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The Thick Card Project by Liam Montier and Big Blind Media
Item Number: DB3548

5 stars


The Thick Card Project by Liam Montier and Big Blind Media

The Thick Card Project by Liam Montier and Big Blind Media

Thick Card - a double thick playing card used as a locator card, a peek device, an automatic double lift facilitator, a break-less control gaff and a sleight free forcing machine!

The thick card is one of the most overlooked and underused gaffs in magic. Simple and inexpensive to make, yet massively versatile, this innocuous creation is a powerful replacement for sleight of hand. With one dropped into your working deck you will be armed and ready to perform controls, forces, multiple lifts and peeks all without EVER HOLDING A BREAK!

The Thick Card is like the swizz army knife of gaffs - it can do so much, yet is all but invisible in the deck. You can have your thick card in play all day long. The deck can be handled by the spectator. It's undetectable from every angle, and it's 100% locatable with touch alone. (No more panicked triple checking that you cut at the right place!).

This single gaff card will elevate your routines to a stratospheric level - now you can perform forces, controls, peeks and multiple lifts with the cleanest possible handling. As you never need to hold a break, you are free to put the deck down. You can shuffle, cut and mix the deck AND STILL BE IN COMPLETE CONTROL OF THE CARDS!

On 'The Thick Card Project' your host, Liam Montier, will teach you how to use this most venerable of gaffs . Learn over 90 mins of techniques, tips and ingenious applications. Then delve into the collection of ten incredible routines.

The right way to make a thick card
Which cards to use for your thick card
How to cut a thick card to the top of the deck
How to cut a thick card to the bottom of the deck
Control a selection to the top of the deck
Control a selection to the bottom of the deck
Having selections made with a thick card loose in the deck

Overhand Shuffle Control
Double Overhand Shuffle Control
Another Overhand Shuffle Technique
Controlling a selection to 2nd from top
Harry Riser's Mistake Control
Advice on using different controls
George Kaplan's Fan Cut Control
George Kaplan's Triple Cut Control
Steve Bedwell's Pinkie Count Control
Advice on making the most of the clean handling

The Riffle Force
Riffle Force For A Selection
The Dribble Force
Using The Dribble Force As A Control
The Cross Cut Force
The Stop Force
The Peek Force
Advice on using a light touch

Hit Style Double Lift
Tabled Double Lift
The Pros & Cons Of A Thick Card
Top Peek
Bottom Peek
Centre Peek
The Wind Up Gag Peek
Letting Your Spectators Handle The Deck

Your Card Plus 4 Aces (Rovi)
Cards In Harmony (Rovi)
Surprise Speller (Bert Allerton)
Xray Eyes (Jean Hugard)
Xray Location (George Kaplan)
Without Sight, Without Knowledge (Rovi)
Emotional Reaction (Dai Vernon)
The Biddle Trick (Elmer Biddle)
Expert Card Technique Reveal
Bonus - Liam's full multi-phase Multiple Selection routine


The hot projects of late have been DVD’s on self working or easy to perform magic tricks. Some of these have been excellent, but most incorporate tricks that are procedure heavy, weakening the impact of the effects!

Liam’s new project is different in that he uses a thick card to control, force, or peak a selected card. This makes the tricks, for the most part, self working, but still gives the impression of sleight-of-hand. A beginner could learn the tricks in minutes, but will give the impression of a master card worker!

I am a fan boy of Liam. As he has matured over the last couple of years with a number of DVD projects, he has become more comfortable in front of the camera. He also puts in a lot of research on these projects, much like Daryl does for his master class DVDs, so you get the best of the best of available information. You can tell that Liam uses the thick card in his real world performances, and he has a real mastery of the use of it.!

The tricks included on the DVD, are for the most part basic tricks that incorporate the correct use of a thick card. Any one of these tricks would kill when performed at a bar or restaurant, or for friends, because they are direct and simple to follow. Because of the thick card, there is no fumbling or awkward sleight-of-hand, which means you can concentrate on the performance.!

As with all of Liam’s projects, I highly recommend this DVD. - Jon Jensen (Real World Product Reveiws)

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