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Captured! Outlaw Magic of Chevrie Volume 2*
Captured! Outlaw Magic of Chevrie Volume 2*
Item Number: DV4297

On Sale $10.00
Regularly $35.00
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Captured! Outlaw Magic of Chevrie Volume 2*

A True Outlaw in the Field of Magic

"Lonnie's Magic is visual, practical, and STRONG. I've been using it for years, and now youcan too! I'll never forget the day Lonnie changed that dollar bill into a hundred! It was like real magic! DO NOT buy this DVD! I've been doing Lonnie's great magic for years, and I want it all to myself! I repeat, do not buy this DVD!" - Chad Long

"Lonnie Chevrie thinks bout his magic from all angles. His style, dry jumaor and practical methods are creative, different, and very direct. When Lonnie's talking I always listen." - Bob Sheets

"Lonnie Chevrei is without a doubbt one of magic's unsung greats." - Brad Henderson


  • Grandpa's Dollar
  • Miss Kitty's favorite card trick
  • Silver City
  • Eleven Card Stud

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