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Venom Cube by Henry Harrius
Item Number: TB8580



Venom Cube by Henry Harrius

Venom Cube by Henry Harrius

"The method is just as DEVIOUS as the trick itself! Henry is a genius!" - Shin Lim

"The next step in cube matching effects. It’s clean, bearishly and super simple. I will be buying this and I will be adding it to parts of my show." - Steven Brundage

"It is a MAJOR STEP FORWARD In cube matching effects. All you need is the skill to not laugh while you are doing it." - Garrett Thomas

"I love Henry's work every time. I feel his passion on the cube matching plot. Prepare to be surprised again by his elaborate gimmick." - Usui Takamiz

"Venom Cube strikes fast and strikes hard! It's the MOST OPEN and DIRECT version of the Sympathetic Cube available. A spectator mixes a cube and it is immediately shown to match yours exactly!" - Karl Hein

This might be the CLEANEST and MOST DIRECT matching effect you have ever seen. In the past years, Henry has brought us revolutionary gimmicks on every aspect in cube magic. Now he has finally decided to release his most guarded secret in the matching effect: THE VENOM CUBE.

Imagine this: Spectator freely mixes a cube, and with NO FUNNY MOVES or MISDIRECTIONS, it matches the other cube INSTANTLY. It’s like real magic! Spectator could STARE at the cube he just mixed and would still find nothing (thanks to the devious gimmick!). It is so clean that your audience will think somehow you have the ability to control how they mix the cube!

At the end of the routine, you can then solve the spectator’s mixed-up cube in your favourite way, or use the underground GEAR SOLVE by the legendary AKIRA & JC, which is included as a bonus in the tutorial. (Watch the trailer at 1:25 to see how crazy it looks!) Henry also teaches a method to solve BOTH cubes at the end of your routine.

What’s included:
- Precisely-made gimmick
- 2 specially made RD Cubes
- A high-quality velvet bag
- A set of stickers (with plenty of extras)
- Full video instructions (45 mins)

Venom Cube is a complete routine ready for your show. In the tutorial, you will learn all the details, together with Henry’s tips on performing and presentation. It is perfect for stage, parlour and even close-up situations. Like Garrett Thomas said, "Venom Cube is a major step forward in cube matching effects." Let's change the world of cube magic again!


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