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Lead Generation Websites for Magicians by Tim Piccirillo eBook DOWNLOAD
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Lead Generation Websites for Magicians by Tim Piccirillo eBook DOWNLOAD
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Lead Generation Websites for Magicians by Tim Piccirillo eBook DOWNLOAD

Are you too busy to market your business as a part-time professional magician?

Or are you a full-time professional who wants more shows without investing more time on marketing?

Tim Piccirillo's ebook, "Lead Generation Websites for Magicians: How To Book More Magic Shows WITHOUT Doing Any Marketing!" shows you how to use 4 lead generation sites - Bark, Thumbtack, Gigsalad and The Bash - to book more shows WITHOUT cold emailing prospects, sending out direct mail or cold calling.

Tim Piccirillo is a professional magician and also a digital marketing consultant who's been using lead generation sites for over 2 decades. He knows what's working in the online world.

These sites do all the marketing grunt work and bring buyers of entertainment services right to you.

All you have to do is put up a profile and submit a winning proposal that gets the contract.

This ebook will explain exactly HOW to set up your profile on 4 of the biggest lead generation sites for entertainers, so that it gets attention and separates you from the pack... well as show you how to send out winning proposals that beat the competition!

Here's what you get in this content-rich ebook:

  • A 60-page ebook on lead generation websites, how they work, how to set up a profile that gets noticed and how to send out proposals that win contracts.
  • A bonus chapter on how to set up a Google My Business profile. (a powerful FREE tool that can bring you more shows!)
  • A FREE 30-minute consult with Tim to discuss your challenges in booking more shows.

1. My birthday party proposal that wins me contracts consistently.
2. And additional ebook, "The Digital Marketing System for Magicians: How to Fill Your Calendar With Shows and Dominate Your Market". The ebook shows you how to setup an online marketing system that keeps you front and center with your audience and brings you more shows.
3. My 2-email sequence to get more reviews. (Hint: online reviews are crucial today in beating your competition and getting you ranked higher in Google.)

Get this eBook package to start making more money with your magic - while spending less time and money marketing!


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