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Do you own this product? Write a review.
Predict n' Grab Pro is the most technologically advanced app to force any picture or video on your Instagram profile. Its innovative, hands-free forcing method is 100% reliable, as it was developed with the professional magician in mind.
When you perform with Predict n' Grab Pro, it's under your full control. It's easy to perform and the force itself is almost self-working -- so you can focus on your presentation.
Predict n' Grab Pro is fully customizable: upload your force pictures directly from your device's camera roll (later injected on your profile) or choose it to be one of your own existing Instagram media.
Online video instructions on how to setup, handle and perform Predict n' Grab Pro are included. Three routines are explained, with one of them using both the magician's and spectator's phone:
SUGGESTED PERFORMANCE (photo match routine)
Ask someone in the audience to find you on Instagram. Take the phone and say that you're going to make a prediction of a picture. Lock the screen and get someone else to hold the phone in full view throughout the performance.
Open Instagram on your phone and ask your spectator to hold it and to do a blind scroll through your media (magician is now hands-free and the spectator can stop anywhere they'd like). Turn over both phones and, magically, their selection and your prediction are revealed to be a match!
Both the spectator's and magician's phone can be examined and they will be able to follow your account on the spot.
Looking for a kicker ending? - Photo Grab allows you to cleanly pull out the force picture from your device! Hand out an amazing souvenir that your spectators won't forget (printed cards are included).
Perform cutting-edge impromptu social media magic. Go show off, connect and get followers.Predict n' Grab Pro works both on iPhone and Android devices and no actual app downloads are needed
Predict n' Grab Pro is not sponsored or endorsed by Instagram.
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