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Item Number: DV7333

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2 Volume Set

The Declassified series is designed for the beginner who wants to take their magic to the next level. The effects you will learn are easy and visual routines that are essential for performing powerful close up magic.

The Declassified DVD on everyday objects is a collection of routines that will give your audience this impression that you can perform magic anywhere. In this collection of magic with everyday objects you will learn magic with Rings, Rubber Bands, Books, Straws, and many more items found in normal surroundings. The best thing about this DVD is that there are no coin or card tricks on the entire DVD.

Volume 1 Everyday Objects

Book Test - While the performers head is turned a spectator selects any page from an unprepared and borrowed book and remembers a word. Without looking at the page the performer can instantly reveal the thought of the word. You can literally walk up to someone ask to borrow their book and perform this miracle in seconds.

Bottle Cap Matrix - One of the easiest ways to perform this classic close-up effect.

Jumping Ring - A great quickie to perform in between routines that is very easy to do.

Cigarette Sleights - 3 Cigarette sleights that will make you look like a sleight of hand pro. Don't smoke? No problem these are great for performing with straws, crayons, and many other borrowed objects too.

Cut and Restored Straw - Perfect for restaurant workers, cafeterias, or any place you can find a straw.

Torn and Restored Sugar Packet - A borrowed sugar packet is destroyed and is instantly and visually restored back to its original conditions. This effect is something your audiences will remember for the rest of their lives.

Penetrating Rubber Bands - One of the best close-up illusions that you will carry with you and perform anywhere. This something you will do for the rest of you life.

Torn and Restored Rubber Bands - A perfect follow up to the Penetrating Rubber Bands.

Ring and Rubber Band - A shocking illusion that uses 1 ring, 1 rubber band and nothing else.

Running Time Approximately 38min

Volume 2 Double Feature
On this disc the Declassified Double Feature we have included two very visual forms of magic, Metal Bending and Color Changes.

This DVD is jam packed with practical routines that are designed for close up, intimate performances. Imagine being able to borrow a spectators keys and with no funny moves make it bend before their very own eyes, all this and so much more is possible with the Declassified DVD on Metal Bending and Color changes.

Running Time Approximately 31min


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