favorite bar tricks, Nickel Through the hand - Almost. Scott Robinson teaches Loose Change, a quickie with a penny and nickel that EVERYONE will do after watching it! Host Marc DeSouza closes out the set with Copper Silver My Way, a practical copper silver transposition with a lovely premise and the engaging DeSouza touch.

But there's more! Our BONUS section contains a discussion of click passes by Rubinstein, two MORE eye opening bonus effects by Gallo, a performance of the Chanin TV coin production by Roth, and TWO MORE bonus effects by Doug Brewer right out of his professional repertoire!

Running Time: Approximately 120 mins

Volume 13 (WORKERS UNITED), offers yet ANOTHER TWO PLUS HOURS of 15 practical, hard hitting coin magic used by pros, but easy enough for the average close up magician. Dr. Michael Rubinstein starts off this volume with Copper Silver Brass, a five phase routine that uses no gaffs, and no extra coins! Copper Silver Transposition is the classic effect, made easy to perform with the Rubinstein slide move. The Purse and Glass is Rubinstein's take on Roth's classic showpiece, now made into a stand up worker effect for ALL performing situations!

Mike Gallo shows his take on the Cap and Pence, but steals the show with his rendition of Milton Kort's Four from Two Equals. David Roth follows with his Flurry, giving all the details you need to perform this one coin classic.

Not to be undone, our contributors have gone all out to give you the FINEST coin magic around! Eric DeCamps struts his stuff with his Three Coins and a Ring. Doug Brewer goes Trekkie with Transporter Malfunction. Scotty York sneaks in Bill Swindle. Scott Robinson uses two spectators for his In the Hands CopSilBrass. Marc DeSouza shows some new ideas with his Coins Across, and Dan Watkins reveals a NEW idea, a progressive wild coin that was a BIG hit with the guys at the Seminar, called The Coin Chalice

But wait, there's more!! Our BONUS section finishes the series with two more bonus killer effects by Mike Gallo (does he ever run out of new stuff?), a discussion of coin magic by Roth, a bonus routine by Rubinstein, a performance by Scotty York, and a table discussion of WORKER effects by the fab three.

Running Time: Approximately 120 mins


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