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Inspiration  by Vallarino & Bebel
Inspiration by Vallarino & Bebel
Item Number: DA8139

5 stars


Inspiration by Vallarino & Bebel

2 Volume set

Inspiration DVD is Bebel and Vallarino's take on some classic tricks from Ed Marlo. First, they show the original version described by Marlo. Then, they discuss and brainstorm on how to improve the original trick to come out with a newer version.

This is also one of the unique opportunity to watch one of the best card magician in the world perform : Bebel.

There are so few and rare footage of him, this is really worth the purchase. Bebel motivates each and every one of his moves and actions. In this DVD, you will understand why his moves are so fluid, why his action are logical and how they are motivated. Beyond the tricks and techniques explained, it is a philosophy of doing card magic described for the first time. Not to mention Jean-Pierre Vallarino, FISM winner and creator of multiple tricks and DVD's over the years, this DVD is the DVD you do not want to miss.

Volume 2
There are so few and rare footage of him, this is really worth the purchase. Bebel motivates each and every one of his moves and actions. In this DVD, you will understand why his moves are so fluid, why his action are logical and how they are motivated. Beyond the tricks and techniques explained, it is a philosophy of doing card magic described for the first time. Not to mention Jean-Pierre Vallarino, FISM winner and creator of multiple tricks and DVD's over the years, this DVD is the DVD you do not want to miss.


At the reduced price I would recommend full price, on the other hand, I would have to think a bit more. The video quality is very good. The dubbing is good and the videos shots clearly make the points. It was evident to me that both performers wanted us to learn each routine and took time to make that happen. There is a sense of intimacy in that you feel like you are eavesdropping on two greats brainstorming. Very usable material that requires an intermediate level of expertise. I enjoyed their discussions and how they advanced ideas and presentations. If you like closeup, table-top card effects this might be a valued addition to you library. Again, the price at MagicWarehouse knocked me off the fence to buy it. - Dr. Dave

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