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Music CDs
Music CDs
Item Number: DV9852

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Music CDs

Illusionworks #1 Music For Modern Magical Performers --- Written, arranged and orchestrated by Steve Wiliford and Rand Woodbury --- Ten different songs, 20 digitilly recorded tracks. Here is music put together by a performer and an arranger who understand what a performing magician needs on stage. Here is music with an intense driving force. The kind of music used in top magic and production shows from Broadway to Las Vegas. No disco, acid rock or pumped up elevator music. Just good, solid show music.

Each of the ten songs is presented in two versions. The first version is two minutes long; the second is three minutes long. Use the track that fits your routine! No fade-out at the end of the track. And, all of the music is yours to use, royalty free!

Illusionworks #2 Magic of it All Music written, arranged and orches-trated by Steve Wiliford and Rand Woodbury - Twenty-One different songs, digitally recorded. Tracks include Set The Mood; Little Red Box; Secret Exit; In The House; The Test; Subtletease; Go East; Floating Balls; Dark Side; Get It; Levitation; Methodical; Bizarre; In The Web; In The House Ex; Glass Casket; Zig-Zagging; Pump It; Sequel; Little Buddy; Final Moment. This is music with an intense driving force. The kind of music used in top magic and produc-tion shows from Broadway to Las Vegas. And, all of the music is yours to use, royalty free!


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