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Real World Product Reviews

Reviews from the repertoire of a real working professional!

Issue 31 - June 24th, 2015
In this issue:
Cloth by Steve Valentine reviewed by Jon Jensen

Real World Reviews

Steve is an accomplished actor, as well as a talented magician. He just won lecturer of the year at the Magic Castle, so he must be doing something right. Steve has recently started to release some of his material, his lecture DVD is great, as well as his three DVD set on card through handkerchief.

I was recently talking to a magic friend of mine about the classics of magic, and how we forget how strong they are to laymen. Days earlier I had performed a simple vanish of a napkin to a bar guest, almost as a joke, and how visually shocked she was, as if she had just seen real magic. Steve Valentine has recently released a three DVD set on the card through handkerchief trick. Yes, you heard that right, three DVD`s. This is a true encyclopedia of this trick, and is a treasure trove for both professionals and amateur magicians.

This is not just a collection of standard card through handkerchief effects, though if that was all this was it would still be worth the price. Steve includes his favorite standard card through handkerchief effects where he gives bonus handling tips. He also includes his own creations, including one that will totally fool you.

One of the local magicians, someone whose opinion I trust, recommended I check out this product. I`m glad he did. I have been performing the card through handkerchief for years, learned I believe from an old Daryl video tape. Steve has not only shown me how to strengthen the effect, he has shown me several different version I can show to repeat customers at the bar.

This encyclopedia of a classic trick is well worth it. Be prepared to fool the heck out of your spectators.

Cloth by Steve Valentine